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Groups and Load Order: Bug?


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Vortex won't change the load order of my plugins based on the groups I just placed them in unless I restart Vortex first.


I have autosort enabled, and I clicked the SORT NOW button multiple times, even after switching to a different pane and then back to the plugins pane.

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Vortex won't change the load order of my plugins based on the groups I just placed them in unless I restart Vortex first.


I have autosort enabled, and I clicked the SORT NOW button multiple times, even after switching to a different pane and then back to the plugins pane.



Why did you place your plugins in different groups ? Did you try to play your game with your plugins placed on the groups given by Vortex or you just thought you were smarter than this program ?


The only plugins I have placed in the Dynamic Patching Group are my patches. All of the rest of my plugins are where Vortex put them and I do not have any problem at all playing my games.


Why do you want to change your plugins load order ? Have you given Vortex a bit of trust and did you try to play your game without changing anything ?

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Vortex won't change the load order of my plugins based on the groups I just placed them in unless I restart Vortex first.


I have autosort enabled, and I clicked the SORT NOW button multiple times, even after switching to a different pane and then back to the plugins pane.



Why did you place your plugins in different groups ? Did you try to play your game with your plugins placed on the groups given by Vortex or you just thought you were smarter than this program ?


The only plugins I have placed in the Dynamic Patching Group are my patches. All of the rest of my plugins are where Vortex put them and I do not have any problem at all playing my games.


Why do you want to change your plugins load order ? Have you given Vortex a bit of trust and did you try to play your game without changing anything ?



Because I told him to.

Because he needed to ensure that RSChildren.esp went to the bottom of his load order as per instructions of the mod author.

Anybody who uses that mod knows the ESM goes on top, and the esp has to override everything else.

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Vortex won't change the load order of my plugins based on the groups I just placed them in unless I restart Vortex first.


I have autosort enabled, and I clicked the SORT NOW button multiple times, even after switching to a different pane and then back to the plugins pane.



Why did you place your plugins in different groups ? Did you try to play your game with your plugins placed on the groups given by Vortex or you just thought you were smarter than this program ?


The only plugins I have placed in the Dynamic Patching Group are my patches. All of the rest of my plugins are where Vortex put them and I do not have any problem at all playing my games.


Why do you want to change your plugins load order ? Have you given Vortex a bit of trust and did you try to play your game without changing anything ?



The same reason why you sometimes have your own LOOT rules (since Vortex uses LOOT). You want to create a certain setup where something needs to overwrite something else for your own purposes. Vortex left alone for some reason places the bashed patch BEFORE Scarcity.esp and the associated multiplier patches. It should come after. So I had to make rules for it. LOOT/Vortex sorting is not infallible.

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Because I told him to.

Because he needed to ensure that RSChildren.esp went to the bottom of his load order as per instructions of the mod author.

Anybody who uses that mod knows the ESM goes on top, and the esp has to override everything else.

I know that you're going to dis me again, but I can't keep quiet since you continue to spread false information.


First of all, Masterfiles (esm) are always loaded before any plugin (esp) no matter what.


Secondly, 'everybody who uses RSChildren' know that what you just wrote is plainy wrong. There's just one 'bottom' of your load order, so you just cannot place all mods there, where its author claims to do that.


It's ok to put any plugin after RSChildren as long as it doesn't overwrite anything that RSC changes itself, which is true for about 98% of the mods out there.


And IF a mod changes something that conflicts with RSChildren, then it's usually not a good idea to simply let it be overwritten by RSC, usually it's better to create a compatibility patch. Blindly overwriting usually has some unwanted sideeffects.


For the normal user, who doesn't want to get too involved, it's always better to let LOOT do it's work. It (or it's authors and the maintainers of its masterlist) certainly knows more about placing of mods than you or most other people.

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The same reason why you sometimes have your own LOOT rules (since Vortex uses LOOT). You want to create a certain setup where something needs to overwrite something else for your own purposes. Vortex left alone for some reason places the bashed patch BEFORE Scarcity.esp and the associated multiplier patches. It should come after. So I had to make rules for it. LOOT/Vortex sorting is not infallible.


I don't agree with encouraging blind faith in LOOT either. I've already had to rename one mod in order to overcome LOOT's built in masterlist which simply refuses to let me place a certain mod above Cutting Room Floor. I know why its there because the author himself stated it should go after CRF but the author is wrong, plain and simple. I would contact the LOOT devs over it but they'll probably take the author's word over mine and he's gone off the radar.

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If there's an error in LOOT's masterlist, the best way is to inform the LOOT team. And if you have a well formed argument - like in your case proofing that the mod is overwriting something in CRF which will break it (which can easily be checked in xEdit), then they'll probably listen to you.

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Vortex won't change the load order of my plugins based on the groups I just placed them in unless I restart Vortex first.


I have autosort enabled, and I clicked the SORT NOW button multiple times, even after switching to a different pane and then back to the plugins pane.



Why did you place your plugins in different groups ? Did you try to play your game with your plugins placed on the groups given by Vortex or you just thought you were smarter than this program ?


The only plugins I have placed in the Dynamic Patching Group are my patches. All of the rest of my plugins are where Vortex put them and I do not have any problem at all playing my games.


Why do you want to change your plugins load order ? Have you given Vortex a bit of trust and did you try to play your game without changing anything ?



The same reason why you sometimes have your own LOOT rules (since Vortex uses LOOT). You want to create a certain setup where something needs to overwrite something else for your own purposes. Vortex left alone for some reason places the bashed patch BEFORE Scarcity.esp and the associated multiplier patches. It should come after. So I had to make rules for it. LOOT/Vortex sorting is not infallible.



My point is that you cannot use both at the same time, either Vortex to sort your load order or LOOT and I was advising to trust Vortex a bit and if that was not working for him, then to go with LOOT and the OP is not even mentioning batch patches of any sort and neither I did so I do not know from where you came up to bring to the table anything related to batch patches.


Since I have used both and now I am only using Vortex to sort out my load order and since it is working like a charm, that is the reason I am advising to put a bit of trust in Vortex.


You are advising a new Vortex user to tweak with the groups as if that person has the knowledge to do it. Well, if you have a lot of knowledge, why you did not answer directly his / her question ? Go ahead and help him / her instead talking non-sense to me.

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Vortex won't change the load order of my plugins based on the groups I just placed them in unless I restart Vortex first.


I have autosort enabled, and I clicked the SORT NOW button multiple times, even after switching to a different pane and then back to the plugins pane.



Why did you place your plugins in different groups ? Did you try to play your game with your plugins placed on the groups given by Vortex or you just thought you were smarter than this program ?


The only plugins I have placed in the Dynamic Patching Group are my patches. All of the rest of my plugins are where Vortex put them and I do not have any problem at all playing my games.


Why do you want to change your plugins load order ? Have you given Vortex a bit of trust and did you try to play your game without changing anything ?



The same reason why you sometimes have your own LOOT rules (since Vortex uses LOOT). You want to create a certain setup where something needs to overwrite something else for your own purposes. Vortex left alone for some reason places the bashed patch BEFORE Scarcity.esp and the associated multiplier patches. It should come after. So I had to make rules for it. LOOT/Vortex sorting is not infallible.



My point is that you cannot use both at the same time, either Vortex to sort your load order or LOOT and I was advising to trust Vortex a bit and if that was not working for him, then to go with LOOT and the OP is not even mentioning batch patches of any sort and neither I did so I do not know from where you came up to bring to the table anything related to batch patches.


Since I have used both and now I am only using Vortex to sort out my load order and since it is working like a charm, that is the reason I am advising to put a bit of trust in Vortex.


You are advising a new Vortex user to tweak with the groups as if that person has the knowledge to do it. Well, if you have a lot of knowledge, why you did not answer directly his / her question ? Go ahead and help him / her instead talking non-sense to me.


I was using the bashed patch as an example of Vortex sometimes getting things wrong. In fact, LOOT sorts this correctly while Vortex does not.


Plus the OP had already decided to not trust Vortex. Vortex isn't infallible. It's not wrong to decide you don't like the way it sorts things if you know that a different spot for a certain plugin works better.


Also, there is no answer to his question. It sounds like a bug report. It should be directed to the writers of Vortex,

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I was using the bashed patch as an example of Vortex sometimes getting things wrong. In fact, LOOT sorts this correctly while Vortex does not.


That would be really strange, as Vortex USES Loot to do the sorting. Can you elaborate on that?


No tool is unfallible of course, and I know for a fact that Vortex has bugs (I keep reporting them). But some things are just not caused by bugs but more likely by some misunderstanding of how things are supposed to work. Which can be seen here in the forum all of the time.

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