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Vortex vs NMM? Confused


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Vortex can do what NMM does and it already has loot rules built into it.


I used to be an NMM fan, but have switched to Vortex, the only thing Vortex needs is the ability to drag and drop in the load order.

Thanks a lot for the answer. Is it possible for me to move from NMM without need to reinstall the game with all it's mods? I have 234 active plugins in my installation atm and it's dead stable so I would only move if there would be IMPORT function that would not mess everything up. Thanks again

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Vortex can do what NMM does and it already has loot rules built into it.


I used to be an NMM fan, but have switched to Vortex, the only thing Vortex needs is the ability to drag and drop in the load order.

Thanks a lot for the answer. Is it possible for me to move from NMM without need to reinstall the game with all it's mods? I have 234 active plugins in my installation atm and it's dead stable so I would only move if there would be IMPORT function that would not mess everything up. Thanks again




You -Should- be able to use the "Migration"/Import" feature of Vortex in order to switch to Vortex.

I'm not sure how well it works.


If you have a perfectly stable game though, why not just keep things the way they are until your game messes up?


I currently am running Skyrim SE with Wryebash and NMM, and running FO4 with Vortex (Because I just reinstalled FO4), and soon to be running FONV with Vortex with it too.

But I'm leaving the Skyrim SE setup the way it is because it's working nicely right now.

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I'm back after a 9 month absence, and I intended to resume my FO4 modding spree, but, my NMM seems to be obsolete, can't seem to find a way to update to the new "non-official" versions and I find that a new thing called Vortex seems to be the manager supported by Nexus now? The plot thickens. Dunno what to do. :geek:

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I am new to nexus and dl NMM but it has a .252 ext. and I am not sure what that is and the program will not install.

not sure what vortex dose either, would use it if NMM will not work. I am just using mods from the games mod list right now "Fallout 4" by the way.

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I'm back after a 9 month absence, and I intended to resume my FO4 modding spree, but, my NMM seems to be obsolete, can't seem to find a way to update to the new "non-official" versions and I find that a new thing called Vortex seems to be the manager supported by Nexus now? The plot thickens. Dunno what to do. :geek:

>> If you have not been playing this game during 9 months, you would have to update some mods for sure. My recommendation is to jump to Vortex and forget about NMM.

If I understood it correctly, Nexus hired the author of Mod Organizer to work on Vortex, to replace the NMM. It is supposed to be the best of both, and much more. I haven't taken the plunge yet, but I've been holding out for it, and plan to use it when I start my next new game.


>> You understood correctly. Vortex was created by Tannin, the same MO2's author and Vortex is now the number one mod manager available in Nexus.

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