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Why I love FNV


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http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_endings Playing Fallout 3 and F4 nothing you do really matters. Do this then this happens, all through the game. I am playing with Vanessa now and I have made multiple trips to Black Mountain to get her guitar, nearly every journey is different. Sometimes the mutant walks up the road and acts like a guard, sometimes he runs like a streak and disappears up there somewhere. Depends on what you say I guess. Usually Tabitha is on the warpath but once she was all nice too meet you to me. The list of subtle and not so subtle endgame outcomes is staggering compared to the other games. Played Fallout but it was so long ago I have forgotten what happens.

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Fallout 4 sux. I beat joining the Institute, then I loaded a save and made the BoS' ending and never went back to the others (without slide endings I see no reason to care)


But, people say that Far Harbor is good. Never played it, too much expensive.


I also drop this game before the update that have the hardcore mode, wich looks super cool, actually.


Edit: about Fallout 3, it is ok, i like it. Not as much as I like Oblivion or Skyrim, but it pays off. I think it's honest. A shame that Mothership Zeta and Anchorage are two of the worst dlcs of all time. The others are awesome.

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I bought FO4 and all the DLC. I got about halfway through the main quest and was so fed up with the shooter style and bullet sponges that I quit playing the game entirely. Once a bunch of mods came out, I was able to eliminate the bullet sponge idiocy, and an alternate start mod where I wasn't forced into playing the character that Bethesda forced on me helped tremendously as well.


I didn't like the Sims stuff, so I was hugely disappointed in the DLC. Definitely NOT worth the money for me. Like a lot of people, I expected one more real quest DLC to come out and they cut it short.


I didn't like Far Harbor. It had a few good moments, but overall it suffers from the same things that the rest of the game suffers from.


I am a huge Fallout fan. I loved all of the games prior to FO4. But FO4 really has me worried. Either Bethesda doesn't understand what a real Fallout game is, or they just don't want to make that kind of game any more. The fact that they don't seem to understand what an RPG is supposed to be has me worried about the Elder Scrolls series as well. Bethesda wants to tell narratives instead of letting players build their own stories.


Fallout 76 has me even more worried. Bethesda doesn't seem to know what they want to do with the franchise. They keep taking Fallout games off in so many different directions, and the one thing they won't make is the one thing that I want, a true Fallout game: an RPG with some depth that is true to the previous lore.


With Bethesda going off in so many different directions, it's going to be years before we even see FO5, and Bethesda is so scatterbrained and unfocused, I'm really worried about what FO5 is even going to be. I strongly suspect at this point that I'll end up not even buying it. I am a hard core Fallout fan. I have spent countless hours digging through the lore and playing all of the games. And Bethesda has ruined the franchise for me.


I'm sticking with FNV for now. Maybe forever.


I liked Oblivion. I didn't like Skyrim as much as most people. The main quest was ok, but it was kind of a narrative. You got to choose which side you wanted to be on, but not much else. What I really was disappointed with though were the side quests, like the College of Winterhold. The side quests tended to be too short and underdeveloped. They felt rushed and were disappointing. Again, it's this focus on a narrative and not letting the players write their own stories that has me worried about the future of both Fallout and Elder Scrolls games.

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Yeah, Winterhold sux. My nord BARBARIAN became the boss there (like, WHAT?)


My favorites are Brotherhood and Daedric quests.

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Before playing FNV, I had played the s#*! out of Oblivion. I started this very account just for the mods and kept playing Oblivion because there were so many mods for it. I actually broke the mod limit once. This was in 2011; at the time, I had worked at a major bar and grill chain and we FOH staff would clean a few mornings a week. After I had finished my cleaning duties for the day (I was off the rest of the day), I went to GameStop and noticed FNV on a shelf. I thought to myself, "This can't be THAT removed from Oblivion; they were both made using the same engine." From a purely technical standpoint, I wasn't wrong. But I was in for a new experience when I installed Steam and the game. I played for a while with just the base game; didn't get the DLCs til much later. I stopped playing after Valve made Team Fortress 2 free and only in the last two years have I picked FNV back up. I've downloaded my share of mods and even requested an armor mod in the mod request folder; would like to learn to make my own as well. The different ways to end the game (DLCs and all), different possible builds, and mods keep me coming back for more. I'm still on the same character I've been playing since July because I've been putting lots of thought into this playthrough, hoping to make it one of my best. Eight years later, people are still playing, modding, and debating about this game; I'd say that says Obsidian did a great job.

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I consider the Fallout series to have finished with New Vegas. I liked the original Fallout, New Vegas, Fallout 3 (with Pitt DLC only), Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics in that order.


There's always room for a new post holocaust game, I don't feel obliged to stick to a tradermark that no longer belongs to its original creators.

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