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Small issue following update to .10 version (testing)

Guest deleted34304850

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Having just updated to version 0.16.10, I tried to replicate your problem. I could not replicate it. The download worked perfectly. My apologies for not being able to offer any possible reasons for your download failure. I don't have a great deal of expertise in these matters.


By the way, I always download manually and then drag and drop. However, I was simply curious to see if I might have the same download difficulty as you.

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i wonder if it is related in some way to signing into nexusmods? when i upgraded, i was required to login to the site. i did - all was fine - other than that, absolutely nothing has changed.

when i revert back to the .8 version - everything returns to normal.


my next test will be to clear all cache/cookies etc from my browser, which should clean everything out and try once more.


When I updated, I was already logged in to Vortex. Please let us know what you find out.

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I just tried it, the download button works for me.

I did notice that the update to .10 changed a couple of settings on me though.


What settings did you find changed?



For me one of the settings that was changed was the Nexus Mods Account Banner was turned back on.

This is something I always leave off to preserve screen space.

Nothing major I know, but the fact it was changed makes me wonder if anything else under the hood got changed for other people

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I cannot concur with the OP. I just updated Vortex .... no more than 10 seconds to update and I just dowloaded the Fusilade Grenade Launcher to my Fallout 4 game in an instance and no issues at all.


Sorry, do not know what is happening with your setup.

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