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Which ending do you usually go for and why?



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  1. 1. Which end do you generally strive for in the Mojave? Write why below.

    • Caesars Legion
    • NCR
    • House
    • Independant New Vegas

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The Courier during the course of the game becomes something like a Terminator meets the Man with No Name crossover. Raiders? The new upstart nation gets ruled by a man which singlehandedly went into Vault 3, armed with a machinegun, combat armour, five doses of Psycho, a bottle of Whiskey and just flipped out and killed everyone inside.


By the end of the game it's immersion-breaking that enemies run to you. They should be either in overwhelming numbers and with some serious firepower or flat out running away, given the Courier up to that point is a man-machine hybrid which has killed thousands of armed people, because he didn't like them or was flat out tripping on Psycho.


Now if only there was a perk that causes all hostile people to cower and run instead of fighting

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The Courier during the course of the game becomes something like a Terminator meets the Man with No Name crossover. Raiders? The new upstart nation gets ruled by a man which singlehandedly went into Vault 3, armed with a machinegun, combat armour, five doses of Psycho, a bottle of Whiskey and just flipped out and killed everyone inside.


By the end of the game it's immersion-breaking that enemies run to you. They should be either in overwhelming numbers and with some serious firepower or flat out running away, given the Courier up to that point is a man-machine hybrid which has killed thousands of armed people, because he didn't like them or was flat out tripping on Psycho.


Now if only there was a perk that causes all hostile people to cower and run instead of fighting



or better. Just a mod in general that tracks your kills towards any giving faction.

And when it reaches a certain point it alters that faction its reaction towards you.


Some factions like the Fiends are too high to remember you except for maybe one or two.

Legion troopers might still fear their Legate more then you.

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Personally, I prefer the Mr. House Ending because:

» My courier doesn't see eye to eye with Caesar Legion. Although he agrees with some of Caesar's arguments, He disagree with his method.

» NCR is good, but just like other people said. NCR is expanding too fast which makes them greedy and corrupted. Maybe by letting the NCR lose for once will open their eyes. The only reason I don't support NCR is to make them fail and hope that NCR will learn from it and open their eyes.

» Independent New vegas may be the most ideal way. My fear of Yes Man turning to SkyNet is gone after J.E. Sawyer confirms it. But My courier has his doubts (about his own capabilities in ruling New Vegas). He feels that he doesn't has what it takes to lead New Vegas. He can and willing to protect it as a Guardian. But to lead it as a state or nation... He's not that kind of man.

That's why he decided to let New Vegas ruled by other people, and among Legion, NCR, and Mr. House, He chosed Mr. House. He will support but watch Mr. House and will take action if Mr. House's decision doesn't count the people's interest.

But that is only because I have mod that makes Mr. House agree to not to destroy the BoS.

The true BoS is like the Outcast of FO3, and that's annoying. But I still respect them. I refuse to destroy BoS. Not to mention that I don't want to make Veronica sad...

If this is to be taken without mod that can alter the quest (such as The Mr. House - BoS alliance), then I think I will choose independent New Vegas as the ending. Maybe I can visit Ulysses and convince him to help making New Vegas a better place (Like the Divide before the accident — if what he said is true). Not only that, I will also ask help from other faction leader (Boomers, Followers, BoS, Khans, etc.) to make New Vegas a new and better civilization.

Leading entire Mojave is not what I wanted. Personally I just want to own an advanced high-tech ranch (with technologies from the Big MT) and make my own business selling foods after all the fighting (well, maybe with a bit of action once in awhile).

Edited by vroix
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You know, I think everyone supporting the Yes-Man ending is being a little unfair. Now they might have different arguments as to why its the best ending, but most of them have, at its root, the courier. They all think that (s)he is going to be a strong leader that will build something new out of the mojave. But whenever they argue against the NCR or any of the other endings, they NEVER seem to factor in the courier. The integral part of their reasoning is never applied to any of the other endings, as if the courier wouldn't have any effect on them. In my mind the NCR ending is the best, despite all their shortcomings. The reason I think this is because the courier could very well change the direction its going in. And why wouldn't (s)he be able to? I mean the courier practicaly fixed all the problems of the Mojave almost single-handedly. And if we eliminate the courier as a factor from every ending, then the yes-man ending becomes one of the worst because all its going to do is leave a massive power vacum in the Mojave that many of the minor factions will wage a war to fill. The free and independent New Vegas everyone fought for will become a blood bath.

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The thing is, even with the DLCs the Courier doesn't have the manpower to truly rule the Mohave. Subjugate it, yes, but clearly wouldn't. Besides, NCR is de facto the US, if not necessarily de jure (which can be flawlessly corrected if you have the right mods). Granted I'm an American, but for me the purpose of Fallout was never to revel in the Wasteland (which is what the Yes-man ending is), but to restore it and its people to life. I've played every single Fallout game that way. If I would have Tactics, that's the only time I would have elected not for the best ending, as while a man must risk his life for his country, he is under no obligation to to certainly die for it. Thus, I'd have made the Brotherhood work for its victory.


I understand Chris Avellone's thoughts on this, but he's the idiot that ruined Fallout back in 2. It's still good, but in a terminally decaying orbit. The problem I've found is that nuless I try playing a tribal, I can't imagine a Wastelander who doesn't want the US back, even if they only know it as a cursory myth. This is because even if the US is never coming back in Fallout, Americans are still in their 'Romanoi' period. This is the period in the 6th through 8th centuries in Western Europe where the Roman Empire hadn't existed for some time, but the populace still clung to their ethnic identities as Romans. Fallout really doesn't know it's history on this one subject (beyond not knowing science at all, GRRRR.....): There were Greeks into World War I, living in the decaying Ottoman Empire, who proudly declared themselves to Romans, and not Greeks. This was after 600 years of living under Turkish rule.


I'd say the NCR ending isn't just the 'right' ending, or my favorite. It is both. But more importantly, American civil religion is a vast and important underpinning even today. The notion that a people cease to exist with their empires is a gross lie: the Kurds have NEVER had a state, and they are a people, to say nothing of the Jews, the Russians under the Mongols, or Germans after the 30 Years War, which is the closest analog history has to the the regional obliteration and loss of national unity the US had in 2077. This is the one thing I really liked about Fallout 3: whenever America was mentioned by non-Enclavers, it was 'their' country, not some bygone state of the past. Both James and Three Dog refer to the United States in the present tense.


The idea of America, and the aspiration of America is too powerful to be ignored or denied. And just getting rid of the idea of being an American has proved to be an impossible task, even among tribals, as Ulysses shows. A victory for NCR is really the ending where mankind takes another step away from 2077. It's the rebuilding ending. Everything else is an ending of reaction, the prolonging of a horrible period of human history who's close cannot happen fast enough. That's the point of Fallout: to undo the Wasteland with small steps, every day, and in every way.

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You're supposing that restoring America is the right thing to do, and I'd contest that. The America of 2077 was an ultra-conservative, oppressive, aggressive nation from an era of resource wars between superpowers.


Besides, supposedly one of the core values of the United States is freedom and self-detemination (although the degree to which that actually exists is debatable), not some sort of Manifest Destiny from Shady Sands, where the NCR lays claim to all that used to be the USA. That's not much better than what the Enclave were up to (minus the genocide, of course)

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I never said anything about America of 2077, or the Resource Wars in general. If I supported that, I'd go with House. The problem that people don't seem to get, or maybe don't want to get, is that there's a vast, vast difference between lawlessness and freedom. Between license and liberty. Let's face it: any ending except NCR means the Mohave is lorded over by a depot. House is a neglectful overlord outside the Strip, the Courier is at best a kind hearted but semi-competent. Caesar is the only one that really good and comprehensive about it. Even with slavery, the Mohave is better off with ol Edward Sallow in the long term. And medium term. Look at the Four States Commonwealth, it's safer than modern day China by any and all accounts. Only the Legion kills and the Legion doesn't kill others without good reason. It can rebuild in total peace, which the NCR can't because its overextended and still has a Brotherhood insurgency to deal with with. And even NCR is light years ahead of the Mohave in terms of standard of living and safety of the general populace. Its the reason why all the fiends and most of the raiders have evacuated into the Vegas plain.


So, I'm not shedding any tears for a way of life where the strong endure what they must, if it doesn't kill them, and the strong do whatever the f*#@ they please. Besides, NCR isn't pre-war America at all. Befitting the Western theme of New Vegas, its closer to Gilded Age America, with all its associate problems. There's a very important thematic reason NCR Troopers look like they they just stepped out of 1917. NCR is where the American ideal is a chance to begin again. And that ideal only went sour because of the Resource Wars.

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I never said anything about America of 2077, or the Resource Wars in general. If I supported that, I'd go with House. The problem that people don't seem to get, or maybe don't want to get, is that there's a vast, vast difference between lawlessness and freedom. Between license and liberty. Let's face it: any ending except NCR means the Mohave is lorded over by a depot. House is a neglectful overlord outside the Strip, the Courier is at best a kind hearted but semi-competent. Caesar is the only one that really good and comprehensive about it. Even with slavery, the Mohave is better off with ol Edward Sallow in the long term. And medium term. Look at the Four States Commonwealth, it's safer than modern day China by any and all accounts. Only the Legion kills and the Legion doesn't kill others without good reason. It can rebuild in total peace, which the NCR can't because its overextended and still has a Brotherhood insurgency to deal with with. And even NCR is light years ahead of the Mohave in terms of standard of living and safety of the general populace. Its the reason why all the fiends and most of the raiders have evacuated into the Vegas plain.


So, I'm not shedding any tears for a way of life where the strong endure what they must, if it doesn't kill them, and the strong do whatever the f*** they please. Besides, NCR isn't pre-war America at all. Befitting the Western theme of New Vegas, its closer to Gilded Age America, with all its associate problems. There's a very important thematic reason NCR Troopers look like they they just stepped out of 1917. NCR is where the American ideal is a chance to begin again. And that ideal only went sour because of the Resource Wars.


The Legion kills for being "dissolute", for drinking alcohol, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'd consider that "no good reason".


For me, the NCR is bureaucratic and corrupt, and has no divine right to whatever land they desire. I think the Mojave can do better. In any case, my courier has no desire to rule over New Vegas as a despot, after Hoover Dam, the plan is always to bring democracy to the Mojave. If the people of the Mojave want to join the NCR, then that's their decision to make on their own, not Shady Sands'.

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The thing I should point out is that there is nothing in the Independent Vegas ending about democracy being restored. In the Mohave its probably not a good idea for at least a generation: a modern democracy requires extensive infrastructure and mass education to work. Otherwise, political consciousness grows faster than services can be be provided.


About NCR: if they follow in Lincoln's footsteps and restore the union by any any all necessary means, they are right to do so, just as he was. The use of force is rarely illegitimate, its many times the only legitimacy. But NCR offers a lot more than just brute force, more than any Courier, even one with the secrets of the Big MT.


As for Caesar's Legion, you're absolutely right. For those in the Legion. But the Legion isn't a state, its an army with a territory. The Legion is Caesar's personal slave army. Those civilians spared in the initial conquests are safer than in NCR, and treated better than those under any faction except NCR. Mostly its benign neglect, but sometimes that's all that's needed. Mind you, this does not apply for tribals, but for townfolk. Caesar probably sees them as too big a collective to process anyway, and more to the point, townfolk and settlers are American Romaoi and lack that all encompassing might makes right attitude that makes tribals into good Legionaries.

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