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Download speed cap increase for Supporters and non-Adblockers


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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971, #64112271 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
lyoko1 wrote: Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters
piotrmil wrote: >that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams,

It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back.

So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well.

This is 2018, and ads are constantly hijacked and used as malware. So using an ad-blocker is a no brainer, as much as I would like to support website X or Y, my personal security is not worth the risk.

I won't even mention the privacy concerns involved, as ads tend to tag you with an ID cookie and track you around the web. Edited by JoseSnake
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In response to post #64102131.

Mgamerz wrote: Seems like a fairly reasonable solution. I have my own website I host some stuff at and bandwidth is not cheap, I think many modders take for granted the free infrastructure you provide. I'm not a heavy mod user but I keep my premium sub up to date because you provide a valuable service to users.

It depends on the host, I've had a website running for 15€ a year with unlimited bandwidth.
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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971, #64112271, #64117736 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
lyoko1 wrote: Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters
piotrmil wrote: >that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams,

It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back.

So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well.
JoseSnake wrote: This is 2018, and ads are constantly hijacked and used as malware. So using an ad-blocker is a no brainer, as much as I would like to support website X or Y, my personal security is not worth the risk.

I won't even mention the privacy concerns involved, as ads tend to tag you with an ID cookie and track you around the web.

You might just consider grabbing the supporter rank, then. I totally get where you're coming from, given how dangerous ads can be these days. I also get where Nexus is coming from. We are, no matter what we do, costing them money as long as we're using the site. If the 1mb speedcap is really a bother, throw a couple bucks at them, and you'll never have ads again, so long as you're logged in.

Otherwise. Eh. Personally, I never even noticed the speed cap. And as nice as having it at 2mb for myself is now, I probably still won't notice it unless I'm downloading something super huge. So. It is what it is?

Edit: Also, I know it's not always as easy at throwing a couple bucks at a site. I'm disabled and have no income, so trust me, I get it. But if you get the chance, it might not be a bad idea. Edited by BeneathThePlass
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In response to post #64091766. #64095721 is also a reply to the same post.

Ghostwalker71 wrote: For quite a long time I would log out of my account and browse the nexus while letting the ads flash and jingle all they wanted. This was my effort to add a few more pennies to the pool, But I had to stop due to all the hack ads that were coming through. The last day I let the ads play I had three different ads in a span of about fifteen minutes that tried to lock me out and ransom me. I would very much like to continue letting the ads play when I'm able, but not at the risk of ransomware. I know the nexus has little control over the ad services, but until the hack ads are blocked it's just more risk than I want to deal with.
Dark0ne wrote: When was the last time that happened, Ghostwalker? I'm wondering if it was recent or whether we're talking literally years.

Regardless, you're Premium so you're not expected to do any of this!

The last time I had one of the ransom ads hit me was approx. six months ago. and yes I know I have no obligation to play the ads, but I figure it was a way for me to shave a few pennies of the staggering amount it costs to run a site of this size. I do get a lot of use from the site and while I don't have much in the way of funds, I do have time and patience. It's just a shame that very few of the ad services police their offerings enough to prevent the malware ads.
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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971, #64112271, #64117736, #64118191 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
lyoko1 wrote: Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters
piotrmil wrote: >that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams,

It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back.

So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well.
JoseSnake wrote: This is 2018, and ads are constantly hijacked and used as malware. So using an ad-blocker is a no brainer, as much as I would like to support website X or Y, my personal security is not worth the risk.

I won't even mention the privacy concerns involved, as ads tend to tag you with an ID cookie and track you around the web.
BeneathThePlass wrote: You might just consider grabbing the supporter rank, then. I totally get where you're coming from, given how dangerous ads can be these days. I also get where Nexus is coming from. We are, no matter what we do, costing them money as long as we're using the site. If the 1mb speedcap is really a bother, throw a couple bucks at them, and you'll never have ads again, so long as you're logged in.

Otherwise. Eh. Personally, I never even noticed the speed cap. And as nice as having it at 2mb for myself is now, I probably still won't notice it unless I'm downloading something super huge. So. It is what it is?

Edit: Also, I know it's not always as easy at throwing a couple bucks at a site. I'm disabled and have no income, so trust me, I get it. But if you get the chance, it might not be a bad idea.

@piotrmill: Haha I remember ads being pretty bad in the early 2000’s and as far back as the 90’s when they were the most used of all time (IMO). There existed such sloppy code to make those things and you never had an easy [ X ] or fancy maneuver to close out of them at the time.

Back to your main concern — privacy/security risk with using an Adblocker. I would always go with what ensures the security of self and others, so don’t compromise on that.

The target audience for this announcement is Supporters & Premium subscribers. Everyone else —Nothing has changed, business as usual. This was an update for supporters but viewable by the masses. There is no loss or gain for non-subscribers. There is no change for that tier. Treat this as nothing happened to you because just that—nothing happened to you. Business as usual. Your stance on this is on the defensive, but since there was no “deficit of bandwidth” issue before this announcement, there was no “offense” side to unbalance the scales out of your favor. Your argument is contextually-irrelevant.

@lyoko1: I get what you’re saying, however, I’m laughing inside at how you said it: “...this is not punishing the use of Adblock, but rewarding the not using of it...” lmao at how I’m going to take this concept and use it for personal gains (comedically of course) when debating with friends & family :D Edited by silencer711
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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971, #64112271, #64117736, #64118191, #64119421 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
lyoko1 wrote: Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters
piotrmil wrote: >that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams,

It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back.

So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well.
JoseSnake wrote: This is 2018, and ads are constantly hijacked and used as malware. So using an ad-blocker is a no brainer, as much as I would like to support website X or Y, my personal security is not worth the risk.

I won't even mention the privacy concerns involved, as ads tend to tag you with an ID cookie and track you around the web.
BeneathThePlass wrote: You might just consider grabbing the supporter rank, then. I totally get where you're coming from, given how dangerous ads can be these days. I also get where Nexus is coming from. We are, no matter what we do, costing them money as long as we're using the site. If the 1mb speedcap is really a bother, throw a couple bucks at them, and you'll never have ads again, so long as you're logged in.

Otherwise. Eh. Personally, I never even noticed the speed cap. And as nice as having it at 2mb for myself is now, I probably still won't notice it unless I'm downloading something super huge. So. It is what it is?

Edit: Also, I know it's not always as easy at throwing a couple bucks at a site. I'm disabled and have no income, so trust me, I get it. But if you get the chance, it might not be a bad idea.
silencer711 wrote: @piotrmill: Haha I remember ads being pretty bad in the early 2000’s and as far back as the 90’s when they were the most used of all time (IMO). There existed such sloppy code to make those things and you never had an easy [ X ] or fancy maneuver to close out of them at the time.

Back to your main concern — privacy/security risk with using an Adblocker. I would always go with what ensures the security of self and others, so don’t compromise on that.

The target audience for this announcement is Supporters & Premium subscribers. Everyone else —Nothing has changed, business as usual. This was an update for supporters but viewable by the masses. There is no loss or gain for non-subscribers. There is no change for that tier. Treat this as nothing happened to you because just that—nothing happened to you. Business as usual. Your stance on this is on the defensive, but since there was no “deficit of bandwidth” issue before this announcement, there was no “offense” side to unbalance the scales out of your favor. Your argument is contextually-irrelevant.

@lyoko1: I get what you’re saying, however, I’m laughing inside at how you said it: “...this is not punishing the use of Adblock, but rewarding the not using of it...” lmao at how I’m going to take this concept and use it for personal gains (comedically of course) when debating with friends & family :D

I am an adblock user, but after realizing that by using such software I am preventing Nexus to get a little income from my navigation, I decided to whitelist this site. I wouldn't disable adblock on anyone's site, but since I am using Nexus regularly I though it would be nice of me to do so.
Alas, I don't have a credit card so I can't buy Premium membership, otherwise i would.

To be fair, I think that too many people on internet are too self-entitled, demanding the best free services at their conditions, without even taking into consideration the possibility to give some financial support for the expenses that a internet site has to afford. The common mentality is often "why should I pay?" or, even worse, "why should I get less of those who pay?". I am not saying that's your case, OP, yet you are rising a sterile polemic.
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In response to post #64111956.

jameknec wrote: I can't download any mods. When I try to launch the NMM or download a mod with NMM it just... doesn't launch. Is there a fix for this?

That's not the place to ask that. However, try to launch NMM as an administrator or reinstall it. It happened to me as well and I solved the problem by reinstalling the software. If you are using Windows XP or Vista, I suggest you to launch the program in compatibility mode or, even better, to upgrade your OS.
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In response to post #64099801. #64099871, #64100266, #64100311, #64100366 are all replies on the same post.

reptileye wrote: What a joke. Let me get this. I'm a modder. I don't get a single penny for my work here, but in order to download content from other modders properly i have to pay? are you serious? at this point i think they are trying to get proofit, i mean i remember some months ago they were hiring some coders for this site? if that isn't an investment then what was it? it's pathetic honestly. People that come her and leech content, sure i get it, but modders? lol

I think i had enough. I'm leaving. If there is some people interested in my mods, you can get them from my blog http://reptilecavemods.blogspot.com/2018/09/ will start posting them there.

Bye bye.
Dark0ne wrote: The underlying download system hasn't changed since 2007. You joined in 2010 and since that time you have uploaded 17 of your files here either knowing how our download system worked, but not caring, or somehow not knowing how it worked, even though you've downloaded over 1,100 mods from Nexus Mods.

Now, when presented with information that we also support mod authors monetarily, you've gotten upset and now claim you want to leave over something that hasn't been an issue for you for 8 years.

Seems odd, no?
reptileye wrote: All i know is that i'm going to be like the 95% of the people here. Come, get the mods i like, and get out. This way you won't get any more complains, from me at least. Good enough?
Dark0ne wrote: Sure? All of this is very odd to me, so anything that returns me back to sanity will be welcome.
mamelukturbo wrote: I'm sorry mate, but what "work" exactly? If you mod for money you're in wrong place and wrong mindset. I suggest considering getting over yourself. If you're flipping out over one off 4$ payment for upgrade or no changes for you at all I believe you might have deeper issues we can't solve here.

As a supporter and staunch believer in Adblocking everywhere all the time I welcome the changes.

Dude, are you serious? O_o
While uploading your mods might help this site to host more content, you have to consider that they are giving you the opportunity to reach *many* more players with your creations. It's a win-win situation. Your "work" is a free time hobby; their work is an actual job and it encompasses expenses.

For a more balanced reaction, I would ask for a little benefit for uploaders, if I were in you, rather than acting like a primadonna, for something that has always been like that since you joined.

Nexus actually extended the benefits of an enlarged bandwidth to one-time contributors and to non ad-block users. The right reaction to such a news? "Thank you, Nexus guys, much kind of you". Edited by ghaladh
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In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971, #64112271, #64117736, #64118191, #64119421, #64121421 are all replies on the same post.

piotrmil wrote: I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better.

That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
lyoko1 wrote: But you are viewing this wrongly, this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, as 1MB was the non premium download speed all, now they provide an extra 1MB to make 2MB to people that supports this page either by watching ads, having a premium subscription in the past or purchasing the supporter rank.
people that use adblock still gets the speed that they where always capable off.

Even if you dont want to see a ad, servers are not cheap, and servers the size of nexus are very expensive, they need to pay for it, and it is payed whit the ads, the supporters and the premium, so this is not punishing adblock, this is rewarding the people that helps maintain nexus, is a very very different point of view, if you always have used adblock nothing is going to change for you.
piotrmil wrote: >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it,

One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
lyoko1 wrote: Is not about you using a piece of software, that is egocentrically point of view, is about rewarding ppl that go a step further to help maintain nexus, if this was reducing bandwith for adblockers to 500KB and keep supporters and ad viewers to 1MB then you would have a point, but it is not, this is leaving the ppl that use adblock the same speed always was avaliable and rewarding the people that HELP maintain the nexus whit a extra 1MB of transfer speed making 2MB.
piotrmil wrote: That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all.

But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
lyoko1 wrote: Yeah but what i mean, is that this is not punishiment whatsoever, i get why use adblock, but this is for people that are okay whitout using it, there are people that really don't care that much about ads, and that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, for those people and for supporters, this is a reward, a thank you, sience those people help to pay the page, and as such they obtain more resources out of it, because those resources cost money.
And for the people who can't or dont want to help, they still obtain what was always avaliable.
So this is not a bad thing, this is a good thing, this is not a punishiment for adblockers but a reward for ad watchers and supporters
piotrmil wrote: >that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams,

It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back.

So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well.
JoseSnake wrote: This is 2018, and ads are constantly hijacked and used as malware. So using an ad-blocker is a no brainer, as much as I would like to support website X or Y, my personal security is not worth the risk.

I won't even mention the privacy concerns involved, as ads tend to tag you with an ID cookie and track you around the web.
BeneathThePlass wrote: You might just consider grabbing the supporter rank, then. I totally get where you're coming from, given how dangerous ads can be these days. I also get where Nexus is coming from. We are, no matter what we do, costing them money as long as we're using the site. If the 1mb speedcap is really a bother, throw a couple bucks at them, and you'll never have ads again, so long as you're logged in.

Otherwise. Eh. Personally, I never even noticed the speed cap. And as nice as having it at 2mb for myself is now, I probably still won't notice it unless I'm downloading something super huge. So. It is what it is?

Edit: Also, I know it's not always as easy at throwing a couple bucks at a site. I'm disabled and have no income, so trust me, I get it. But if you get the chance, it might not be a bad idea.
silencer711 wrote: @piotrmill: Haha I remember ads being pretty bad in the early 2000’s and as far back as the 90’s when they were the most used of all time (IMO). There existed such sloppy code to make those things and you never had an easy [ X ] or fancy maneuver to close out of them at the time.

Back to your main concern — privacy/security risk with using an Adblocker. I would always go with what ensures the security of self and others, so don’t compromise on that.

The target audience for this announcement is Supporters & Premium subscribers. Everyone else —Nothing has changed, business as usual. This was an update for supporters but viewable by the masses. There is no loss or gain for non-subscribers. There is no change for that tier. Treat this as nothing happened to you because just that—nothing happened to you. Business as usual. Your stance on this is on the defensive, but since there was no “deficit of bandwidth” issue before this announcement, there was no “offense” side to unbalance the scales out of your favor. Your argument is contextually-irrelevant.

@lyoko1: I get what you’re saying, however, I’m laughing inside at how you said it: “...this is not punishing the use of Adblock, but rewarding the not using of it...” lmao at how I’m going to take this concept and use it for personal gains (comedically of course) when debating with friends & family :D
ghaladh wrote: I am an adblock user, but after realizing that by using such software I am preventing Nexus to get a little income from my navigation, I decided to whitelist this site. I wouldn't disable adblock on anyone's site, but since I am using Nexus regularly I though it would be nice of me to do so.
Alas, I don't have a credit card so I can't buy Premium membership, otherwise i would.

To be fair, I think that too many people on internet are too self-entitled, demanding the best free services at their conditions, without even taking into consideration the possibility to give some financial support for the expenses that a internet site has to afford. The common mentality is often "why should I pay?" or, even worse, "why should I get less of those who pay?". I am not saying that's your case, OP, yet you are rising a sterile polemic.

@JoseSnake: exactly my point.

@BeneathThePlass: probably not any time soon.

@silencer711: one one hand, you seem to understand where I come from, one the other you think my argument about ads in discussion about ads is irrelevant. Okay.

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