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Radiant Minutement quest repetition


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"Radiant Minutemen quests: Garvey will assign the Sole Survivor up to three radiant quests every time he is spoken to, provided none of the quests mentioned above are currently active."


I thought these radiant quests center on nearly any possible settlement, and provided access to new settlements; however, they have thus far only involved three settlements: Abernathy Farm, Sanctuary, and Tenpines Bluff—and that's it. I am only told of the needs of one settlement—never two or three. I know the last time I played, Preston was sending me to other places. Granted, I took the Castle earlier and the radiant quests seemed to stop shortly thereafter. During this play through, I've easily done a dozen of them, and they've only involved those three settlements. I have other settlements, and there remain some I've not claimed.


Does this sound right?

Edited by SirGalahad
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The Minutemen radiant quests were horribly implemented and the fact that some settlements are locked to them is extremely annoying. It got to the point that I just killed everyone in Greentop because I just didn't get that quest after several attempts and mods.


It's legit just really bad RNG

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  • 2 months later...

It's legit just really bad RNG

Yep. Bad RNG is a thing in BSG games. In Skyrim I ended up with +10 charmed necklaces because I got the revelers on at least every third "random" encounter.


In Fallout 4, in two different playthrough attempts (no mod changes besides updates) I got only attackes on Tenpines throughout the first. On the second, most attacks happened on Finch Farm and Sunshine Tidings.

On the downside, every time I came back to Sanctuary I had one of two specific settlers waiting there who would report that the other had been kidnapped to either Medford Memorial or Corvega.


That's the typical BGS experience, I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And random attacks was quite popular mod in Skyrim wasn't? I think the difference was simply that you was there, it wasn't about some nonamed always random settlers, it was you fighting. But when they make you a caretaker, it just doesn't feel that cool maybe. Like you would be married and have demanding kids or something :tongue:

I don't know scripting really, so I wonder what causes that the program never remember the settlers or any mobs when they are created? I wish I could create a mod which would let it be random creation and then remember it. Or was it even in Skyrim and I just didn't notice it? It makes me feel really bad and uncomfortable - maybe it is just strange in BSG games. I want to know type of NPCs mobs according to their clothes, I want to recongize special mob by his special armor, this just feel like cheap crap :sad:. Maybe that is part of RPG - to remember things and work with it. But always random fits looter shooters more.



When I saw the structure of that whole Minutemen faction quests, it was very non Bethesda if you know what I mean? Like it was written by someone who or didn't work in Bethesda before or he was hired to test random encounters, but even for that it was strange. Like the end of the quest written at the beginning stages, all dialogues instead of being grouped under 1 dialogue quest, it was added randomly under scenes, sometimes it didn't match even the quest running there, because it was shared, the end script was made for everything, so you cannot separate it - I mean really everything - like random encounters, main faction quest, workshops, and not whole - just pieces, so if you need to search for all, you will search a lot if you don't know where to look at. And Side quests you have to search for them - I didn't find the name of the starting quest, not to mention both quest were not RPG at all - to go to military fortress for a locket with no other task?

So did they have to destroy the typical structure of Bethesda scripting questing system or was it this person working in a very modders or even colleagues unfriendly way? I mean the structure is good for something - that if you want something to add or remove you know fast where to look at and more important - someone can change it after you. Even the naming: faction vault boys - for swf file of those 3 factions...

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Maybe I would prefer if I could be hired by settlers as a guard and attacked during my guard duty.


I will try not think about the fact, that I cannot change things I feel bad about in Fallout 4. Frequency will not make it better for me - the whole system of factions attached to settlement workshops doesn't feel right :(.

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And random attacks was quite popular mod in Skyrim wasn't? I think the difference was simply that you was there, it wasn't about some nonamed always random settlers, it was you fighting.

Well, that or it could have been different people liking it. I mean also some of the most popular Skyrim mods ever were about stopping or containing the effects of dragon and vampire attacks.


Different people like different things, I guess.


But when they make you a caretaker, it just doesn't feel that cool maybe. Like you would be married and have demanding kids or something :tongue:

Well, I can't speak for others, but for me it's more like the fact that the whole design for Fallout 4 is that the game is playing my role for me. You know, instead of figuring out that maybe if it's a ROLE-PLAYING Game, I might want to PLAY my own ROLE myself.


The game just decided how I feel about my son's kidnapping, how obsessive-compulsive I'd feel about saving some random settler NPCs, and so on. And I profoundly resent that.


I'm not an NPC, is all I'm saying.


I don't know scripting really, so I wonder what causes that the program never remember the settlers or any mobs when they are created?

Mobs despawn when the cell is unloaded. I'm not sure what you mean by not remembering settlers, though. Once they are assigned to a workshop, I'm pretty sure it remembers them.


I wish I could create a mod which would let it be random creation and then remember it.

Random creation of what, though? I'm pretty sure you only need one line in the console to spawn a random settler at your position, and if you send them to a settlement, the game remembers them. Or what did you want to spawn randomly?


And yeah, it also remembers what items you gave them, what you made them wear, etc.


It's just not taken into consideration when calculating attacks you're not witnessing. You could have 24 settlers in full sets of heavy combat armour, with fully upgraded gatling lasers, and the opponents could be half a dozen level 1 raiders in long johns and with pipe pistols. But the game will think "oh, defense score of 24, much less than 150, the settlers lose." Meanwhile you could have 20 turrets in a locked room, behind a tall wall, and past a door that says "beware of leopard", and the opponent could be all wearing overboss power armour and having railguns. And the game would still think "20x8=160 defense score, it's higher than 150, yay, the raiders lost." Because it's literally that stupid. It's not simulating anything, it's just calculating some meaningless numbers, that don't take level, equipment, or anything else into consideration.


Stupidly enough, it also has no influence on the probability of an attack. That's only based on the amount of resources in the workshop. Those half a dozen level 1 raiders in long johns and with pipe pistols, don't look at the settlement and go, "oh, they massively outgun us, and outnumber us 4 to one... let's maybe attack somewhere else." All that is simply not considered.

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I noticed, that some of the settlers went missing and were replaced - different face/clothes, but those clothes represented type of that settler for me, so it felt like instead of a fisherman I got a trader - I couldn't chose whom I want. Maybe it is just me - I have heard a lot in MMOs - some people really wanted everything random, but I do like if there is a system - like if I should manage settlers, then let them have clothes typical for their profession, bonuses for it. But what to do with it (aside from random attacks prevention)?


I was thinking now when I decided to roleplay atom of children mystic, that maybe I could use it as well - to spread preaching about Atom. If I could use just general happiness - it could work like with bards - by teaching animation 1 per a day they would feel happier or something and they would slowly turn into worshipers of Atom with the clothes and all.


or let me be the settler in some settler faction and sell things I will grow - like instead of owning a workshop I would help them with happiness by doing anything - it would give me freedom to choose what I want to do, so in this case it shouldn't be divided to different branches (like defenses/food etc), but overall happiness and while I was doing my daily farming, if that settlement would be attacked, I would be OK with defending it if that attack would happen while I'm there.

And if I will help grow happiness I could be a major one day and it would feel better for me than to be there as Minuteman general - it feels like as a minuteman I would be helping with guarding instead of taking care of settlement.


So if there would be a real system of really independent side quests - how to help a settlement, you could gain influence for any faction you are member at that moment. But because those scripts are scattered between Minutemen quests, main quest, random events, dungeons quests and whatever, I don't know if it is possible to do it.


What I meant by total random is that I tried to create a mod of feral non combat ghouls which are not unique - some sort of servants of Adams family. But they kept changing every time I loaded to check something. I will search for it in some tutorial I guess.

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maybe it is too much of forced micromanagement for Minutemen playthrough - I just wish there would be a solid main quest with Gunners - It looks like they are some sort of mafia and they didn't like Minutemen influence (like the only good order who protects people), so they destroyed them, so they could threaten people forcing them to ask for protection, otherwise they would send Raiders. Then instead of stupid locket you would search for their plans and connections of gunners and raiders - in that observatory you could talk with their boss and or kill him and search for some note, or persuade him to give you info. She (Ack-Ack - then all those names would make sense...) would mention Corvega, their boss was following Preston and knows more. You would go there and repeat it. He could have even demand, that he wants that mama mystic and some services, or you could just kill him and everyone around.

then you would go to Diamond city, where the main quest would continue. Detective/Piper would point out where Gunners do have influence and Bunker Hill would turn out to be neutral ground, where all the negotiation would be held. You could also deal with 2 other raiders big factions/settlements (forges and that one in docks)

And settlers - you would help them, make guard rounds for them with some attacks and you would recruit soldiers and send them to the castle. They keep saying "help their cause" but there is none in the end...

After the Castle you would feel strong enough to attack their headquarters in Gunners Plaza instead of that place being empty slot holder for random events...

Of course after the quests would finish there could be random quests after that, but not before :sad: That is the most wrong for me.

Edited by Mudran
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