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"The save file is corrupt and cannot be loaded."


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"The save file is corrupt and cannot be loaded." got this message after deinstalling two Mods. Strange Runes - Spellcasting Enhanced and Frozen Electrocuted Combustion i tried to deinstall only one of them and i got the same problem with both mods. Really dont know whats wrong because i cant find everything at the forum or the mod page. Pls Help :S


I use Vortex

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Thanks (:

Edited by h0effi
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their both scripted mods, as soon as they are installed and you save the game, the scripts are baked into the save file, you cannot simply uninstall a scripted mod in an active playthrough, otherwise you get save game corruption


you can try fallrim tools, which should remove orphaned scripts: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031


the linked mod, can potentionally fix the saved games, however if it does not, your only option is to start again, but remember, never uninstall mods that deal with scripts in an active playthrough, whether it be, adding, or modifying scripts, doing so is a surefire way to save bloat, and inevitable corruption.

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It's a bit overkill, but I regularly run my last save through resaver (fallrim). After I've been playing for a while, I will make a save, tab out and use resaver just to see if there's anything 'building up in there'.


If you've got some highly scripted mods going - it's a good idea to make frequent saves and check them. I'm using 'Sands of Time' and it can get itself to worked up during combat scenes... I used to crash a lot when it would spawn another 10 enemies into the 10 it spawned as reinforcements for the first 25 it filled a room with... and even after telling it not to do that it still sometimes does... so saving right before combat, and anytime I notice combat getting 'intense' has been very useful... In those moments I find I can often end up with a broken link in my saves too...

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  • 1 year later...

I am unsure if this is a common thing that happens among the skyrim community, but this is a most unusual predicament that has happened to me. It all began after I installed the Skyrim Creation Club program and based it in the Skyrim SE folder located within Steamapps. All of my current save are corrupted, and say they cannot be loaded. Stranger still, text comes onto the screen saying my Dragonborn has learned all three shouts to the "Drain Vitality" shout all over again, along with other text in the upper left corner such as "EBT loading", "Setting up Closing time", "RLO Exteriors configuration has been added to powers", "Assault has begin!", and others. I wonder if this is a side effect of installing the Skyrim Creation Club or not. I have verified the game cache time and again, and steam says, "All files successfully validated." On the main menu screen of Skyrim SE, there is not text nor image that says "save corrupt". If I recall correctly, I've had this problem before, and the only way to solve it was to load an earlier save. Unfortunately for me, ALL of my saves are corrupted. I've read somewhere that this may have something to do with the Dawnguard, so I am going to assume that things like this have a tendency to glitch by themselves. Can anyone help?

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  • 7 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Hola comunidad, desde hace un tiempo me viene ocurriendo un bug muy molesto, en mitad del juego veo que no cargan algunos dialogos y textos, como los libros y algunos menus, accedo a las partidas guardadas y todas aparecen con una imagen que indica currpcion en la partida y no las puedo cargar, pero si salgo del juego y vuelvo a entrar puedo continuar jugando con normalidad, sin embargo al cabo del rato vuelve a ocurrir y tengo que repetir el proceso, al principio lo ignore porque era algo muy poco frecuente, sin embargo con el paso del tiempo se ha vuelto tan comun que apenas ouedo jugar 5 minutos sin que ocuura y es desesperante, he probado ya muchos mods que corrigen fallos, he limpiado la partida y me sigue ocurriendo, no se cual puede ser la causa, a alguno de vosotros le ocurre tambien? sabeis como solucionar esto?

gracias de antemano y un saludo.

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