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Hit or Miss


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The next person is a nerd like any of us who got started playing video games and wants to live with other people where he feels he would be among normal people he could tolerate living amongst because of similarities which would make living life NORMAL.

Why be NORMAL?

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The next person has pressed Delete to enter their BIOS setup.

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The next person was surfing the Internet back when no letters were used to surf and we had to type numbers in the address bar to get to other computers. (before ftp.address.com, org, net.etc., etc.)

Don't type random sets of 3 numbers in the address bar like this or you might find the page you open gets you more than just a box like this one does.  102.923.012

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The next person who is building a complete overhaul of a world space mod might post here next.

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Miss.  (As yet, I've only created interior cells, not worldspaces.)

The next person has used a dial-up modem before.

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Hit ( (Dashes slowly up to the kitchen.  Still doing the thirty foot climb and descend.  Although; I have been planning to get up off the couch more often.)

The next person owns a motorized trike.  The two wheeled ones get the owners called Bikers.  Do the trike owners get called Trikers.

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