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What is with all the sex mods?


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Oh I do love this subject.


My first games were the Original Football Manager, 1982-4 - Then things like Chuckie Egg and School Dayz, I moved on to Championship Manager on my Amiga, Laser Squad, The original XCOM, Civilization, Settlers by which point I was in my 20's. I remember playing "Daggerfall" and being amazed at topless woman in a game - I mean barely recognizable as topless women, but topless women all the same.


Since the good old days we've now reached a point (well we reached it a while ago) where humans now look pretty human in games - were long passed the point of my going a female character in Daggerfall because I could run about naked and think it was funny as.....


Simply put - sex mods were always gonna follow suit - I have sex mods in my games and have done since discovering Animated Prostitution for Skyrim - I was so excited when I found that and got it working, I phoned half my mates and they all came up and we laughed at being able to score with the Jarl of Solitude - proper sex animations - hillarious. There was a youtube clip that came out by some guys taking the michael out of That twat who was Jarl of Windhelm, you know, the "LEGENDS DON'T BURN DOWN VILLAGES" guy - watching him running about having sex with all the argonians and various other Skyrim species that he hates so much. I could barely stop laughing, you hear one of the guys responsible for making it in the background saying, "What the f*** are we doing?" and that just made me worse - stitches for hours.


Anyway - I love having a degree of sex in my games because if I was a superhero or looked like Brad Pitt or could slay dragons, I'd expect to score with far more frequency than I do in real life, so as an extention of being able to slay dragons, my character could also score for saving the day - much better than scoring because you brought your wife home a bottle of wine and that's the only way to get any these days don't ya think?


Human beings being human - I personally think games are worse if sex is taken out, and it should only be a small part of any game (unless your actually playing a sex game - that's different) - but here we are in a post apocalyptic wasteland where societies rules are apparently gone, pickpocket the wrong man and you shall pay with your life and no one bats an eyelid, start mentioning sex though and some people who'll happily tell you how they butchered this raider in horrific fashion and they get touchy..... for these people, their only hope is that the can actually think or someone can explain it too them.


Honestly, I could go on for hours about the hypocracy concerning some of the things that are taboo and that are not - I could lecture for days - but I won't I'll answer the question asked at the start of this post.....


Why are there so many sex mods? Because - this game has been out for 3 years - almost all the simpler mods are done - the complicated ones, are few and far between because of the sheer effort/time/love that larger mod authors put into their work - which leaves sex and the creators desire to create as beautiful a simulated creature as they can - for whatever reason.


People who do sick stuff in games, never lift a hand to people in real life - most of us fully understand the difference between fantasy and reality and have ZERO issues keeping them seperate. We have a few that do not, but violent/sex mods aren't going to be what them what they are. The rest of humanity is weird and curious - Games are the perfect place to play out that curiousity and weirdness - harming no one and nothing.


Life - no matter what you may get told is so f'ing hard - as long as you do not physically or psychologically harm others in the process of whatever you happen to do to be able to deal with the hell your surrounded by on a daily basis - Fair game if you ask me. For those psychologically harmed by the thought of darkness within humanity - I suggest a lifelong quest to find a sense of humour or a thicker layer of skin.



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I miss Command&Conquer by this list. Kane was for me the first charismatic villain^^. I will always remember him :smile: and ohh... the good old Wing Commander games...


My biggest memorie on Whiterun is Nazeem and how I have build my first interior in the ck, just because of him. I had build a small jail, just with a firetorch and haystack... I hope he still sits there until the end of all days... Or until I had a chat with Molag Bal about him :|.


Btw aufisch, maybe that guy with his 10ths follower has just fun on building followers :smile:. I have about that twisted feelings. I like the questwork on followers, the storywriting and maybe the interior/worldspace building, but I honestly dislike to spend many time on working on the faces, or bodys of followers. Luckily that is not really necessary since we have a ton of presets on the nexus that can be used for them (as long as we talk about bodys).

Edited by taryl80
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Your'e right taryl80, that might well be the case or they just want to re-create all their friends. Who knows..... :)


I think the very first game I owned myself was "The Settlers" (the original one) and then shortly after it was "C&C Red Alert". Oh those cheesy badly acted video sequences. :laugh:

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My very first game was 'Pong', on a Sears knock-off Atari.


Unless you count some text-based terminal (no CRT's back then) computer games like 'Wumpus Hunt'. Ahhh, the sneaky, irascible wumpus... how has no-one made a modern version of that game?


You ever see one of those ancient text-based pics we used to make back then? Ever seen the U.S.S Enterprise made up all dots and dashes? Yeah... that was me. That's what we nerds did before Pong... and then Space Invaders, etc.


You kids today with yer fancy LED TVs... we uns' thought cathode-ray tubes were the height of technology when we finally got those. :D


But yeah... gaming. At least we had board games... and D&D. Poor bastards in Fallout only had Blast Radius.

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D&D Man - most of my childhood and I'm not admitting when I stopped - say I started at 8 and ended 13 or so years later..........


Wouldn't change a minute of it........

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  • 2 months later...

I was a teen when Pong was released to the public. Before that there was Blackjack, Tic Tac Toe and text rpgs. I played the latter at my dad's job in the early 70s at Western Union Teletype and Telegraph. I love adult content in games and want to see more of it. It's good healthy fun regardless of what the zealots have to say about it. Large breasts, penises, butts and muscles are great and so are the smaller versions of these. To each, his and her own, I say. Freedom is the word here. I thank the Nexus admin's attention to this. Love to you all. To the zealots I say... pray for the gift of understanding and above all the gift of love. Peace and love to all here and abroad... ( . Y . )

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  • 3 years later...
I never really saw anything about sexual mods being "against the rules" its just that it wasnt a popular idea on nexus which seems more like its meant to follow bethesdas already allowed mod list in the game already, while lovers lab kinda just sounds like a sex site in general from the name, as in when i saw it for the first time i thought it was a porn media streamer like pornhub until i noticed link after link going from here to there. There has For as long as i have known been sexual mods on here, and the ones i used from here are still available about 3-4 years later as well as the countless sexual mods that surpass that, but werent entirely all that good (the ones i saw). I think more people are realizing it ISNT against the rules, which in turn makes it more convenient for everyone to keep it on one platform, instead of linking things back and forth.
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My blocking-button has been very active recently. It really solves the problem for me having to look at those ridiculous unrealistic boobs and skimpy outfits, at least in the hot-files :cool: So this is no big issue for me.


Seriously, every time I see a boob mod I think for myself; "Have you male teens even a clue as to how heavy and uncomfortable such huge "atomic" breasts are, and how quickly they would lead to spine problems and as consequence of it a hunchback within only a couple of years? - Think a hunchback is sexy?" .


Or for the skimpy stuff - thinking it in a sarcastic voice; "Yea right. If I as a real life woman would live in a time where murdering and raping raider- and gunner-gangs are going rampart, radiations is around every corner, and the few roads are all broken; I would definitely run around with a pair of hot-pants, stilettos and some band aids over my nipples" - sigh :pinch: :laugh:

Interesting, i know plenty of females with double if not tripple d's that want larger tits, and technically anyone who goes around in "skimpy" wear today, is doing pretty much EXACTLY what you JUST said you wouldnt. If you EVER wear skimpy stuff then you have become a liar, since ANYWHERE you go, there is at least 5 rapists in every SMALL town, and weve dropped enough nukes, along side using nuclear power for so long, were kinda swimming in radiation. Your point is kinda invalid now as to it breaking immersion in the slightest since everything you said is wrong, is kinda right in todays society, while YOU may not like that kind of stuff, it happens irl making it pretty realistic. On top of that, its unrealistic that there is still the amount of radiation in the "glowing sea" for the fact that the 2 nukes we dropped on japan around 60-70ish years ago, are again liveable while the glowing sea isnt to anyone who wasnt "blessed by atom". This game takes place 100-200 years after the bombs dropped meaning its almost double or even quadruple the amount of years and still has the radiation equal to a little after the damn thing exploded. This game as a whole, doesnt follow a realistic path, so equaiting it to real life isnt smart at ALL.
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My blocking-button has been very active recently. It really solves the problem for me having to look at those ridiculous unrealistic boobs and skimpy outfits, at least in the hot-files :cool: So this is no big issue for me.


Seriously, every time I see a boob mod I think for myself; "Have you male teens even a clue as to how heavy and uncomfortable such huge "atomic" breasts are, and how quickly they would lead to spine problems and as consequence of it a hunchback within only a couple of years? - Think a hunchback is sexy?" .


Or for the skimpy stuff - thinking it in a sarcastic voice; "Yea right. If I as a real life woman would live in a time where murdering and raping raider- and gunner-gangs are going rampart, radiations is around every corner, and the few roads are all broken; I would definitely run around with a pair of hot-pants, stilettos and some band aids over my nipples" - sigh :pinch: :laugh:

Interesting, i know plenty of females with double if not tripple d's that want larger tits, and technically anyone who goes around in "skimpy" wear today, is doing pretty much EXACTLY what you JUST said you wouldnt. If you EVER wear skimpy stuff then you have become a liar, since ANYWHERE you go, there is at least 5 rapists in every SMALL town, and weve dropped enough nukes, along side using nuclear power for so long, were kinda swimming in radiation. Your point is kinda invalid now as to it breaking immersion in the slightest since everything you said is wrong, is kinda right in todays society, while YOU may not like that kind of stuff, it happens irl making it pretty realistic. On top of that, its unrealistic that there is still the amount of radiation in the "glowing sea" for the fact that the 2 nukes we dropped on japan around 60-70ish years ago, are again liveable while the glowing sea isnt to anyone who wasnt "blessed by atom". This game takes place 100-200 years after the bombs dropped meaning its almost double or even quadruple the amount of years and still has the radiation equal to a little after the damn thing exploded. This game as a whole, doesnt follow a realistic path, so equaiting it to real life isnt smart at ALL.


Wow. You dredged this one up from the depths, to hand out a comparison of FO4 to Today's world??? Seriously?


Yes, there are likely rapists in every town. However, there are NOT organized gangs of them wandering EVERYWHERE, nor is radiation much of a concern for us today. (aside from sunburn.) We also have some semblance of law enforcement. Something that is distinctly lacking in the FO4 world. Sure, we DO have gangs, and they DO commit crimes, however, they do NOT freely wander wherever they care to go in the cities, they are restricted to specific areas. I live in what I consider a small town, and I could wander around in a crop top, and short skirt, pretty much anywhere, at any time, and not have to worry about rapists. (of course, I am male, so they would just kinda look at me funny in any event, and figure I am somewhat less than sane......) Of course, citizens/bad guys in this day and age, aren't nearly as well-armed as those in FO4 world either. :D


Now, I DO agree that the radiation hazard in FO4 is dramatically overblown. After 200 years, it would be MUCH less of an issue than it is portrayed in the game. Except the barrels of waste you find just about everywhere, those would still be problematic. Something else to consider though, is that after 200 plus years, Boston would be indistinguishable from a primeval forest. NONE of the building would still be standing. There *might* be some remnants of the framing sticking above ground level, but, aside from that, they would ALL be GONE. Nature would have taken back any area that wasn't being actively maintained. So, there might be a few small areas where there are still buildings standing, but, for the most part, it would look a lot like wandering thru a national park. :D

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