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Taking down the GameFront files


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In response to post #67091071. #67095351 is also a reply to the same post.

magicgun wrote: while all of this kind of make sense, i'd like to point out that untill 5 minute ago, i had no ideas about the existance of those files or about gamefront. and i think the reason they represented a trafic lower than 0.2 % in 2018 is because they where simply not accessable in nexus mod from an user perspective. (to put what i' m saying into perspective. last time i checked the warcraft 3 nexus page, i think there was like 5 files? 7 files ? not 1800. [where not at hiveworkshop yet, but 1790 files is aloot of missing stuff. and thats just warcraft 3.] that and full steam instaler files and Castle Wolfenstein patch. and other exotic ancient files

my point -> if most people did not even know about this situation why even publicise it ? and in such a way . you could had just announced the revival of a past player in the modding community and not speak about the trolls. [don't feed the trolls ever please]. it look like I'm mumbling, but i think this had been handled in a hasty, but professional manner. [communication is good.transparency too.]

half out of context intervention -> since you,re bringing this up. can you tell us if there are any partnership planed with other platform or if there is any other skeleton/gold ingot in the closet ? this is making me unnaturally curious.
KnightBlade2 wrote: "if most people did not even know about this situation why even publicise it ?"

I'll give you one reason why... Users like me. I just started playing Knights of the Old Republic and it's sequel. I used several mods I downloaded here that were archived from GameFront. When I came here today, they were gone. Without this explanation, I would have been left in the dark.

a fair enough reason. just me not doing enough logic after 8 hour of trying to understand thousand of immigrants vague desire for coffe and donut.
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GameFront being one of the original sites (back when they were FileFront), I was figuring something like this would happen eventually. Remember when they were one of the few big names on the block before Nexus really came into its own. They are great people, and keeping the peace between the sites is a good thing to help bridge the communities.
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In response to post #67112626. #67115681 is also a reply to the same post.

DarthCruciare wrote: Well done. You must have Canadian blood in you, because this is the most polite 'go f*#@ yourself for f*#@ing us over' that I've ever read. GameFront looks to be a website that officially killed the golden goose. They had a good thing going, but then got greedy, and now, they get nothing.
FileTrekker wrote: There's no bad blood at all between us and Nexus, I have a lot of time and respect for Robin and he's been super supportive. All I would say to that though is to not confuse the corporate entities who owned and mismanaged GameFront with the volunteers who have tried to keep it going and are now running it, trust me I'd be the first in line to agree with you with regards to Ziff Davis Media or Defy Media. I call them out by name now because they're gone and bust for the reasons you stated so I doubt they'll come after me for breaking my NDA. But they aren't around anymore. All that's left is the good bits (we like to think) and we're not financially motivated.

Just read up on this:

Holy schtako...what a flipping cow of a mess! =O
I hope each and every executive at Ziff Davis Media and Defy Media get raked through the coals for the trash they've inflicted upon so many people not being paid for work they did :(
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In response to post #67112626. #67115681, #67124886 are all replies on the same post.

DarthCruciare wrote: Well done. You must have Canadian blood in you, because this is the most polite 'go f*#@ yourself for f*#@ing us over' that I've ever read. GameFront looks to be a website that officially killed the golden goose. They had a good thing going, but then got greedy, and now, they get nothing.
FileTrekker wrote: There's no bad blood at all between us and Nexus, I have a lot of time and respect for Robin and he's been super supportive. All I would say to that though is to not confuse the corporate entities who owned and mismanaged GameFront with the volunteers who have tried to keep it going and are now running it, trust me I'd be the first in line to agree with you with regards to Ziff Davis Media or Defy Media. I call them out by name now because they're gone and bust for the reasons you stated so I doubt they'll come after me for breaking my NDA. But they aren't around anymore. All that's left is the good bits (we like to think) and we're not financially motivated.
DaedalusMachina007 wrote: Just read up on this:

Holy schtako...what a flipping cow of a mess! =O
I hope each and every executive at Ziff Davis Media and Defy Media get raked through the coals for the trash they've inflicted upon so many people not being paid for work they did :(

That's just f*#@in' swell, guys. Thanks to you it's now twice as much of a chore to browse Black and White 1/2 mods, because everything on your site has no screenshots to show off the mods. Gonna be real fun to find the race changing mods I decided not to download two days ago.

You know these mods aren't yours, right? Just because you hosted them once doesn't make them yours. It's up to individual modders whether they want their content hosts on another site and if they have a problem with it, they could have contacted NexusMods themselves.

I'd say "I don't mean to be pissy" but I honestly really do. Your little pissing contests has done the community no f*#@ing good. Thanks for nothing.
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In response to post #67120086.

GeorgeCorbul wrote: Isn't it the original authors' own business where their files are hosted? I know that many of the old modders have moved on (long ago even), but still, if those that are still around wouldn't want their stuff uploaded anywhere other than GameFront and the Nexus, who can argue with them?
Speaking of which, what mods will be moved to GF exactly?

This. Exactly what I said, too. Why is it GameFront's concern where these mods are placed? They were created by the modders and only hosted by GameFront and NexusMods. If the modders really can't stand their content being shared on another site, they can make the complaints. Instead NexusMods and GameFront made the decision for everyone and now it's a pain in the ass to look through the more obsure and underserved games' mods (no screenshots).

...whatever. Hopefully it'll all get sorted, but I'm not holding my breath.
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In response to post #67116491. #67120106 is also a reply to the same post.

greenzleevz wrote: aah I see yes , there,s com , the real one , and a Mirror one called online

my Anti Malware Kit warns me about the fake one , aah just some cheapskates , they problably intend to distribute a lot of Malware and likewise , leeching of the good name of Gamefront , luring unsuspecting People in , not knowing it,s not the real one , no worries , that will get known real fast , a good Tip , leave a Post/Review on the Browser App " Web of Trust " aswell about their Mirror, this will deter and warn People not to go there.

Welkom back Gamefront!

GeorgeCorbul wrote: What's the link to the real GF?

https://www.gamefront.com/ , funny the online one is gone , yesterday they were stil up

Edited by greenzleevz
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In response to post #67124536.

sensei23 wrote: OK, so this would explain why several of the links for my mods suddenly went dead on Nexus. As I read this announcement, there should have been a message placeholder at these links on Nexus?

Depends: most mods have been hidden and had their files removed i.e. the mod page will display a message and point users to this news post. That being said, around 30 games had only mods from GameFrontArchiver uploaded. Without those mods, the games would have zero mods and, therefore, we "unapproved" them as we do not want to have "empty" games in our games list.

Links to those mods (for games that have since been "unapproved" due to the above) will appear as broken and not have the placeholder and message displayed.

I hope that clears things up for you.
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In response to post #67120086. #67127056 is also a reply to the same post.

GeorgeCorbul wrote: Isn't it the original authors' own business where their files are hosted? I know that many of the old modders have moved on (long ago even), but still, if those that are still around wouldn't want their stuff uploaded anywhere other than GameFront and the Nexus, who can argue with them?
Speaking of which, what mods will be moved to GF exactly?
LunarDarkness wrote: This. Exactly what I said, too. Why is it GameFront's concern where these mods are placed? They were created by the modders and only hosted by GameFront and NexusMods. If the modders really can't stand their content being shared on another site, they can make the complaints. Instead NexusMods and GameFront made the decision for everyone and now it's a pain in the ass to look through the more obsure and underserved games' mods (no screenshots).

...whatever. Hopefully it'll all get sorted, but I'm not holding my breath.

They were created by the modders and only hosted by GameFront and NexusMods.

They were uploaded at GameFront by the authors.

They were copied at Nexusmods without authorization. Edited by axonis
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In response to post #67120086. #67127056, #67130781, #67131481 are all replies on the same post.

GeorgeCorbul wrote: Isn't it the original authors' own business where their files are hosted? I know that many of the old modders have moved on (long ago even), but still, if those that are still around wouldn't want their stuff uploaded anywhere other than GameFront and the Nexus, who can argue with them?
Speaking of which, what mods will be moved to GF exactly?
LunarDarkness wrote: This. Exactly what I said, too. Why is it GameFront's concern where these mods are placed? They were created by the modders and only hosted by GameFront and NexusMods. If the modders really can't stand their content being shared on another site, they can make the complaints. Instead NexusMods and GameFront made the decision for everyone and now it's a pain in the ass to look through the more obsure and underserved games' mods (no screenshots).

...whatever. Hopefully it'll all get sorted, but I'm not holding my breath.
axonis wrote: They were created by the modders and only hosted by GameFront and NexusMods.

They were uploaded at GameFront by the authors.

They were copied at Nexusmods without authorization.
Pickysaurus wrote: I'm not sure you got that right axonis.

Modders shared their files at GameFront

When GameFront was at risk of closing down forever, Nexus Mods took a backup copy and shared them here (with GameFront's permission).

The 3rd parties the article refers to were using that as a justification for taking mods from GameFront to add to their own service.

This is the kind of mentality that corps have.
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