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After playing FO3 for the first time in years, the run from Megaton to Arefu feels like an actual journey..seemed to take forever. But in FO4, you can spit from Greygarden and hit Oberland Station. Hell, since they're so close you might even be able to get there before it does. :laugh:



Seriously, I expected a worldspace the size of Skyrim (which, by usable area, is larger than FO4) but we got one with half the size, and a third of it covered in ocean.

I still remember Todd saying it (Fallout4) was "our biggest and most ambitious game yet" when it was revealed at E3.... sigh :sad:

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After playing FO3 for the first time in years, the run from Megaton to Arefu feels like an actual journey..seemed to take forever. But in FO4, you can spit from Greygarden and hit Oberland Station. Hell, since they're so close you might even be able to get there before it does. :laugh:



Seriously, I expected a worldspace the size of Skyrim (which, by usable area, is larger than FO4) but we got one with half the size, and a third of it covered in ocean.

I still remember Todd saying it (Fallout4) was "our biggest and most ambitious game yet" when it was revealed at E3.... sigh :sad:


Todd likes to talk like he's Pete Hines sometimes, in that he'll lie for the sake of PR, still I'd trust his word over anyone else from that company. I'll give them credit though.. for the small size the overworld is, they made up for it in dungeons/interiors. They are massive and I spend more time in them than the overworld.



Edited by Rasikko
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Best part is that they wanted the game world to be smaller to avoid a big empty map... Then they made half of it an ocean and apparently cut almost everything they intended to stick in it.


Yea, so what we ended up with, is a smaller game world, with an empty map.

Same with Nuka-"World" too.


I'm currently using 4 spawn mods to fill in the vast emptiness of the Commonwealth, and it's still not enough.


Funny how FO4 fanbois say that FONV's map was so empty, considering that about 1/3 of the Commonwealth map is water.

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Best part is that they wanted the game world to be smaller to avoid a big empty map... Then they made half of it an ocean and apparently cut almost everything they intended to stick in it.


Yea, so what we ended up with, is a smaller game world, with an empty map.

Same with Nuka-"World" too.


I'm currently using 4 spawn mods to fill in the vast emptiness of the Commonwealth, and it's still not enough.


Funny how FO4 fanbois say that FONV's map was so empty, considering that about 1/3 of the Commonwealth map is water.

Well to be fair... At least third of FONV wasn't actually finished. Though it is a better game in almost every way.
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Well to be fair... At least third of FONV wasn't actually finished. Though it is a better game in almost every way.



True, just think how much better it would've been if Publishers weren't allowed to force game devs to release games unfinished.


Yea, the map was kind of like a donut, nothing in the middle, and all the stuff was around the edges like a stuffed-crust pizza, but the strip had personality

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For sure. But everything had personality and had it's own uniqueness. Unlike FO4 which was just "room full of random enemies" and "loot everything not nailed to the floor" and "no intresting terminals anywhere" and "everything feels like its missing details" and "why the hell do I have a freakin forced character with entirely linear dialog and quests and shut the hell up Preston I'm trying to freakin sleep!"
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Did...any of you actually play 3? Because it was entirely big empty spaces with the occasional copy-pasted dungeons. Fallout 3 is best described as walk 10 minutes in gray barren nothing to reach a dungeon that isn't really well designed. Fallout 3 lacked personality which was a major complaint after New Vegas came out and gave us a map with color and personality, hence why 4 is more colorful and has more of an environment. Like I used to get lost in D.C. because it was just an entire labyrinth of just gray featureless buildings with no signs or landmarks save a couple of small shops with nothing in them.


The reason Fallout 4 is a smaller map is also because of complaints at the time that 3's map was too big and empty, which is accurate.

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3 had a big map with lots of empty space. In my opinion it is superior to FO4. I would rather have a large wasteland to explore then a crowded unintresting overly colorful map. It's supposed to be a grim wasteland not a vibrant living overgrown place. I also know fo3 has a ton of issues but fonv fixed (in some cases attempted but wasn't given the time to do so) many of the problems with 3. 3 also had far more intresting locations over fo4.
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