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Those "What have I done?" Moments


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Biggest "What Have I Done?!!!" moment was helping the shopkeep in Markarth get back her statue from the Forsworn because her failing shop and her dead husband won my sympathy.....only to find out she had EATEN her husband and that she was a crazy cannibal. After doing the Namira quest I sacrificed Eola on Boethia's spike and killed all the other cannibals one by one. Got away with killing the meat guy and the dog guy by pulling the Thane card.


"You have commited crimes against Skyrim and her people! What do you have to say for yourself."


"I'm an Thane. This is official Thane business. License to Kill."

Yeah I have no interest to ever do that quest. It's just so disgusting but those were some serious spoilers to be sure.

But then on the other hand I have absolutely no reservations to eating people's hearts as a werewolf. What's up with that?

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@ThomasBlaine: Getting into your werewolf's skin and bloodlustin' over an entire hive of Silver Hands until here was nothing but gore and silence? That was epic. Cheers, brother.

@AlduinWorldEater: Here, let me give you the True Monster® hat. Killing Paarthurnax after he Yoda'ed you, after he got all excited over having someone to talk to and kept making you chat randomly just to get the chance of hearing a Dovah's voice after so long, after he greeted you with the calmest calmness and explained he understood why the Blades were so pissed off, after finding out that you are closer kin to Dragons than to any mortal and the Blades were put you down just the same if you showed your true nature (that he manages to control through great effort)? Let me go to a corner and cry for a bit. :facepalm:

@Lithium Flower: Yes! Korvanjund. Had a moment of greater stupidity. And yes, the Witcher was absolutely great - I remember having a similar ".... damn." moment when that quest played out. You're also right about the Arch-Mage wanting Labyrinthian locked. In the end, since I have my co-existing characters, I simply play the quest with one and than cheat with the Dragonborn to get the shouts - the place was already opened after non-Dovahkiin explored it. Besides, the Graybeards would have heard the "whisper of a word" eventually, even in those locked away places, and no stone/lock/whatever would keep the Dragonborn from investigating. I'll take a look into this Tolfdir mod you spoke of. In my headcanon, my Dragonborn participated in the whole deal as hired muscle at most. I avoided finishing the questline so I wouldn't have guards calling him Arch-Mage.


Sarthaal was closed because the college was escavating it.... FOR SCIENCE!!!
This is procedure of many archaeological dig sites....they don't want random people coming along and looting the site of precious artifacts.

Door... meet my boot. :biggrin: Seriously though, like I said above, I just choose to play along and then headcanon it differently.


Yeah I have no interest to ever do that quest. It's just so disgusting but those were some serious spoilers to be sure.

But then on the other hand I have absolutely no reservations to eating people's hearts as a werewolf. What's up with that?

Fresh meat!

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I suppose my biggest 'What Have I Done' act is siding with the Volkihar. By all rights as a generally law-abiding, champion of the people type Dovahkiin who eschewed the Thieves Guild and DBH, I should've sided with DG but I took an immediate dislike to Isran (and the Vigilants in general) - goddamn self-righteous Van Helsing bigots - how dare they send assassins and death squads after me after I saved Skyrim from Alduin for the (near) victimless crime of being a vampire! And I adore Serana so I took her back to her father, accepted his gift and threw in my lot with them.


I know about the slaves in the dungeon and the rib cages in the hall (though I got a clean up mod), I refuse to murder innocent people but what can I do - my dovahkiin is married to Serana and I have to learn to live with the fact that the in-laws are beyond boorish.


In my headcanon, after I took over the Castle, I decreed only Thalmor and Imperial Soldiers could be kidnapped for feeding. :P

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Biggest "What Have I Done?!!!" moment was helping the shopkeep in Markarth get back her statue from the Forsworn because her failing shop and her dead husband won my sympathy.....only to find out she had EATEN her husband and that she was a crazy cannibal. After doing the Namira quest I sacrificed Eola on Boethia's spike and killed all the other cannibals one by one. Got away with killing the meat guy and the dog guy by pulling the Thane card.


"You have commited crimes against Skyrim and her people! What do you have to say for yourself."


"I'm an Thane. This is official Thane business. License to Kill."

Yeah I have no interest to ever do that quest. It's just so disgusting but those were some serious spoilers to be sure.

But then on the other hand I have absolutely no reservations to eating people's hearts as a werewolf. What's up with that?

This is actually a really good point! The very thought of Namira's daedric quest disgusts me, but as I werewolf I go around devouring people as if it's nothing. I guess it's because while I'm a werewolf, I feel as though I'm not fully in control, and that makes up for it.

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@AlduinWorldEater: Here, let me give you the True Monster® hat. Killing Paarthurnax after he Yoda'ed you, after he got all excited over having someone to talk to and kept making you chat randomly just to get the chance of hearing a Dovah's voice after so long, after he greeted you with the calmest calmness and explained he understood why the Blades were so pissed off, after finding out that you are closer kin to Dragons than to any mortal and the Blades were put you down just the same if you showed your true nature (that he manages to control through great effort)? Let me go to a corner and cry for a bit. :facepalm:



I know...I felt so horrid! I'd had leftover loyalties to the Blades from Oblivion, but I can see that the mighty have fallen. Jauffre wouldn't have asked me to go kill him just because of past crimes. But then, Delphine's not Jauffre. She's bossy, and obviously a bit unstable. She's paranoid thanks to the Thalmor, and her delusion that Paarthurnax was still evil at heart...well, I dated a paranoid schizophrenic once, and she was just as demanding.


Delphine is slowly slipping into the grasp of lord Sheogorath...my, my, the Champion of Cyrodiil sure does have a twisted sense of humour.

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I killed Paathunax. My friends are still giving me s*** for that one.


Oh, and the Daedra have an awful habit of making my character a terrible human being. But hey: man's gotta have his gear!


Edit: And on the topic of Namira's Ring, that was DEFINITELY a disgusting experience. I reloaded the final decision like three times debating whether I'd follow through with it or not. But I finally gave in, partly because my character was already a Werewolf and it wasn't much different, and also partly because consuming corpses is kind of amusing. Now every time I do it I recite, "MMMMM soooo delicious! Nomnomnom"


Yeah, I'm a psycho. But hey, I won't kill kids, so I have my lines. >_>

Edited by Jaradin
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This one is quite lame as the Dark Brotherhood questline is all about "what have I done?", but it really broke my hypothetical heart when I was playing my Khajiit assassin and he went into the Shatter-Shield house after killing Nilsine. Found her father sitting alone by the fire, quietly looking into the nothingness. Then I walked to the side room and found the body of her mother holding the suicide letter about being unable to deal with the death of her two daughters.

This same Khajiit rejoiced in serving and mocking the Daedric Lords so he was alright with the pointless cruelty. But my Dragonborn was more than humiliated and soul-shattered during Miraak's questline. You get so effing manipulated, and what happens to the Skaal shaman... I wept inside for him. And then I wrote a lot of crappy fiction about his overwhelming depression after the event.

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Biggest "What Have I Done?!!!" moment was helping the shopkeep in Markarth get back her statue from the Forsworn because her failing shop and her dead husband won my sympathy.....only to find out she had EATEN her husband and that she was a crazy cannibal. After doing the Namira quest I sacrificed Eola on Boethia's spike and killed all the other cannibals one by one. Got away with killing the meat guy and the dog guy by pulling the Thane card.


"You have commited crimes against Skyrim and her people! What do you have to say for yourself."


"I'm an Thane. This is official Thane business. License to Kill."

Yeah I have no interest to ever do that quest. It's just so disgusting but those were some serious spoilers to be sure.

But then on the other hand I have absolutely no reservations to eating people's hearts as a werewolf. What's up with that?

This is actually a really good point! The very thought of Namira's daedric quest disgusts me, but as I werewolf I go around devouring people as if it's nothing. I guess it's because while I'm a werewolf, I feel as though I'm not fully in control, and that makes up for it.

I think the point with the Werewolf....how I see it anyway and why I love my Werewolf but can't do Namira's Quest and find the whole idea revolting is because a Werewolf isn't human, it's something else....is a Predator killing and eating it's prey, it doesn't feel like Cannibalism to me....there's just something innately abhorrent about anything eating it's own kind....I used to breed Chickens and at one time the Chickens managed to get into our garbage and pulled out Roast Chicken leftovers, I couldn't abide it, couldn't allow it, it made me feel sick...anything else they found and ate I had no problem with...Bugs, Mice, Sausage, etc...but not their own kind....I couldn't have my Dovah feasting on the Werebears he fought and killed as a Werewolf in Dragonborn, just didn't feel right.

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Biggest "What Have I Done?!!!" moment was helping the shopkeep in Markarth get back her statue from the Forsworn because her failing shop and her dead husband won my sympathy.....only to find out she had EATEN her husband and that she was a crazy cannibal. After doing the Namira quest I sacrificed Eola on Boethia's spike and killed all the other cannibals one by one. Got away with killing the meat guy and the dog guy by pulling the Thane card.


"You have commited crimes against Skyrim and her people! What do you have to say for yourself."


"I'm an Thane. This is official Thane business. License to Kill."

Yeah I have no interest to ever do that quest. It's just so disgusting but those were some serious spoilers to be sure.

But then on the other hand I have absolutely no reservations to eating people's hearts as a werewolf. What's up with that?

This is actually a really good point! The very thought of Namira's daedric quest disgusts me, but as I werewolf I go around devouring people as if it's nothing. I guess it's because while I'm a werewolf, I feel as though I'm not fully in control, and that makes up for it.

I think the point with the Werewolf....how I see it anyway and why I love my Werewolf but can't do Namira's Quest and find the whole idea revolting is because a Werewolf isn't human, it's something else....is a Predator killing and eating it's prey, it doesn't feel like Cannibalism to me....there's just something innately abhorrent about anything eating it's own kind....I used to breed Chickens and at one time the Chickens managed to get into our garbage and pulled out Roast Chicken leftovers, I couldn't abide it, couldn't allow it, it made me feel sick...anything else they found and ate I had no problem with...Bugs, Mice, Sausage, etc...but not their own kind....I couldn't have my Dovah feasting on the Werebears he fought and killed as a Werewolf in Dragonborn, just didn't feel right.


Having raised chickens as well, I completely understand the concept.


Another "what have I done" moment for me - getting all buddy-buddy with Serana, only to find out she's not willing to set foot inside a temple.


Friendzone Level: Dovahkiin.

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