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PSA: 0.16.0 is a major update, please read what that means


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The new version 0.16.0 (currently only in testing) is a major update. This doesn't really mean that it's super large or anything. The changes aren't pure additions but may force you to change how you use Vortex.


The reason I'm mentioning this for the 0.16.0 is this: This version changes the directory structure where downloads are stored. (*)

Vortex will automatically move your downloads to match the new structure so ideally you shouldn't have to do much except for selecting the download dir and wait for all moves to be complete.


However there is no "inverse" migration if you go from 0.16.0 to an older version. This means once you're updated to 0.16.0 you can't go back. Or rather: If you go back Vortex won't find your downloads anymore.


This version also contains updates to hundreds of third-party libraries used by Vortex. This may fix issues we didn't cause directly, improve security and performance and all the other good stuff updates bring with them, but there is a good chance that they will also introduce new bugs. (hopefully fewer new bugs than got fixed)


(*) This is primarily to make configuration easier and to address issues related to cases where multiple games that are individual games in vortex but are one section on Nexus Mods (e.g. Skyrim VR and Fallout VR sharing the Nexus section with SSE and Fallout 4 respectively).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i downloaded this test version and found a small issue.

Somehow it failed to move the files over to another folder/map.

What i detected was that several files where not moved or properly copied so they became corrupted.

When i started vortex to sort the mods with loot it showed alot of mssing files (xpmsse ) and a few other mods where completely missing.

The drive where the mods was is my pciex4 ssd and the folder/map i made new is on a normal sata drive, ofcourse there is a huge difference in speed between these 2 but that should not be the issue. After i redownloaded the files and or placed them from a copy elsewhere on my machine to vortex the game started normal again.

However i think some other files might became corrupt because the game shows now white characters with black faces.

Performance wise i love the this new version.

So there are some things to solve related to the move of files and why the installed ones got corrupted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, we know where the downloads are, but where are the mods now?


My directory structure before 0.16.0 was


D:\Games\Mods\Fallout 4\Downloads\

D:\Games\Mods\Fallout 4\Mods\


Now it's D:\Games\Vortex Downloads\fallout4\


so where are the archives being unzipped and extracted, and then being hard-linked from?

I hope it's not somewhere on my C:\ drive because I keep that only for my OS

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In regard to Vortex versions 0.16.x, am I correct in assuming that there is a default downloads directory (albeit one reflecting the new directory structure) in addition to a custom option? Currently I am using 0.15.9 and its default paths and directories. I would like to continue to use the default paths in 0.16.5 because, quite frankly, I get a bit confused when I start customizing things. (I know how to customize the paths and directories, but life is a bit easier for me if I have defaults!)

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Yes, there is a default. When you migrate to 0.16 there will be a dialog asking you where to place download but it should have something reasonable preset.


Prior to 0.16 the default would be %appdata%/vortex/<gameid>/downloads

Starting with 0.16 it will be %appdata%/vortex/downloads/<gameid>


Btw.: Everyone would have an easier life if they used the defaults unless they really really have to customise. ;)

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I am reporting no problem at all when updated to the new version. The only thing I did was to choose where to place my downloads and I decided to create a new folder in my C:\Documents\VORTEX DOWNLOADS .... and now I have two 2 folders, one for each game ( Skyrim and Fallout 4 ) and I already tried to play both of them and no problem whatsoever.

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All hail Vortex, the lord of mod managers! Today I took the 0.16.x plunge, upgrading Vortex from 0.15.9 to 0.16.5. I did so with some trepidation because of the change in download directory structure. Mirabile dictu the transition to 0.16.5 was flawless. The upgrade process was almost instantaneous because I use (and have always used) the default paths. Furthermore, all of the metadata transferred, and there are no duplicates in my mod lists. Thank you, Tannin42, for this wonderful mod manager.

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I am running 16.5, but I swear it never did a migration for the download directory. It was and still is I:\Vortex\Downloads. I like it there.

Editorial comment: I do not like %appdata% as a base for anything large, like downloads. That is a semi-hidden directory, and I like to be aware of space used.

Unfortunately - I have no better suggestion for a default. It is just one I won't use.


I thought this was a new post. 22 August - that may be outside my memory range. In which case, all is good. I like 16.5 so far.

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