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Sounds like it might be good to set it up in a terminal , sort of a probability matrix that you plug in values and it spits out a return. To see how things work out before investing the time to make it render in game. Also would be good for the player to be able look at the status of things in one place , rather than see it through dialogue or quest objectives , that then needs the player to visualize the bigger picture from the pieces of information.

Could turn off the simple input/result later after the in game render is done , or leave it , whatever?

could you expand a little on this, I think it went over my head.


Sorry I missed this for some reason ... Okies the way to explain it ... imagine what ElrazielMoon suggested playing out in a room with npc idle/actions/dialogue . The game pauses so to speak at points waiting for player dialogue input.

And at the end of the room scene , it calculates and sets variables putting in game events into action , now or later upon player location interaction.

But instead of spending the time to make it render in game for test ... we just set up a terminal to simulate the council meeting in a general text response / player input (the gist of it) which then sets the variables for down the road render. And we can set up and test that easily without having to change the on screen render every time. Plus it will make a nice template for the final render set up.


So at this juncture , I'm going to need some help from you guys to tell me what level the player should be , how many SPECIAL and skill pts they should have ?

I'm not sure there is really a accurate number. There are vids of peeps beating NV at very low levels on youtube (IIRC). Maybe go off of the level requirements for one of the DLCs? OWB is 15 up to LR which is 30.


Okies thanks ... and I'm gona keep the Legion to simpler weaps (but they can have a sniper rifle right ?)... and the suicide run being a nice edition :wink:


I wanted a bit of feed back on two topics.


1. is Emily Ortal, she essentially created Yesman, and I think she should be brought back into the story. She essentially bypassed Mr. House's security (albeit on an originally plain/vanilla securitron), and essentially created an AI. All this apparently without even a strong background in programming or robotics (at least that I can see from teh wiki), as she is a physician (?). Maybe she's just a F'n genius or a savant in these areas.


Hmm what's your angle with her ? But sounds an interesting avenue to explore.


2. The securitron vault. I'd like to hear what people would like to use it for (if it becomes accesible) and how to balance it's abilities in game (can't be making a unending stream of securitrons, that kind of imbalance would trivialize the game). Also any ideas for some interesting rooms within.


At the very least ... could be how the player turns on the means for the battle arenas ... something in the way of mobile factory ?


I was also thinking of upgrades that fit with NV lore and the couriers travels. Two I thought might be interesting.


1. plasma powered rockets (engines), ala the Z43-521P in the REPCONN Aerospace facility. So besides a pretty green effect they would increase the speed of the missiles considerably. While awesome for a player weapon, I'm not sure how much it will increase NPCs combat effectiveness.


2. Green gatling laser (maybe named x-35) based on the AER14 prototype or perhaps the Sprtel-Wood 9700 tech.


Of course both upgrades would require the courier running across the tech as a base and additional resources and research to complete for a field ready securitron weapon.


I guess I should explain something about the player in the arena. Their inventory would get taken , and then given a scenario specific inventory. Player used items , will also be upgraded ... mostly through new items that add features.

Unit upgrades will be more along the lines of better equipment.

And then there is the follower factor ... still wondering how they should be integrated , but at first would not adjust them at all.

Just a mention because we earlier discussed upgrades in the arena through regular game play. Thereby if its for the regular game play , then doesn't matter to the arena.



By the way ... sorry this is taking longer than the 2 weeks I mentioned . Thinking in the virtual world I forgot about RL and all :geek:


But once the code structure is set up , will be easy to adjust & create more.

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I'm gona keep the Legion to simpler weaps (but they can have a sniper rifle right ?)... and the suicide run being a nice edition :wink:

High ranking Legion have AM rifles, so I doubt they'd shy away from using sniper rifles....they have marksman rifles too.


Any thoughts on the suicide troopers assets. Off the top of my head the double hand grenade and suicide vest are the first to come to mind. The suicide vest would have different mechanics than the double hand grenade, because a chest hit would explode the kamikaze (which potentially allows you to take out foes). The double grenade is a bit more tricky since you can't really light them up, but it will do far less damage than the explosive vest.

Anyway let me know, as I'm going to be working in blender tonight and I can put some of it together. While I haven't made double grenades before I'm fairly confident the dummy model will work.



Just a mention because we earlier discussed upgrades in the arena through regular game play. Thereby if its for the regular game play , then doesn't matter to the arena.


Yeah these are for regular gameplay, which is why the courier needs to have come across them in his/her travels.


But in regard to the arena as a whole, I don't want to step on your toes (as it applies to creative freedom), however if your arena mod is linked to mine, I need for the arena to follow normal game play *or* virtual world game play, but not a hybrid of either/both.

VR mode has a lot of advantages (ie you can set combat variables through a terminal or dialog with yesman, replay scenarios, can manipulate inventory of troops with impunity etc etc). VR mode's major downside is that you can't take equipement back to the main world, but you can take perks, experience and challenges for the player back to reality. There may be some other minor downsides with VR, like having to initiate it via a VR pod or saying "Yesman begin simulation) in dialog, but that's pretty minor. Oh and when you use real world locations for VR you have to "clean up" after yourself so there is no indication of the simulation running in the world once the battle is over.

I'd strongly urge you to consider the VR world, as it fixes a lot of problems and doesn't have all that much overhead.


On the other hand if you want it to be exclusively real world, you can do it, but you'll have to have a real world dynamic and explanations for everything that goes on. For example a mini adventure for acquiring the satellite control to enable isometric view, a real world dynamic for why and how/who takes the weapons to remove them from the equation, etc.

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High ranking Legion have AM rifles, so I doubt they'd shy away from using sniper rifles....they have marksman rifles too.



I just was using sniper rifle as a general term , so they don't have to actually be sniper rifles ... just a marksman rifle from a crows nest or hill top position will do the trick.


Any thoughts on the suicide troopers assets. Off the top of my head the double hand grenade and suicide vest are the first to come to mind. The suicide vest would have different mechanics than the double hand grenade, because a chest hit would explode the kamikaze (which potentially allows you to take out foes). The double grenade is a bit more tricky since you can't really light them up, but it will do far less damage than the explosive vest.

Anyway let me know, as I'm going to be working in blender tonight and I can put some of it together. While I haven't made double grenades before I'm fairly confident the dummy model will work.


I like both ... a little boom , and a big boom . Which I will just set them up to trigger an explosion with a getdistance check. Then we can add your armor assets to them when their done. But for the tutorial scenario , will be sparce with those.



But in regard to the arena as a whole, I don't want to step on your toes (as it applies to creative freedom), however if your arena mod is linked to mine, I need for the arena to follow normal game play *or* virtual world game play, but not a hybrid of either/both.


Well the inventory needs taken , simply because it introduces so many factors to throw the balance out.

And I'm not set on leaving no dead bodies / loot. But if the engine is choking , that will be one of the first things to go.

But I just thought of how it could be both real world and VR . The player controls a robot unit from their VR pod. I guess like Mr House with a securitron ? But we just put the player in a unique set of armor that they can't unequip. Which then healing will be done via the handybots repair function for anywhere ... but also the manufacture bays. Does that sound like something that would work ? I guess from an earlier comment , you had said something about having the player look through the eyes of a securitron.

But I think that would be pretty hard , and also use up to much in the way of engine assets.

So why not say it's a new prototype found at the vault where the securitrons are manufactured ?



For the first of this as an edition to your story mod. I'm just concentrating on the player character always being in control of the robot army. But down the road I can see it branching out into playing against the robot army. Which then could figure out a different way than a robot suit of armor. Just not going to worry about that for now.

And soon you'll have a better grasp of the issues and potential of it as an additional gameplay feature when you see it.

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Sorry I missed this for some reason ... Okies the way to explain it ... imagine what ElrazielMoon suggested playing out in a room with npc idle/actions/dialogue . The game pauses so to speak at points waiting for player dialogue input.

And at the end of the room scene , it calculates and sets variables putting in game events into action , now or later upon player location interaction.

But instead of spending the time to make it render in game for test ... we just set up a terminal to simulate the council meeting in a general text response / player input (the gist of it) which then sets the variables for down the road render. And we can set up and test that easily without having to change the on screen render every time. Plus it will make a nice template for the final render set up.



You mean like a virtual chat?

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I had an idea for a diplomacy system to define the NCR relationship and the NCR quest that will be triggered. First, the name ideas I had were as follows:

anti NCR: Bear with Us


pro NCR: The Western Alliance


Now, regarding the system, I was thinking on a numeric system based in your decitions before the ending:

  • It will take a base number regarding your reputation with the NCR. From Neutral (0) to Idolized (50). If you were less than neutral, it will begin the wuest Bear with us.
  • If you killed all the Fiends leaders: +5
  • If you failed to kill some of the Fiends leaders: -5
  • If you failed to kill all the Fiends leaders: -10
  • If you completed Cass quest in the peaceful way: +5
  • If you killed all the great Kahns before the ending, or refused to include Papa Kahn in the council: +5
  • If you accepted Papa Kahn in the council: -5
  • If you convinced the Kahns to break their alliance with Caesar: +5
  • If you refused Marcus in the council: +5
  • If you accepted Marcus in the council: -5
  • If you completed G.I. Blues in the peaceful way: +5
  • If you helped the Misfits with the good person or the training option: +5
  • If you helped the Misfits with the altered records or the jet option: -5
  • If you completed Boone quest: +5
  • If you killed Eddie: +5
  • If you completed ¿Why cannot be friends? in Cooke's favor: -5
  • If somehow Chief Hanlon died: -100 (This trigger the Bear with Us quest)
  • If you helped Chief Hanlon with the misinformation plan: +5
  • If you convinced Chief Hanlon to stop with the misinformation plan: +10
  • If you killed Caesar: +10
  • If you spared Legate Lanius: -5
  • If you killed Legate Lanius: +5 (but you will lose some of the coolest quests)
  • If you assisted Bitter Springs: +5
  • If you assisted Forlorn Hope: +5

After all this, the results are as follows


  • 0 - 49: Triggers the Bear with Us quest
  • 50 - 74: Begins the Tense Relationships quest: three missions to raise the relationship system to 76, depending on your way of resolving them: One for some Caesar survivors, one for the Kahns and one for the supermutants. The options are violent: +10 or diplomatic (convince the NCR contact) +5. Failing one of them or being unable to reach the 75 objective will trigger the Bear with Us quest
  • 75 - 100: Begins the quest Western Alliance

If the relationship System was more than 50, you will be contacted by Chief (Senator) Hanlon if you helped him with the misinformation plan, or Senator Allice McAllister otherwise

Edited by ElrazielMoon
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Sorry I missed this for some reason ... Okies the way to explain it ... imagine what ElrazielMoon suggested playing out in a room with npc idle/actions/dialogue . The game pauses so to speak at points waiting for player dialogue input.

And at the end of the room scene , it calculates and sets variables putting in game events into action , now or later upon player location interaction.

But instead of spending the time to make it render in game for test ... we just set up a terminal to simulate the council meeting in a general text response / player input (the gist of it) which then sets the variables for down the road render. And we can set up and test that easily without having to change the on screen render every time. Plus it will make a nice template for the final render set up.



You mean like a virtual chat?



Nah , more like reading one of those adventure story books ... would have actual dialogue where needed to explain something. But slimmed down , at least to start ... then add more to it as the final render comes more into focus. And maybe even think of it as a screen play.

But the point being ... it does not have to be completely built in order for what takes place there to make changes in the world.

Because I can see a very nuanced final render going on there ... with npc converstions , running packages to do idles , all kinds of stuff for those little touches. But this way would take away the road block factor to working on stuff it will effect.

And once it has served it's purpose for creation, can be turned off , or spruced up and left as an alternate means for the player to use instead of always going through the room render.

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I had an idea for a diplomacy system to define the NCR relationship and the NCR quest that will be triggered. First, the name ideas I had were as follows:


anti NCR: Bear with Us


pro NCR: The Western Alliance


Now, regarding the system, I was thinking on a numeric system based in your decitions before the ending:


  • It will take a base number regarding your reputation with the NCR. From Neutral (0) to Idolized (50). If you were less than neutral, it will begin the wuest Bear with us.
  • If you killed all the Fiends leaders: +5
  • If you failed to kill some of the Fiends leaders: -5
  • If you failed to kill all the Fiends leaders: -10
  • If you completed Cass quest in the peaceful way: +5
  • If you killed all the great Kahns before the ending, or refused to include Papa Kahn in the council: +5
  • If you accepted Papa Kahn in the council: -5
  • If you convinced the Kahns to break their alliance with Caesar: +5
  • If you refused Marcus in the council: +5
  • If you accepted Marcus in the council: -5
  • If you completed G.I. Blues in the peaceful way: +5
  • If you helped the Misfits with the good person or the training option: +5
  • If you helped the Misfits with the altered records or the jet option: -5
  • If you completed Boone quest: +5
  • If you killed Eddie: +5
  • If you completed ¿Why cannot be friends? in Cooke's favor: -5
  • If somehow Chief Hanlon died: -100 (This trigger the Bear with Us quest)
  • If you helped Chief Hanlon with the misinformation plan: +5
  • If you convinced Chief Hanlon to stop with the misinformation plan: +10
  • If you killed Caesar: +10 : FortCaesarRef.GetDead
  • If you spared Legate Lanius: -5
  • If you killed Legate Lanius: +5 (but you will lose some of the coolest quests)
  • If you assisted Bitter Springs: +5
  • If you assisted Forlorn Hope: +5

After all this, the results are as follows


  • 0 - 49: Triggers the Bear with Us quest
  • 50 - 74: Begins the Tense Relationships quest: three missions to raise the relationship system to 76, depending on your way of resolving them: One for some Caesar survivors, one for the Kahns and one for the supermutants. The options are violent: +10 or diplomatic (convince the NCR contact) +5. Failing one of them or being unable to reach the 75 objective will trigger the Bear with Us quest
  • 75 - 100: Begins the quest Western Alliance

If the relationship System was more than 50, you will be contacted by Chief (Senator) Hanlon if you helped him with the misinformation plan, or Senator Allice McAllister otherwise


I like your idea for diplomacy here. Just wondering if you would be up for some investigation , probably mostly in game with the console. But may need the Geck / FNV-Edit to find form IDs.

Because we will need variables to check against from within someones save file to set things that already happened.

With each of those find something we can set as true/false.

For example : "FortCaesarRef.GetDead" should return 0 or 1 (not sure if right Ref ID)

Then just put that next to the line in your post like I did above with green text... so we could refer to it when writing the script.

Accepting leaders of course doesn't need this , since it is something that had not happened yet.


Add Edit : Well that ref ID is correct ... but the console says it is not , so not sure what up with that. And using the form id "00121FF0" that refers to the reference , says it doesn't recognize the command.


I guess I'll do a test script to see what that returns. And also lets wait and see devins thoughts on it before you invest time into it . Maybe I'm off base with how much time it may take during the geck work ?

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I like your idea for diplomacy here. Just wondering if you would be up for some investigation , probably mostly in game with the console. But may need the Geck / FNV-Edit to find form IDs.

Because we will need variables to check against from within someones save file to set things that already happened.

With each of those find something we can set as true/false.

For example : "FortCaesarRef.GetDead" should return 0 or 1 (not sure if right Ref ID)

Then just put that next to the line in your post like I did above with green text... so we could refer to it when writing the script.

Accepting leaders of course doesn't need this , since it is something that had not happened yet.


Add Edit : Well that ref ID is correct ... but the console says it is not , so not sure what up with that. And using the form id "00121FF0" that refers to the reference , says it doesn't recognize the command.


I guess I'll do a test script to see what that returns. And also lets wait and see devins thoughts on it before you invest time into it . Maybe I'm off base with how much time it may take during the geck work ?



Sorry, I am not programmer, i am comic artist, so i can help with argumental ideas. I have been thinking in the main NCR quest

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Sorry, I am not programmer, i am comic artist, so i can help with argumental ideas. I have been thinking in the main NCR quest



Yes I know that ... I really do pay attention to what you write , incase it seems I don't.

But you have played the game , and know how to use the console ? Plus familiar with previous story points.

So going along with coming up with story content ( which I want you to know is an important piece in and of itself)

Not only will you help us get it done for game render ... but then also start to understand limitations of the engine that might apply to your story input. So my question was sort of a two fold towards getting ready for upload.


But !!! lets wait for devin to chime in on it. And just ponder my question for now , if it's even something you can or want to do.

Also ... soon will need play testing done , which as geck creators , we cannot play test things for how they will be perceived prior to knowing something. So hoping you are up for that ;)

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OK, I'll be doing some modding tonight, so I'll try and chime in re: recent posts.

I wanted to bring up some previous ideas I'd posted earlier in the thread (that tie into each other), but were hidden under the mass of this thread. One is Marilyn the securitron. There's ref's to her in cut files that were never implemented, but one of the couriers followers mentions Mr Houses sex bots (paraphrase, might have been veronica). This ties into my idea that Mr. House would have had a (or several) VR worlds. I mean I shudder to think that there was sexual activity that involved a bot that resembles a mini tank :sad: However in a VR world Marilyn and Jane could have appeared to be living breathing women.

I'v done some work putting together Marilyn as a follower, and even though our voice actress has gone MIA from the scene, I'd still like to complete her (here's a few of her vids);



I'll fill in more when I have some time to post, but essentially her quest is to have an android body. Some plot issues haven't been addressed yet, like why did House have her dismantled, or did something else happen to her. Perhaps her consciousness is trapped in the VR and it's just an issue with her securitron body, or perhaps something far more sinister happened to Marilyn at House's hands.


Second in re: to House's VR world, it would add variety (new settings) and could be a data treasure trove. House's VR world could be favorite resort spots (ie tropical paradise), his neighborhood as a adolescent, pre-war vegas, his favorite RPG/dungeon crawler video game etc. There's a lot of possibilities here, to spend what waking time he had after the apocalypse in recreation, learning or what have you......especially when your body is an atrophied, near cadaver, in the real world.


While it might be interesting to explore just for the novelty, valuable data files could also be discovered in the VR worlds. House's personal history, leads for quests and info on technical/scientific pre-war wonders could be just the start. Remember House had his hands in a ton of stuff, it seems like anything tech related uses Robco as a sort of fallback/default manufacturer/creator. His tech includes (but is not limited to) robots, the pipboy, hibernation chambers, Aerospace, the unified operatiing system (UOS) almost all terminals use, stealth boys etc. These and possibly more are his creations or tech that he has (well had) a controlling interest in. Essentially I'm highlighting the technological boon that these data treasures could bequeath.



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