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Tbh, my biggest wish would be that someone reverse engineers Fo76 and brings many engine improvements, features and the whole worldspace (then filled with quests and NPCs) to Fo4.


Fo76 won't be what we want. They could've made an ESO like game, but with mods and stuff. That would have been great.

I think we will get nothing of that.

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Tbh, my biggest wish would be that someone reverse engineers Fo76 and brings many engine improvements, features and the whole worldspace (then filled with quests and NPCs) to Fo4.


Fo76 won't be what we want. They could've made an ESO like game, but with mods and stuff. That would have been great.

I think we will get nothing of that.


Even if nothing like today's modders are able to mod for it, the people who still know their way around in the computer kernel and languages with a desire to, will make it better for their own fun.


While the rest of us, hangers on, will put up with the the way Fallout 76 is, that is we will, until Bethesda can't keep the modding crowd from carving it up, like the Thanksgiving Turkey, themselves

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Fallout by Interplay, the very first version, is a treasure with all parts of the U. S. map. I haven't played it in years. The change of company people controlling how Fallout was made happened and Fallout 3 was the result of people's egos who took over the build. If you haven't played Fallout point and click version you might find you like it. Or not!


Interplay Entertainment (founded as Interplay Productions) is the company that published Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. In my opinion they are the owners of the Fallout franchise. They were the minds behind the Fallout series creation and always will be the greats that put it into our lives.


Bethesda's doing a great job with the way they play the market.


I wonder if BGS could've made a straight remake out the first two games instead of making their own thing. Not sure about "egos", but that recent Noclip documentary did shed some light on how people in BGS treat their games - specifically that they're okay with not finishing them and releasing them unpolished, the writer seemed to have no clue about what his own games were about, and for some reason it made me think that the IP was taken away from the original developers in a not most decent manner.


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Tbh, my biggest wish would be that someone reverse engineers Fo76 and brings many engine improvements, features and the whole worldspace (then filled with quests and NPCs) to Fo4.


Fo76 won't be what we want. They could've made an ESO like game, but with mods and stuff. That would have been great.

I think we will get nothing of that.


Even if nothing like today's modders are able to mod for it, the people who still know their way around in the computer kernel and languages with a desire to, will make it better for their own fun.


While the rest of us, hangers on, will put up with the the way Fallout 76 is, that is we will, until Bethesda can't keep the modding crowd from carving it up, like the Thanksgiving Turkey, themselves



I don't consider Fallout 4 a game in a habitual sense. It's more of a vast, flexible platform for people to add their own things. I really hope there will be a way to make F76 into something like that.


Bethesda's Fallout games go way too far from the original, fundamentally breaking lore, and they can't stand on their own because of inconsistencies and just downright silly world-building side-stories. I tried so hard to suspend my disbelief and make the world and the story work for me for a whole year of playing it, but at some point I had to give it up. I'm now having fun exploring all the quest mods and other seemingly lore-breaking mods.

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Thats why they hate FNV, some of the Obsidian Team where from the original Interplay/Bioware teams. It was intended as a spiritual successor to Fallout 1 and 2, thats why they have Geckos in it as FO2 had them (there was a hunting mission, I think the companion Sulik also gave you a bonus or somesuch to it).

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Fallout by Interplay, the very first version, is a treasure with all parts of the U. S. map. I haven't played it in years. The change of company people controlling how Fallout was made happened and Fallout 3 was the result of people's egos who took over the build. If you haven't played Fallout point and click version you might find you like it. Or not!


Interplay Entertainment (founded as Interplay Productions) is the company that published Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. In my opinion they are the owners of the Fallout franchise. They were the minds behind the Fallout series creation and always will be the greats that put it into our lives.


Bethesda's doing a great job with the way they play the market.


I wonder if BGS could've made a straight remake out the first two games instead of making their own thing. Not sure about "egos", but that recent Noclip documentary did shed some light on how people in BGS treat their games - specifically that they're okay with not finishing them and releasing them unpolished, the writer seemed to have no clue about what his own games were about, and for some reason it made me think that the IP was taken away from the original developers in a not most decent manner.





I seems to sense the reason that new games are going to be less then is expected is because old Consoles and older PC versions aren't VR capable. VR makers are taking a big chance. If you've got a PC or Console which is VR ready you may find Fallout 76 is all set for VR too.


I've been interested in VR, too. Fallout 4 is already remade for VR.




I've noticed that VR doesn't have a lot of the functions a key board or consoles controller gives us.



VR it's...


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I had never looked forward to upcoming mods like Fallout Miami, until after I heard about FO76. I really hope to see more and bigger quest mods in future.



I wonder how much can actually be added to Fallout 4. There are a few DLC-type mods on nexus, and most of them are buggy and unfinished; which is understandable, considering that in most cases there's only one person doing all the work. I think that those mods show the biggest and best potentional of the modding community, because that's what RPG genre is all about (ar least for me) - adventure: a responsive world with characters, stories, things to learn, decisions to arrive to, etc., etc. Is there a limit?



Fallout Miami and I think there is another : California ... plus, SMB92 with a group of modders is about to finish the new mod : Spawn of the Commonwealth that will replace the current WOTC ( War of the Commonwealth ). We also need to add the new Super Mutant Redux and as far as I know, the Raider Overhaul mod's author is working on its replacement.


For me, Fallout 4 is not dead with the two DLC already announced and all of those upcoming mods, except for Super Mutant Redux that is already posted for us to use it.


But even though we did not have all of the above, I am not interest at all to play ANY online game. Online games never called my attention and will never do. I like to play alone, at my own pace and do whatever I want with my mods, etc. so, one less user for the upcoming FO76 but I am happy for those that will enjoy that game.


Perhaps in the future we will have another DLC for Fallout4 : New York. If somebody or a group of modders develop this type of DLC, it will be very interesting to fight in New York, surrounded by buildings, ambushes, different type of factions from all type of races, different enemies and obviously, a different landscape and environment. I just think New York to have a radiation layer that will kill you if not protected so you would have to fight probably with a mask, a suit and you would have to fight under a very difficult environment, almost blind and being attacked not just by humans, but by synths and more important, creatures ( or super mutants ) that are able to live in radiation without getting killed by it.


No, Fallout 4 is not dead and modders and offline players will not abandon it till we have another kind if Bethesda ( doubt it ) decides to create it or another company comes up with another offline game that will be much better than FO4. I find it very unwise not to take advantage of the big ( unmatched ) fan base that Skyrim and Fallout series have. Developing another DLC or game, will put millions of dollars in the pocket of the company / group that create something extra and charge for it. FO76 fans will not get even closer to hundred of thousands that are playing now ( and will continue ) FO4.



Fallout by Interplay, the very first version, is a treasure with all parts of the U. S. map. I haven't played it in years. The change of company people controlling how Fallout was made happened and Fallout 3 was the result of people's egos who took over the build. If you haven't played Fallout point and click version you might find you like it. Or not!


Interplay Entertainment (founded as Interplay Productions) is the company that published Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. In my opinion they are the owners of the Fallout franchise. They were the minds behind the Fallout series creation and always will be the greats that put it into our lives.


Bethesda's doing a great job with the way they play the market.



The atmosphere in FO1 & 2 are IMO more bleak, but it still drips with character, style. Ambient music and the slick conversations you could have. The dialogue with The Master in FO1 is still great to me. You can actually understand why he did what he did. I of course didn't agree, but I could understand. I liked to think that he knew what he was doing was f--ked up, but in his eyes, it was to save mankind from the continuous cycle of destruction that it engages in. As long as there was differences, there will be conflict, and in his eyes, The Unity and Supermutants would stop that. In sharp contrast you got President Eden in FO3 and I couldn't relate to what the Enclave was trying out in the Capital Wasteland, so it was very easy to just blaze away. The Enclave plan just made no sense to me.


The more limited world / random encounters in FO1 & 2, after enough playtime, you've seen them all and there's no variation, regardless of where you traveled. Only the main story map locations had the real variety. But that's 1990s video gaming and I let that slide.


However, after playing FO1 & 2 again, I was immediately reminded of one thing I absolutely hated... The UI and Inventory system, how clunky and annoying it was to go through your own gear. Even for the 1990s it was IMO, cr-p, and in today's standards, it's even worse, and no amount of nostalgia would redeem it.


Anyways, it's still all good to me though. In FO1 & 2, you see Southern California, up to the San Francisco Bay Area. The Brotherhood of Steel as they originally were... The BoS in FO3 is actually a wild anomaly and not typical of the organization. The Enclave. There was no NCR in FO1, everything is still complete sh*t out in the wasteland. I still like the death animations in the old games. From the bullet death dance, lasers neatly cutting people up, plasma melting flesh off bones, and the comical disintegrations!


It would be interesting to revisit the West Coast, say in the FO3/4 era but back out West. See the NCR, but also the conflict between the NCR-Brotherhood of Steel. Last I recall, we don't know of how it got resolved, if at all. It was very much still an ongoing issue when we are playing FONV.

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I had never looked forward to upcoming mods like Fallout Miami, until after I heard about FO76. I really hope to see more and bigger quest mods in future.



I wonder how much can actually be added to Fallout 4. There are a few DLC-type mods on nexus, and most of them are buggy and unfinished; which is understandable, considering that in most cases there's only one person doing all the work. I think that those mods show the biggest and best potentional of the modding community, because that's what RPG genre is all about (ar least for me) - adventure: a responsive world with characters, stories, things to learn, decisions to arrive to, etc., etc. Is there a limit?



Fallout Miami and I think there is another : California ... plus, SMB92 with a group of modders is about to finish the new mod : Spawn of the Commonwealth that will replace the current WOTC ( War of the Commonwealth ). We also need to add the new Super Mutant Redux and as far as I know, the Raider Overhaul mod's author is working on its replacement.


For me, Fallout 4 is not dead with the two DLC already announced and all of those upcoming mods, except for Super Mutant Redux that is already posted for us to use it.


But even though we did not have all of the above, I am not interest at all to play ANY online game. Online games never called my attention and will never do. I like to play alone, at my own pace and do whatever I want with my mods, etc. so, one less user for the upcoming FO76 but I am happy for those that will enjoy that game.


Perhaps in the future we will have another DLC for Fallout4 : New York. If somebody or a group of modders develop this type of DLC, it will be very interesting to fight in New York, surrounded by buildings, ambushes, different type of factions from all type of races, different enemies and obviously, a different landscape and environment. I just think New York to have a radiation layer that will kill you if not protected so you would have to fight probably with a mask, a suit and you would have to fight under a very difficult environment, almost blind and being attacked not just by humans, but by synths and more important, creatures ( or super mutants ) that are able to live in radiation without getting killed by it.


No, Fallout 4 is not dead and modders and offline players will not abandon it till we have another kind if Bethesda ( doubt it ) decides to create it or another company comes up with another offline game that will be much better than FO4. I find it very unwise not to take advantage of the big ( unmatched ) fan base that Skyrim and Fallout series have. Developing another DLC or game, will put millions of dollars in the pocket of the company / group that create something extra and charge for it. FO76 fans will not get even closer to hundred of thousands that are playing now ( and will continue ) FO4.



Fallout by Interplay, the very first version, is a treasure with all parts of the U. S. map. I haven't played it in years. The change of company people controlling how Fallout was made happened and Fallout 3 was the result of people's egos who took over the build. If you haven't played Fallout point and click version you might find you like it. Or not!


Interplay Entertainment (founded as Interplay Productions) is the company that published Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, and Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel. In my opinion they are the owners of the Fallout franchise. They were the minds behind the Fallout series creation and always will be the greats that put it into our lives.


Bethesda's doing a great job with the way they play the market.



The atmosphere in FO1 & 2 are IMO more bleak, but it still drips with character, style. Ambient music and the slick conversations you could have. The dialogue with The Master in FO1 is still great to me. You can actually understand why he did what he did. I of course didn't agree, but I could understand. I liked to think that he knew what he was doing was f--ked up, but in his eyes, it was to save mankind from the continuous cycle of destruction that it engages in. As long as there was differences, there will be conflict, and in his eyes, The Unity and Supermutants would stop that. In sharp contrast you got President Eden in FO3 and I couldn't relate to what the Enclave was trying out in the Capital Wasteland, so it was very easy to just blaze away. The Enclave plan just made no sense to me.


The more limited world / random encounters in FO1 & 2, after enough playtime, you've seen them all and there's no variation, regardless of where you traveled. Only the main story map locations had the real variety. But that's 1990s video gaming and I let that slide.


However, after playing FO1 & 2 again, I was immediately reminded of one thing I absolutely hated... The UI and Inventory system, how clunky and annoying it was to go through your own gear. Even for the 1990s it was IMO, cr-p, and in today's standards, it's even worse, and no amount of nostalgia would redeem it.


Anyways, it's still all good to me though. In FO1 & 2, you see Southern California, up to the San Francisco Bay Area. The Brotherhood of Steel as they originally were... The BoS in FO3 is actually a wild anomaly and not typical of the organization. The Enclave. There was no NCR in FO1, everything is still complete sh*t out in the wasteland. I still like the death animations in the old games. From the bullet death dance, lasers neatly cutting people up, plasma melting flesh off bones, and the comical disintegrations!


It would be interesting to revisit the West Coast, say in the FO3/4 era but back out West. See the NCR, but also the conflict between the NCR-Brotherhood of Steel. Last I recall, we don't know of how it got resolved, if at all. It was very much still an ongoing issue when we are playing FONV.



Excellent review. The grabber that kept my focus in FO, was with events which I "might have" actually had happen if we had an Atomic War, I was just as intrigued by the game as you mention, with the added fact I was in the military before it came out, and the game seemed more like a simulation; to prepare in case of the events.


FO2 I didn't like so much, it dragged on making it clear I was going to have to start from bare knuckles and real weak again. I found a way to win against the very first slavers I met in the game and it upset me when the guys spike shoulder and steel chest armor wouldn't come off in FO2.

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