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Vortex vs FOMM for New Vegas


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So far it's been an absolute joy to work with FNV with Vortex, there are some caveats though, as some mods are older and set up for creating your own Fomods with FOMM, so they just won't install correctly from the archive with Vortex, but all you have to do is set up the archive yourself.

WAR (Weapon Animation Replacer), Fallout Redesigned 2, Weapons of the new Millenia come to mind.


Especially Weapons of the New Millenia, because if you install that one without making your own archive, it will start up the Fomod interface quite nicely, and it will install all of the ESPs, but because of how the folders are nested, it WILL NOT install the Texture and Meshes folders

So you'll have Raiders running around carrying massive RED EXCLAMATION POINTS everywhere.

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I am using Vortex as well for FNV..So far it's great. But I am having trouble with Archive Invalidation to work correctly with Vortex. Does anyone else have this issue? I reinstalled NMM to use it just for Archive Invalidation.

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