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The biggest problem most people didn't find it fun as it was a often criticized part of 3, especially when New Vegas came out with a more lively and colorful map. 4 also tries to capture that colorful aspect especially in Boston which feels like a city especially with it's use of landmarks instead of D.C. barren nothingness of corridors of broken down gray featureless buildings with the only notable landmarks being the Mall and maybe one or two areas outside it.


Going from sanctuary to starlight is interesting because things actually happen and when they don't the map isn't just bland featureless brown and gray dirt. When most people play games they tend to play them for fun, a game where nothing happens for minutes on end is not fun, for a lot of people. Even strategy games know this as stuff like Stellaris or Warband involve a lot of attention as things are constantly going on.


A bigger map isn't always better, it's like saying Daggerfall is better then Skyrim just because Daggerfall has a bigger map and failing to realize that almost the entire map is an empty void of just walking.

Edited by CiderMuffin
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Colorful is more interesting when the opposite is


look over here, nothing


now look over there, nothing


now look over there, five minutes of something that is ten minutes away

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Did...any of you actually play 3? Because it was entirely big empty spaces with the occasional copy-pasted dungeons. Fallout 3 is best described as walk 10 minutes in gray barren nothing to reach a dungeon that isn't really well designed. Fallout 3 lacked personality which was a major complaint after New Vegas came out and gave us a map with color and personality, hence why 4 is more colorful and has more of an environment. Like I used to get lost in D.C. because it was just an entire labyrinth of just gray featureless buildings with no signs or landmarks save a couple of small shops with nothing in them.


The reason Fallout 4 is a smaller map is also because of complaints at the time that 3's map was too big and empty, which is accurate.


I played 3 plenty of times, the map was fine, it was manufactured to make it seem bigger by using the subways to break it up, giving the illusion of size.

However, you could travel the entire map.

In FO4, you can travel 2/3 of the map, the rest is water.


So, apparently, Bethesda responded to the complaints about Fallout 3's map being "too big and empty", by making a smaller map that was even emptier, and making a DLC with a huge map that was almost completely devoid of life.

Doesnt't seem like a rational response to me.

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Except 4's map isn't empty and there is plenty to do unlike 3's map that was entirely featureless brown wasteland with very little interesting stuff to do save the occasional quest in the few places that had them.


Fallout 4 actually has enemies and people walking around save 3's occasional hunter npc or a group every mile. 4's map was entirely not empty and it was filled with life unlike 3's map that was, again, a barren boring wasteland. Even 1 and 2 had more interesting map design and encounters then 3.

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Except 4's map isn't empty and there is plenty to do unlike 3's map that was entirely featureless brown wasteland with very little interesting stuff to do save the occasional quest in the few places that had them.


Fallout 4 actually has enemies and people walking around save 3's occasional hunter npc or a group every mile. 4's map was entirely not empty and it was filled with life unlike 3's map that was, again, a barren boring wasteland. Even 1 and 2 had more interesting map design and encounters then 3.


Fallout 4 has no one walking around except for people that want to shoot you and maybe that one weird guy selling dogs to everyone, and its empty as all hell. Maybe you should turn off all your landscape mods and spawn mods, and play vanilla fallout 4 - its devoid of sane people, and quite empty there are only 65 radstags that wander the commonwealth (not including the sparse random spawns) and don't even get me started on the unbalanced ecosystem. Sorry comparing fallout 3 and 4 is like comparing a rotten tomato with a smashed tomato, in the end its still a gross tomato.

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Except 4's map isn't empty and there is plenty to do unlike 3's map that was entirely featureless brown wasteland with very little interesting stuff to do save the occasional quest in the few places that had them.


Fallout 4 actually has enemies and people walking around save 3's occasional hunter npc or a group every mile. 4's map was entirely not empty and it was filled with life unlike 3's map that was, again, a barren boring wasteland. Even 1 and 2 had more interesting map design and encounters then 3.

Fallout 4 has no one walking around except for people that want to shoot you and maybe that one weird guy selling dogs to everyone, and its empty as all hell. Maybe you should turn off all your landscape mods and spawn mods, and play vanilla fallout 4 - its devoid of sane people, and quite empty there are only 65 radstags that wander the commonwealth (not including the sparse random spawns) and don't even get me started on the unbalanced ecosystem. Sorry comparing fallout 3 and 4 is like comparing a rotten tomato with a smashed tomato, in the end its still a gross tomato.


You mean besides settlers? besides factions like the minutemen, nuka world raiders and the BoS starting to patrol depending on how you progress the story or set up outposts? Or more merchants that don't die mid-game? Groups just occasionally chilling in random locations and talking? There is a ton of life in 4, a ton of npcs and variety that you can meet in random events or them just walking around.


There are enemies and npcs all over the place in 4, especially in random events that trigger more then FO3's random events. If you think 4's map is desolate then you definitely didn't play 3 because it's worse in 3.

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