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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Before keeping with the Council of Leaders quest i must say: to obtain the quest you must talk to Yes Man and choose a dialogue option like this: To govern New Vegas I will need some help


Now, to keep with the quest:


  1. Reunite with the leaders in your casino
  2. Negotiate the terms of the council

    This may be the most complex part of the quest, so I will explain it in another item.
  3. Quest finished

    well the quest may be marked as finished, but it will begin another unmarked quest to keep the leaders in the council.

Now, regarding the negotiation, this is my idea on how it could advance (asuming that all the optionals were convinced, but the optionals can be omited):


  • The king will be in good terms with Julie, neutral terms with Papa Khan and Pearl, reserved with Marcus and in bad terms with Marjorie, Canchino and Swank
  • Julie will try to keep an open mind and good relationships between the other leaders (except Canchino)
  • Papa Khan will be in good terms with Julie, neutral terms with the others, but bad terms with all of the strip
  • Marcus will be neutral with all of the others, but after some explanation will be in bad terms with Canchino
  • Pearl will be in neutral terms with all the other leaders, but will be reserved with Marcus and in bad terms with Canchino
  • Marjorie will show an open distaste for the other leaders, but will be even more distasteful to Canchino and Marcus.
  • Swank will try to keep a neutral term on all the others (except Canchino)
  • All the other leaders will demand that Chanchino is removed from the council. You can accept (This will trigger Canchino's betrayal), refuse (this will remove all the other faction members from the council, failing the following quest) or try to convince them (If this option is chosen, you will gain infamy with the other factions, every council reunion will repeat the same situation, the dificulty check will raise exponentially until all the leaders abandoned the council, this will trigger Canchino's betrayal)
  • Marjorie will demmand the removal of Marcus. You can accept, or try to convince her (if you humbled her before, the speech check will be easier). Otherwise, she will abandon the council
  • Marcus will state his wish for an open mind to the relationships between humans and supermutants, and will speak about the problems they had with the NCR in the past. Papa Khan will approve, The King will be convinced by Julie, Marjorie will remain silent, Pearl and Swank must be convinced by you.
  • Julie will ask help from the other factions to expand their operations and obtain more resources and men. The King, Papa Khan and Marcus will offer support (you can ask support from Marjorie and Swank later)
  • The King will propose a comercial relationship between Freeside, Strip and the rest of the Mojave. Papa Khan and Marcus will accept. Marjorie and Swank must be convinced by you.
  • At this point, everyone will ask for the role of the Boomers in NV. You must choose a primary role and will have three options: they can support the Followers (this will raise the health conditions in NV), keep an aerial vigilance (this will raise security in NV), or make mainteance labor (this will raise infraestructure conditions in NV). You can change this primary role every reunion
  • Marjorie will ask for some independence and less interaction between the White Glove and the outside (to keep their exclusive status). You can accept and stablish some income terms with them (if you get too gredy the will abandon the council), or convince her to be more cooperative if you humbled her, this will raise the health conditions in the Mojave
  • Swank will state his concern about the security of NV. At this point you can begin to stablish the military force of NV: first, by asking the other factions to spare some of their men to the military force (Except the kings, who you can ask to assist in the security of the Strip, but you must convince Marjorie and Swank to accept). Depending on your decitions during this stage is the shape will have your army, their strenghts and weakneses.
  • At least, Papa Khan will ask for the relationships with the other territories, specially the NCR. This will reflect in the NV diplomacy. If you want to stablish an alliance with the NCR, you must pass a speech check with Papa Khan or he will abandon the council and you will gain Khans infamy.
  • The reunion will conclude and Yes Man will report the results

After this first reunion, you can ask Yes Man to call for another reunion whenever you want, but this option will have a cooldown of a week. Sometimes a member of the council can call you for a radiant quest that will reflect in their permanence in the council, and sometimes they can call for a reunion to resolve a grave problem

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Good mod idea but would take a lot of effort.

Depends on what is done in the mod


As for Yes Man, dev team has said before that Yes Man's new code literally is harmless and is just making him more assertive.

Do you have a source to link to, I'd like to read more about the subject.


Hes not betraying you, hes not going to turn on you, it's just him not being such a Yes Man anymore.

This is my concept/plot line of Yesman, from a previous post;


Yesman becomes much more self directed and begins to evolve after the battle of Hoover, however his evolution is at least partly dependent on the courier. If the courier is a cruel and merciless ruler, Yesman observes that human life is has little value other than as a means to an end and will learn treachery (eventually attempting to usurp the courier, and possibly even sanitizing the city of less than perfect human life). However, if the courier is a benevolent ruler, Yesman will learn empathy and the value of human (and other) life under the couriers tutelage. He will devote his time and personal growth to providing the best possible choices to the citizens of New Vegas. Eventually this will result in Yesman becoming the first democratically elected non human/AI Mayor of New Vegas (as the courier was never slated to spend the rest of his/her days in one location).

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[Add edit : Also upgrades I think should be attainable through other story components. For example the player infiltrates a BOS base in normal game play ... and finds some tech , that then unlocks content for a battle arena. Just an example off the top of my head.

tying the upgrades into the quest line stories would have the advantage of making the arenas less "disjointed" from the rest of game play.

I think I could make some impressive securitron upgrades.

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Now, regarding the following council reunions, as I said before, those can be called by Yes Man when you ask him for it. Those reunion quests will be radiant, will be important to contribute to the NV management and will work the following way:


  • From the moment the council is called, you have two days to attend the reunion. If you fail to attend after those days, the quest will fail and some random aspects of NV will decrease. This may also cause some leaders to abandon the council.
  • When you attend the reunion in the Lucky 38, the leaders will make some general reports that may lead to some radiant quests.
  • Marcus will report about trade routes. This will make you manage trade routes between towns and may lead to quests regarding raiders or relationships between caravans and towns.
  • Julie will report about the status of the Followers and health conditions in the Mojave. This will make you manage the health conditions and may lead to radiant quests to build some Followers camps and some recruitment quests as well as refugee quests.
  • The King will report about Freeside security (and the Strip security if you got to convince Marjorie and Swank) This will make you manage Freeside and Strip conditions and may lead you to raider, thugs or inner relationships quests.
  • At this point you can ask the income from Marjorie if you allowed her to keep their independence (you can also manage the income value. If you raise it, obviously you get more caps, if you reduce it, you get privileges from the White Glove Society, but if you reduce it too much, you will gain infamy from Freeside and may cause The King to abandon the council). Or you can ask her to report the status about the feeding in the Mojave and she may request you to obtain some ingredients (this will make you manage the status of the farms in the Mojave and may lead to quests about killing creatures to get their meat or get plants).
  • Swank will report about the economic aspect of the Strip and will give you the income from the casinos. This may lead to quests regarding merchants who neglected to pay their incomes or who have requests for you.
  • Papa Khan will report about the security in the western and southern frontiers as well as the chem traffic. This may lead to quests regarding Caesar's Legion skirmishes or some NCR (invaders or diplomatic) quests, or raiders or trafficants quests as well as to get materials to make chems.
  • Pearl will report about security in the eastern and northern frontiers as well as troop status. This will make you manage the troops and may lead to quests regarding Caesar's Legion skirmishes or some NCR (invaders or diplomatic) quests, or raiders quests, as well as quests to get some materials to make weapons.
  • At this point Yes Man will report the results of the reunion and will dismiss the leaders.
Edited by ElrazielMoon
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Now, regarding the following council reunions, as I said before, those can be called by Yes Man when you ask him for it. Those reunion quests will be radiant,

Sorry, working so I haven't had a chance to review your last couple of posts in detail, but I wanted to address the radiant subject. I don't think we have Radiant mechanics in FONV, I think they are started in Skyrim. Plus I really don't think you would want them, as they can be tedious, since they are so repetitive. I wouldn't think it would make sense for this kind of a quest.

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Now, regarding the following council reunions, as I said before, those can be called by Yes Man when you ask him for it. Those reunion quests will be radiant,

Sorry, working so I haven't had a chance to review your last couple of posts in detail, but I wanted to address the radiant subject. I don't think we have Radiant mechanics in FONV, I think they are started in Skyrim. Plus I really don't think you would want them, as they can be tedious, since they are so repetitive. I wouldn't think it would make sense for this kind of a quest.


Okay, I understand. Then it may not be a radiant quest, but a quest line for every faction

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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdy all , sorry I've been gone for ahwile. Was out of town without internet ... but I had my comp to be working on the arena.

That sounds like some good idea's ElrazielMoon , on the Council Quest structure :thumbsup:

Sounds like it might be good to set it up in a terminal , sort of a probability matrix that you plug in values and it spits out a return. To see how things work out before investing the time to make it render in game. Also would be good for the player to be able look at the status of things in one place , rather than see it through dialogue or quest objectives , that then needs the player to visualize the bigger picture from the pieces of information.

Could turn off the simple input/result later after the in game render is done , or leave it , whatever?


Anyways to give ya'll an update with the arena. Just got done placing the structures and all the navmesh. 20ish cells between X 25 to X 32 ... egadds I'm seeing triangles everywhere now in the real world , and how to place them around stuff :nuke: :wacko:

I think your right devin ... we should try to reuse navmeshed areas.

Which I will be saving the state of files before they get stuff added to complete the arena.


So at this juncture , I'm going to need some help from you guys to tell me what level the player should be , how many SPECIAL and skill pts they should have ?

The level ranges for the Legion units , and what type of weapons they should be using.

Or if there is some specific ones in the object tree to duplicate for use ?

And then also same thing about the securitrons.

I don't want to discuss and tell you guys to much about how I will set it up. Because I want you to have that initial first time played reaction to guage things. Then after that we will discuss how/what to change. And I need the ranges so it's not horribly skewed out of balance , and we basically waste your first impression on that.


I'm hoping I can have it running in a week or 2 for your first testing ... and I'll have internet access , so I'll be around.

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Sounds like it might be good to set it up in a terminal , sort of a probability matrix that you plug in values and it spits out a return. To see how things work out before investing the time to make it render in game. Also would be good for the player to be able look at the status of things in one place , rather than see it through dialogue or quest objectives , that then needs the player to visualize the bigger picture from the pieces of information.

Could turn off the simple input/result later after the in game render is done , or leave it , whatever?

could you expand a little on this, I think it went over my head.


So at this juncture , I'm going to need some help from you guys to tell me what level the player should be , how many SPECIAL and skill pts they should have ?

I'm not sure there is really a accurate number. There are vids of peeps beating NV at very low levels on youtube (IIRC). Maybe go off of the level requirements for one of the DLCs? OWB is 15 up to LR which is 30.


I wanted a bit of feed back on two topics.


1. is Emily Ortal, she essentially created Yesman, and I think she should be brought back into the story. She essentially bypassed Mr. House's security (albeit on an originally plain/vanilla securitron), and essentially created an AI. All this apparently without even a strong background in programming or robotics (at least that I can see from teh wiki), as she is a physician (?). Maybe she's just a F'n genius or a savant in these areas.


2. The securitron vault. I'd like to hear what people would like to use it for (if it becomes accesible) and how to balance it's abilities in game (can't be making a unending stream of securitrons, that kind of imbalance would trivialize the game). Also any ideas for some interesting rooms within.


I was also thinking of upgrades that fit with NV lore and the couriers travels. Two I thought might be interesting.


1. plasma powered rockets (engines), ala the Z43-521P in the REPCONN Aerospace facility. So besides a pretty green effect they would increase the speed of the missiles considerably. While awesome for a player weapon, I'm not sure how much it will increase NPCs combat effectiveness.


2. Green gatling laser (maybe named x-35) based on the AER14 prototype or perhaps the Sprtel-Wood 9700 tech.


Of course both upgrades would require the courier running across the tech as a base and additional resources and research to complete for a field ready securitron weapon.

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Hey nice to see ya back devin ... just hearing a Hello Helps.


Okies lets back the truck up , for what will happen for Player controlled securitrons , against fleeing Legion peoples . My first question would be ... should there be women and children in the Legions group ?


Next think of 2-4 weapons the securitron would use . What should they be ?

This is the base of them ... of course more will be added later.


But also you should know there is another robot in the mix ... The Handy bot .

This bot collects resources and builds / repairs things.

And its attack should be mele , maybe a short range flame thrower ?

Besides these 2 units , there is also turrets , placed where the player chooses.

All the way infront of their base if it could get built ... most likely strategic land locations.


I decided the Isometric view ... should be an upgrade available from a structure.

Not a basic ability of the game. Place a com unit , similar to turret unit. That the player can then view the battle field from radio tower height , and move between com unit placement.

Plus they can be used as rally points for troops.

By the way ... when the upgrade is built for com unit. The main base becomes the first com unit.

And how com units and turrets will work ... The player selects to build an inventory unit in the manufacture bay. Then they go pick it up from the bay. And drop it where they think it would be good.

For robots ... they have a building which builds them ... incase that wasn't clear/ There is more but better you just see it in game.

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