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Download speed cap increase for Supporters and non-Adblockers


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In response to post #64082061. #64082966, #64084166 are all replies on the same post.

XarisZ wrote: How can the system differenciate a NON Supporter that IS using an Adblock and one that is not?
Dark0ne wrote: Magic :)
XarisZ wrote: Ok...Let's say i remove Adblock when will i get the new speed?

Thank you Dark for this response, it is quite funny
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@Dark0ne + @Nexus Staff


-- Ideas For Consideration: --


1. Lifetime + :D ($1-5/mo)

(or Lifetime PLUS)

2. Supporter + :) ($ ”What You Can”)

(or Supporter PLUS)


These are options that add new ways for supporters to keep supporting while granting cosmetic incentives or special recognition within the community, such as:


3. Badge of Honor


4. Title



I also would like to add that I firmly believe the results would arguably breathe some LIFE into:


SITE decorum

(Colors, Symbols, etc.)

USER drive

(Participation, Content Production, Credibility(?), etc.)


As a lifetime member myself, (and a bit of a ”shiny new things” hoe) I would donate even more of my time and wallet to support Nexus Mods maintenance and site expenses. Just throwing some ideas out here. <3




• Premium PLUS ($1-5 /mo)

• Also for those who have subscribed to PLUS in timed increments (like 1/2/6/12mos)?

Edited by silencer711
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In response to post #64087966.

silencer711 wrote: @Dark0ne/Nexus Staff -- Have you guys considered:

1. Premium PLUS($ 1-5/mo)
2. Lifetime PLUS ($1-5/mo)

These are options that can allow supporters to keep supporting while granting cosmetic incentives or special recognition within the community, such as badges for those who have subscribed to Premium + in timed increments (like 1/2/6/12mos).

As a lifetime member myself, (and a bit of a ”shiny new things” hoe) I would donate even more of my time and wallet to support Nexus Mods. Just throwing you an idea for consideration. =)

I would second this, especially for those of us who want to support the site beyond our lifetime subs. At the moment, the only way to do so (as far as I know) is in the long run by voluntarily paying monthly until we have passed the lifetime listed price lol Edited by Guest
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In response to post #64082061. #64082966, #64084166, #64087701 are all replies on the same post.

XarisZ wrote: How can the system differenciate a NON Supporter that IS using an Adblock and one that is not?
Dark0ne wrote: Magic :)
XarisZ wrote: Ok...Let's say i remove Adblock when will i get the new speed?
Yggdrasil7557 wrote: Thank you Dark for this response, it is quite funny

Probably when the page loads, similar to how news sites know when you are using adblocker and block you completely. IMO Robin this was a very smart compromise.
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In response to post #64087966. #64088311 is also a reply to the same post.

silencer711 wrote: @Dark0ne/Nexus Staff -- Have you guys considered:

1. Premium PLUS($ 1-5/mo)
2. Lifetime PLUS ($1-5/mo)

These are options that can allow supporters to keep supporting while granting cosmetic incentives or special recognition within the community, such as badges for those who have subscribed to Premium + in timed increments (like 1/2/6/12mos).

As a lifetime member myself, (and a bit of a ”shiny new things” hoe) I would donate even more of my time and wallet to support Nexus Mods. Just throwing you an idea for consideration. =)
Kaebus wrote: I would second this, especially for those of us who want to support the site beyond our lifetime subs. At the moment, the only way to do so (as far as I know) is in the long run by voluntarily paying monthly until we have passed the lifetime listed price lol

Another site I use (not a modding site) offers that option and its something that I would endorse for Nexus Mods. I see a high potential for Community Funding via small membership bonus tiers like this.

I'm just one out of many people who would gladly support Nexus Mods beyond our lifetime memberships -- a ”plus” bit on top of what we've already paid for would be our way to consistently show our appreciation for everything Nexus stands for, while simultaneously providing recurring monthly ”income” toward Nexus Mods maintenance and upkeep costs. Edited by silencer711
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In response to post #64086551. #64086861, #64087401, #64087691 are all replies on the same post.

AdioPinoy wrote: I personally feel Nexus should be a pay only site. I have no complaints considering I normally use 140-189 mods and am on here 3-5 times a week. I get my moneys' worth. I also would prefer if modders got a piece of the action so they would not HAVE to have a Patreon page. I don't mind paying a bit extra for that also. Modders are worth gold, and I benefit from their hard work. I know libs think everything they have should be free, but modders make my gaming life enjoyable and far less time-consuming. A working man is worth his wages, and modders work. As a father of 5 modders and nexus make playable adventures far more playable.
Kaebus wrote: I don't think that would be financially sound, as a majority of their funding is from ad revenue of their free user's traffic, nor would it be particularly healthy for the modding community since Nexus is the main hub that attracts more modders and users alike because of its platform freedom. Creating a paywall for it would not do much to get them more long term funding, and would instead more likely press audiences to lead off to other paid services as their main mod provider instead (such as Creation Club) since they would no longer have a free option to default to.

Furthermore, not everyone's usage of the Nexus is to the same expanse as yours. Some simply come here for the bug fixes or a couple of simple customization options, rather than spending hours constructing giant mod rigs, and their experience should be considered as well. Making them pay the same amount as a heavy user wouldn't be very encouraging to those users. Ad revenue is the best way for the site to maximize profit proportionally to how much their users are using the website.

Also not sure where the lib analogy would be coming in on this.
Yggdrasil7557 wrote: Kaebus, the lib analogy is referring to american liberals who are "anarchocommunists" that believe that everyone and everything should be free, from movies that cost 100 million to make all the way down to the artwork that starving artists spend days or weeks on.
Kaebus wrote: I know what it is referring to haha, I was just saying I don't know where that usage is warranted in this topic. I am more conservative leaning and support hosting the site as they do currently without a paywall, so to brush everyone who thinks the same as being 'lib' would be inaccurate. I simply don't understand the reasoning for mentioning politics here is all.

The discussion of different financial methods is not inherently political, nor do I consider it a thought of it being free to be the most important thing (I'm a paying premium user), I think what's important is the balance of revenue and user experience/satisfaction. EA makes incredible amounts of money, but suffers one of the most vivid backlash communities because of their chosen methods. Same with many films that come out nowadays. Star Wars films make large sums of money, but suffer from heavy critique on account of their considerable amount of disrespect to their source material. I think Nexus has made great decisions that balance the amount of funding they receive in addition to maintaining a satisfactory service for all of their users, not just the paying ones.

Modding is free, modders are voluntarily creating mods of their own volition with no expectation or legal or moral entitlement to fiscal compensation for their hobby (any who expect such compensation as a matter of course are delusional or woefully ignorant.) Modders are no more entitled to revenue for their mods than "the libs" are entitled to mods. The vast majority of modders are hobbyists who just want to share something they've created because they hope it will make someone else happy, not because they feel entitled to financial compensation for it. The Nexus's primary purpose is to ensure that the most possible people have access to the most reasonably possible mods, generating revenue is just a means to that end, it serves to fulfill a greater moral goal. Distributing free mods is not the ticket to financial success in a competitive free market economy. Edited by hanageboubounosuke
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In response to post #64085421. #64085616, #64085756, #64085781 are all replies on the same post.

PanosUchiha wrote: "office space, the hardware we work on, software license fees, HR, payroll, legal fees, insurance"

hmm i dont get this site so they wanna make money from FREE mods? made by others? ????????
Superpan2256 wrote: How are they going to host those free mods made by others? Or any of the extra features that the Nexus has? Web space isn't free, and they have to pay the bills somehow.
Kaebus wrote: They want to make money from traffic on the website that they have to pay money to host and service their users. They aren't asking for money out of your pocket or enticing paid mods. They are not making money off of the mods, they are making money off of us accepting to have a couple advertisements on our screen while browsing such a great platform and community database, without asking you for anything.

Imagine the internet as your cable service, and the Nexus is your channel of choice, with each mod being a different show. The channel doesn't make the shows, it just hosts them and runs commercial breaks to make ad revenue based on how many customers are tuned in watching that ad. The advertisements on Nexus are simply their form of commercials that the channel needs to remain funded.
ff7legend wrote: Ever priced a server unit? Servers are NOT CHEAP. My father works at Intel Corporation as a computer engineer where they design/build some of the absolute best server units in the world. These Intel server units carry a hefty price tag of $100K per unit. There's a reason large companies like Cisco Systems employ Intel server units. That doesn't include the monthly bandwidth costs, various licensing fees, payroll (Yes, employees cost $$$$$$), etc. Where else does one think said revenue is going to come from. Ads may be annoying but unfortunately they're a necessary evil a la taxes.

If you want to host all those mods on your home PC on a consumer internet connection, by all means, try it out and tell us how cheap and easy it is to serve millions of users around the world 24/7.
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