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Download speed cap increase for Supporters and non-Adblockers


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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.

Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB. Edited by lyoko1
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In response to post #64079816. #64079916, #64080396, #64080626 are all replies on the same post.

GamerPoets wrote: Just from my personal "YouTubing" experience. My analytics show that I've missed out on roughly $9,500 due to add blockers since I started making videos. Do what you need to do. From a long time premium member it sounds reasonable enough to give supporters a bump to say thanks.
Kaebus wrote: Very well said GP. I've known a few content creators on YT who encountered the same issue. As said in this announcement, the reasons people have for using adblockers are valid, and it's not a shunning of them doing so in any way, but it's really nice to have something out there for the people who are giving a little bit back.
GamerPoets wrote: If I could turn off ads all together I would = )
Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist. Selling products of any kind is not something that anyone who has to make a living from this realm, while continuing to be a part of it and growing within it, can count on (sales for things like this are bonuses). Even so, personally, ads alone will never even come to close to helping me pay just for the equipment/costs of creating. Thank Talos for Patreon (my form of Premium/Supporter Memberships). Took 4 years to break even on PC parts with the help of pledges. I do the same thing that Nexus is doing here. If you allow me to keep existing while doing what I enjoy I try to give you perks/"thank you's" that I'm capable of giving without alienating everyone else. Nexus isn't changing anything here other than giving some supporters a "thank you" in a way that they are able to while encouraging site growth.
Kaebus wrote: That's a really good way to express it, and one I wholly agree with. I'll have to remember that ^^

I think Patreon is a pretty cool thing(so long as used responsibly & fairly). I haven't noticed any hassles related to Patreon so it really does seem to me like your channel is an example of Patreon being used well, as a way for us to express support. I think this is fantastic.

Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people but I am potentially sometimes fine with it when done within reason. For instance Linus Tech Tips I don't terribly mind since it's only once, is under 30 seconds( I think it's more like 15-20 seconds) and has a cutaway which means we can skip ahead to where we see Linus again without any sponsor logos and get on with things. Though I would caution that if it did get more intrusive I would stop watching a channel. If he made it longer or mixed up when it'll be or anything to increase visibility of it then I'd stop. Cases where I mind it less are where it's consistent, predictable, and very brief like at the 0:40-1:00 mark we're certainly passed it already. Best way if doing it is to have introduction, sponsor segment and then get into things within the first minute. With your channel though care is needed since when I'm viewing your info about the CK/other mod tools/other information heavy videos since especially when problem solving things related to modding something like sponsor segment could be a real bother, we might already feel frustrated since we might be trying to solve specific problems on our game/mod projects and be researching for that purpose. Overall I feel for your channel that Patreon as used by you is a superior approach.

About equipment it might be something reasonable since your channel is pretty notable IMO to ask if anyone would give you some as a sponsoring thing. Big gaming channels often have them sitting in brand name gaming chair, wearing brand name headset, maybe sticker on their PC tower and they might be briefly saying "Thanks to EVGA or whoever for the GPU I am using"(The one guy I see do this only brought up the GPU they gave him exactly once ever). Or they might have it at bottom of description "PC hardware used".

I think a lot of people adblocking on Youtube likely started after 2 minute unskippable ads(that can happen multiple times in a video) became a thing, though to be fair I heard that may have been a bug in their system. I believe it was going to be a policy by Google that got reversed due to backlash. I always adblock on sites because I have found advertising networks to be completely irresponsible with user safety, it's been known as a rule for as long as I can remember that clicking any ads can generally be expected to have a high risk of infecting your PC. My opinion is that networks are apathetic about user safety and also the reputations of sites, they're generally not liable for anything since the websites themselves would take the blame so the network doesn't care. I have been adblocking constantly for over 10 years since getting a PC killing virus served by a banner ad that did not require any clicks to infect my PC. Also on mobile data when roaming it's quite a bother when sites have auto-play videos plus LTE being really fast meaning it'll instantly preload a 400mb video just to read an article. GameSpot is particularly bothersome in this regard since it'll default to high quality so usually 1080p@60fps, if it's a video review that would be 1GB right there which is a lot on roaming and if there wasn't auto-play it would do so only if we deliberately click Play. Users adblock because it saves a lot of time and greatly improves online safety, possibly the top safety measure even above having antivirus of course besides visiting known bad sites.

But I do like to support sites like the Nexus so I have bought Supporter membership a few years ago and might get Premium sometime in the future. Perhaps I may have to try to remember to re-visit videos I like and already watched on a muted Edge browser to help out.
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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.

That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours. Edited by piotrmil
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Thanks a lot Nexus! I feel that this is definitely the best approach because the experience of those who do adblock is not negatively impacted in any way. Too many sites punish users for using adblockers.
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In response to post #64079816. #64079916, #64080396, #64080626, #64111786 are all replies on the same post.

GamerPoets wrote: Just from my personal "YouTubing" experience. My analytics show that I've missed out on roughly $9,500 due to add blockers since I started making videos. Do what you need to do. From a long time premium member it sounds reasonable enough to give supporters a bump to say thanks.
Kaebus wrote: Very well said GP. I've known a few content creators on YT who encountered the same issue. As said in this announcement, the reasons people have for using adblockers are valid, and it's not a shunning of them doing so in any way, but it's really nice to have something out there for the people who are giving a little bit back.
GamerPoets wrote: If I could turn off ads all together I would = )
Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist. Selling products of any kind is not something that anyone who has to make a living from this realm, while continuing to be a part of it and growing within it, can count on (sales for things like this are bonuses). Even so, personally, ads alone will never even come to close to helping me pay just for the equipment/costs of creating. Thank Talos for Patreon (my form of Premium/Supporter Memberships). Took 4 years to break even on PC parts with the help of pledges. I do the same thing that Nexus is doing here. If you allow me to keep existing while doing what I enjoy I try to give you perks/"thank you's" that I'm capable of giving without alienating everyone else. Nexus isn't changing anything here other than giving some supporters a "thank you" in a way that they are able to while encouraging site growth.
Kaebus wrote: That's a really good way to express it, and one I wholly agree with. I'll have to remember that ^^
fftfan wrote: I think Patreon is a pretty cool thing(so long as used responsibly & fairly). I haven't noticed any hassles related to Patreon so it really does seem to me like your channel is an example of Patreon being used well, as a way for us to express support. I think this is fantastic.

Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people but I am potentially sometimes fine with it when done within reason. For instance Linus Tech Tips I don't terribly mind since it's only once, is under 30 seconds( I think it's more like 15-20 seconds) and has a cutaway which means we can skip ahead to where we see Linus again without any sponsor logos and get on with things. Though I would caution that if it did get more intrusive I would stop watching a channel. If he made it longer or mixed up when it'll be or anything to increase visibility of it then I'd stop. Cases where I mind it less are where it's consistent, predictable, and very brief like at the 0:40-1:00 mark we're certainly passed it already. Best way if doing it is to have introduction, sponsor segment and then get into things within the first minute. With your channel though care is needed since when I'm viewing your info about the CK/other mod tools/other information heavy videos since especially when problem solving things related to modding something like sponsor segment could be a real bother, we might already feel frustrated since we might be trying to solve specific problems on our game/mod projects and be researching for that purpose. Overall I feel for your channel that Patreon as used by you is a superior approach.

About equipment it might be something reasonable since your channel is pretty notable IMO to ask if anyone would give you some as a sponsoring thing. Big gaming channels often have them sitting in brand name gaming chair, wearing brand name headset, maybe sticker on their PC tower and they might be briefly saying "Thanks to EVGA or whoever for the GPU I am using"(The one guy I see do this only brought up the GPU they gave him exactly once ever). Or they might have it at bottom of description "PC hardware used".

I think a lot of people adblocking on Youtube likely started after 2 minute unskippable ads(that can happen multiple times in a video) became a thing, though to be fair I heard that may have been a bug in their system. I believe it was going to be a policy by Google that got reversed due to backlash. I always adblock on sites because I have found advertising networks to be completely irresponsible with user safety, it's been known as a rule for as long as I can remember that clicking any ads can generally be expected to have a high risk of infecting your PC. My opinion is that networks are apathetic about user safety and also the reputations of sites, they're generally not liable for anything since the websites themselves would take the blame so the network doesn't care. I have been adblocking constantly for over 10 years since getting a PC killing virus served by a banner ad that did not require any clicks to infect my PC. Also on mobile data when roaming it's quite a bother when sites have auto-play videos plus LTE being really fast meaning it'll instantly preload a 400mb video just to read an article. GameSpot is particularly bothersome in this regard since it'll default to high quality so usually 1080p@60fps, if it's a video review that would be 1GB right there which is a lot on roaming and if there wasn't auto-play it would do so only if we deliberately click Play. Users adblock because it saves a lot of time and greatly improves online safety, possibly the top safety measure even above having antivirus of course besides visiting known bad sites.

But I do like to support sites like the Nexus so I have bought Supporter membership a few years ago and might get Premium sometime in the future. Perhaps I may have to try to remember to re-visit videos I like and already watched on a muted Edge browser to help out.

>Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist.

I... I know of at least one other alternative.

Going to work.

It sucks, but it is an alternative to finance your hobby.

>Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people

Yeah, I hate when channels do that. Some handle it sensibly, like putting the sponsored message AFTER the video, so I don't have to watch it (Numberphile, a very good channel on YT does that). Some put them at the beginning, which is quite annoying, but again, can be skipped ( I wonder if anyone made an extension that does that automatically for certain channels). And then there are people who deserve a road straight to hell for putting them in the middle of their videos.
Edited by piotrmil
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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.

Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters
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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
lyoko1 wrote: Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters

>that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams,

It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back.

So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well. Edited by piotrmil
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In response to post #64079816. #64079916, #64080396, #64080626, #64111786, #64111926 are all replies on the same post.

GamerPoets wrote: Just from my personal "YouTubing" experience. My analytics show that I've missed out on roughly $9,500 due to add blockers since I started making videos. Do what you need to do. From a long time premium member it sounds reasonable enough to give supporters a bump to say thanks.
Kaebus wrote: Very well said GP. I've known a few content creators on YT who encountered the same issue. As said in this announcement, the reasons people have for using adblockers are valid, and it's not a shunning of them doing so in any way, but it's really nice to have something out there for the people who are giving a little bit back.
GamerPoets wrote: If I could turn off ads all together I would = )
Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist. Selling products of any kind is not something that anyone who has to make a living from this realm, while continuing to be a part of it and growing within it, can count on (sales for things like this are bonuses). Even so, personally, ads alone will never even come to close to helping me pay just for the equipment/costs of creating. Thank Talos for Patreon (my form of Premium/Supporter Memberships). Took 4 years to break even on PC parts with the help of pledges. I do the same thing that Nexus is doing here. If you allow me to keep existing while doing what I enjoy I try to give you perks/"thank you's" that I'm capable of giving without alienating everyone else. Nexus isn't changing anything here other than giving some supporters a "thank you" in a way that they are able to while encouraging site growth.
Kaebus wrote: That's a really good way to express it, and one I wholly agree with. I'll have to remember that ^^
fftfan wrote: I think Patreon is a pretty cool thing(so long as used responsibly & fairly). I haven't noticed any hassles related to Patreon so it really does seem to me like your channel is an example of Patreon being used well, as a way for us to express support. I think this is fantastic.

Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people but I am potentially sometimes fine with it when done within reason. For instance Linus Tech Tips I don't terribly mind since it's only once, is under 30 seconds( I think it's more like 15-20 seconds) and has a cutaway which means we can skip ahead to where we see Linus again without any sponsor logos and get on with things. Though I would caution that if it did get more intrusive I would stop watching a channel. If he made it longer or mixed up when it'll be or anything to increase visibility of it then I'd stop. Cases where I mind it less are where it's consistent, predictable, and very brief like at the 0:40-1:00 mark we're certainly passed it already. Best way if doing it is to have introduction, sponsor segment and then get into things within the first minute. With your channel though care is needed since when I'm viewing your info about the CK/other mod tools/other information heavy videos since especially when problem solving things related to modding something like sponsor segment could be a real bother, we might already feel frustrated since we might be trying to solve specific problems on our game/mod projects and be researching for that purpose. Overall I feel for your channel that Patreon as used by you is a superior approach.

About equipment it might be something reasonable since your channel is pretty notable IMO to ask if anyone would give you some as a sponsoring thing. Big gaming channels often have them sitting in brand name gaming chair, wearing brand name headset, maybe sticker on their PC tower and they might be briefly saying "Thanks to EVGA or whoever for the GPU I am using"(The one guy I see do this only brought up the GPU they gave him exactly once ever). Or they might have it at bottom of description "PC hardware used".

I think a lot of people adblocking on Youtube likely started after 2 minute unskippable ads(that can happen multiple times in a video) became a thing, though to be fair I heard that may have been a bug in their system. I believe it was going to be a policy by Google that got reversed due to backlash. I always adblock on sites because I have found advertising networks to be completely irresponsible with user safety, it's been known as a rule for as long as I can remember that clicking any ads can generally be expected to have a high risk of infecting your PC. My opinion is that networks are apathetic about user safety and also the reputations of sites, they're generally not liable for anything since the websites themselves would take the blame so the network doesn't care. I have been adblocking constantly for over 10 years since getting a PC killing virus served by a banner ad that did not require any clicks to infect my PC. Also on mobile data when roaming it's quite a bother when sites have auto-play videos plus LTE being really fast meaning it'll instantly preload a 400mb video just to read an article. GameSpot is particularly bothersome in this regard since it'll default to high quality so usually 1080p@60fps, if it's a video review that would be 1GB right there which is a lot on roaming and if there wasn't auto-play it would do so only if we deliberately click Play. Users adblock because it saves a lot of time and greatly improves online safety, possibly the top safety measure even above having antivirus of course besides visiting known bad sites.

But I do like to support sites like the Nexus so I have bought Supporter membership a few years ago and might get Premium sometime in the future. Perhaps I may have to try to remember to re-visit videos I like and already watched on a muted Edge browser to help out.
piotrmil wrote: >Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist.

I... I know of at least one other alternative.

Going to work.

It sucks, but it is an alternative to finance your hobby.

>Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people

Yeah, I hate when channels do that. Some handle it sensibly, like putting the sponsored message AFTER the video, so I don't have to watch it (Numberphile, a very good channel on YT does that). Some put them at the beginning, which is quite annoying, but again, can be skipped ( I wonder if anyone made an extension that does that automatically for certain channels). And then there are people who deserve a road straight to hell for putting them in the middle of their videos.

.. except that Nexus is not a hobby for those who run it... nor is it a hobby for those who create content 60 to 100 hours a week... or for people like me who are disabled where "going to work" isn't an option. If it was an option I'd be doing it lol Edited by GamerPoets
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In response to post #64087966. #64088311, #64089056, #64092636, #64102471, #64102756, #64103211 are all replies on the same post.

silencer711 wrote: @Dark0ne, @Nexus Staff -- Have you guys considered:

1. Lifetime + PLUS :D ($1-5/mo)
2. Supporter + PLUS :) ”Pay What You Can”

These are options that can allow supporters to keep supporting while granting cosmetic incentives or special recognition within the community, such as:

1. Badge of Honor (Community / Author)
2. Title (Community / Author)

*Also for those who have subscribed to Premium + in timed increments (like 1/2/6/12mos)?

As a lifetime member myself, (and a bit of a ”shiny new things” hoe) I would donate even more of my time and wallet to support Nexus Mods. Just throwing some ideas out here for consideration. <3

Removed Entries
Premium PLUS ($1-5 /mo)
Kaebus wrote: I would second this, especially for those of us who want to support the site beyond our lifetime subs. At the moment, the only way to do so (as far as I know) is in the long run by voluntarily paying monthly until we have passed the lifetime listed price lol
silencer711 wrote: Another site I use (not a modding site) offers that option and its something that I would endorse for Nexus Mods. I see a high potential for Community Funding via small membership bonus tiers like this.

I'm just one out of many people who would gladly support Nexus Mods beyond our lifetime memberships -- a ”plus” bit on top of what we've already paid for would be our way to consistently show our appreciation for everything Nexus stands for, while simultaneously providing recurring monthly ”income” toward Nexus Mods maintenance and upkeep costs.
LeonidasNerevar wrote: I'd like to third this idea. Without turning it into Fortnite, I'd be fine with seeing some cosmetic and title rewards for "Plus" supporters of the site. I'd be fine with giving $1/month for this upgrade. Perfectly fine idea.
silencer711 wrote: Bump :)
lyoko1 wrote: This may be a good idea for life timers, but not for normal premium.
It can be like "Active Premium" and "Pasive Premium" active meaning you are paying monthly, either by having a "not lifetime" premium or by having a lifetime premium and paying a plus, like 1-5$/mo as you said, and "Pasive premium" being a member that has the lifetime premium but chooses to not pay a plus monthly, still premium, but not supporting the site in a "active" way, maybe mod authors should be given the "active premium" whitout a extra fee(if they aleardy have lifetime premium) if they are updating their mods and publishing new ones? of course still allowing them to pay the extra fee if they want, reason being because in a indirect way a mod author is supporting the site by publishing new mods and updating old ones whitout paying.
Of course in any case this would be only cosmetic and more of a option to extra support if you have the lifetime premium membership aleardy.

Sorry for my Engrish, im not used to write in English that much.
silencer711 wrote: @Lyoko1: I agree with your input. Perhaps Lifetime PLUS ($1-5 /mo) is the better option here, considering that Premium is in its own category altogether.
I’ll also add that the option to “Pay what you can” (choosing between 1/2/3/4/or $5 a month) is up for consideration too.

Bump :)
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