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Illusion of freedom


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If we change society then maybe we won't have anymore politicians ?

Cuz they are basically an invention out of need.

And ya sure they abuse their power. Who doesn't ?

But could you live without them? Are you the people going to do the work they did ?

No they are a natural effect of economy and necessity .

Sure, we could do without them, Just turn the US into a benevolent dictatorship, with me as the dictator. :smile: No politicians needed. :D



Hey Hey ... I thought that was my job. Are you saying I'm only good enough for north of the border??


We can trade off every three or four years. :smile:



Deal !!


Now the $40,000 question ... who gets these next 3 or 4 years??


- Edit - Emperor of North America ... does have a kind of nice ring to it. What do you think, would that be a role where you could get to wear those special "Emperor" clothes?

Edited by Striker879
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Not if its the original version of those clothes....... :) Pretty sure disney doesn't do nudes.... but, haven't seen their version of it yet. :) (and not in a hurry to either....)


We trade off. Until one of us dies I suppose.... Then we'll need to come up with another candidate. None of my kids though....... I can just see the evil look in their eyes.... "Dictator? Seriously? Oh yeah, I would LOVE that job......."

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Not if its the original version of those clothes....... :smile: Pretty sure disney doesn't do nudes.... but, haven't seen their version of it yet. :smile: (and not in a hurry to either....)


We trade off. Until one of us dies I suppose.... Then we'll need to come up with another candidate. None of my kids though....... I can just see the evil look in their eyes.... "Dictator? Seriously? Oh yeah, I would LOVE that job......."


Well summer is coming, the original version will probably be cooler (though I suppose some sunscreen could be useful in certain areas).


So what will it be ... rock, paper, scissors for who goes first?

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If I could get to the heavens above, then I could find out why everyone wants to go there.

Do you want to know why? It's because I had my brain stopped before I was two years old. I just finger things that seems real to me. Then and again I am just a body of a big full grown person, Male, that has sparks and flashes like a Frankenstein monster, or is it Fraunkanstien? I might be pulling your leg while I am comfortable on the floor?

While I try to be a mind like all the rest of the children who were on the train that didn't get their brains strained or just disturbed, I get a bit unsettled when even the ones, whose minds are not disturbed, try to act like they are still mentally getting more smart while I only get smarts that make me want to cry. Oh! My?! I seem to be grown up to them and because I am big they seem to think I seem to be remiss!

What sense is that or this. Am I remiss? What child like I doesn't seem so? I know when I am among those like me what it seems like. Adult only means grown up physically to me, not mentally mature.

Ages of education have proven to me over and over that the body and the brain are one, but the place where our thoughts are is??? Somewhere. They are associates of those who can think, those that can do, and those that can't work they are among those that can teach.

I cannot make myself, so how can I make myself a cup of coffee? Lots of question marks, > ???

Wait?! There's a Silt Strider coming, coming along the track, that track that brings that buggy back, then again. My mind remembers a picture of a baby buggy I was put in.

Back to where I sit and ponder, what is it in outer space out yonder, until I am lifted off my back to see the side of things like none other. A wall with bumps and dimples that seems like a white cream I am familiar with slowly streaming down to the floor. Then on my face to see more white I numbed on while waiting for the final pat of powder on some spot I am not real familiar with yet. A sheet and blanket I slept on all night don't taste good. Then I am rolled over to the other side. There some windows I see have something which seems like a moving picture if I am left on my right for long. Long enough to see a cloud slowly go from the left pane or the right pane to the right bottom to the left top or middle up and down.

The nurses are gone, I got up, climbed up and over the beds rails, fell, caught the top rung with my hand. touched my toes to the tiles. Cool floor tiles I know, so I crawled to the door. Hand over hand I pressed and knee by knee I pushed forward. I tested my strength. I put up a hand on the bottom of the door frame. It moved out. I moved out. I will, I can, I should be able to get up off the floor.

No worries! Be happy! I'll be alright! Being a baby in a huge body with the mental age of almost 2 years old is really close to being 2000 years mature with a baby body it would be about the same as having a big grown up body except; that adult knowledge most grown ups have locked and loaded is always going bye bye. I have to wait for it to come around again, start from the beginnig gaining a new step each day. Just like yesterday I fall mentally back to now.

I'll fall back down on my bottom and get up. At least these days I can reach all the goodies in the nurses room where they kept all their food and have vending machine my big body ean break into with this crow bar.

Tomorrow a grocery store. And tomorrow a warehouse full of food and water. And Tomorrow a river and the cute little minnows. I hope I don't meet anyone who bares the resemblance to a grizzled old bear?

The fish swim upstream jumping up falls getting bruised and all. They still go on, until they lady fish lay their eggs. Then the men fish who made it to the place where the lady fish laid their eggs go around a give the eggs some little baby fish to move into the breakfast rooms (eggs). The ladies and gents that made it all the way, ponder their lives and then share what is wise. Then the men fish slow and get drawn off on the current. Too weak to swim away from the pull, back to the waterfall. The big old grizzled bear sees them and gives them a chance to get by as he selects the male fish that will join him for an after birthday dinner.

Oh! I hope I don't end up where some old Grizzly Bear has her territory with some new cubs she is teachings. I would not want to be around if the father of them shows up. For I might end up invited to lunch and I am not so that I could not enjoy their company, I just wouldn't want to be their meal.

So what?! If you come to me and offer me a safe place I would not disgrace your invite. I am not remiss. I was on the training train when it crashed and that was the last time I was keeping in time. Even my ears remind me of the smooth clicketty clack on the railroad track. For awhile I think we'll all be on time to get off at the stations where we'll meet our relations and get on with our lives. The the gears start stop when I hear the steam whistle. The steam screams because it's not the whistles it's the wheels on the tracks trying to stop, before the whole day is wrecked; so to speak.

I just remembered to take a breath. Not as often as I should. I inhaled deeply to make up for the pause while I am thinking. Because it is only when the misery is on my tail about to take back to the other end of the tracks I start to think I'll make it this time. If only I could be the conductor and stop for a picnic along the way so the train won't meet with the obstacle that is soon to get in the trains way.

I am going to do it. I am going to give up as much as I can so I can to move closer to the forward car. Maybe?! One of the times I dream of this again I will make it to the engineer car and get the driver to slow down so that thing off to the right, traveling a bit too fast gets out of our way so we don't collide...

If I could get to the heavens above, then I could find out why everyone wants to go there.

Do you want to know how many times I had to rewrite these words so I seemed mentally mature?

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Not if its the original version of those clothes....... :smile: Pretty sure disney doesn't do nudes.... but, haven't seen their version of it yet. :smile: (and not in a hurry to either....)


We trade off. Until one of us dies I suppose.... Then we'll need to come up with another candidate. None of my kids though....... I can just see the evil look in their eyes.... "Dictator? Seriously? Oh yeah, I would LOVE that job......."


Well summer is coming, the original version will probably be cooler (though I suppose some sunscreen could be useful in certain areas).


So what will it be ... rock, paper, scissors for who goes first?


We can flip a quarter. :D

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Not if its the original version of those clothes....... :smile: Pretty sure disney doesn't do nudes.... but, haven't seen their version of it yet. :smile: (and not in a hurry to either....)


We trade off. Until one of us dies I suppose.... Then we'll need to come up with another candidate. None of my kids though....... I can just see the evil look in their eyes.... "Dictator? Seriously? Oh yeah, I would LOVE that job......."


Well summer is coming, the original version will probably be cooler (though I suppose some sunscreen could be useful in certain areas).


So what will it be ... rock, paper, scissors for who goes first?


We can flip a quarter. :D



OK but I'll be keeping an eye on where that quarter goes afterwards (if we use one of mine) ... that's laundry money!!

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I want to use my two headed quarter...... You can flip, I'll call it. :D


LOL ... gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out!


- Edit - So will you be going with "traditional" Emperor clothes or will you just rummage through the dresser and find something comfortable?

Edited by Striker879
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I want to use my two headed quarter...... You can flip, I'll call it. :D


It always turns up Tales because it starts one and the Tale goes on and on and on...



I want to use my two headed quarter...... You can flip, I'll call it. :D


LOL ... gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out!


- Edit - So will you be going with "traditional" Emperor clothes or will you just rummage through the dresser and find something comfortable?



See! The Emperor's Clothes!


I got here just in time! Waiting for HeyYou to tell us the tale of the Emperor's Clothes.. The winner is the Head that wants to be the one to tell it, even if they don't tell it like it is, they want to tell it their way. And they'll cheat if they can get away with it just to be the one that gets in front of the audience.


Okay! Boys and Girls! :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: Get ready for, It's HeyYou's story time! :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub:


And here he is. The one with the mostest! The Man of the Hour! The one with the only quarter, of an hour, fifteen minutes of story time that will keep your attention offering you toys and places to go for 45 minutes of advertisements between storyline breaths. :tongue: :laugh:


:teehee: IT'S HeyYou! :turned:


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I want to use my two headed quarter...... You can flip, I'll call it. :D


It always turns up Tales because it starts one and the Tale goes on and on and on...



I want to use my two headed quarter...... You can flip, I'll call it. :D


LOL ... gee, I wonder how this is going to turn out!


- Edit - So will you be going with "traditional" Emperor clothes or will you just rummage through the dresser and find something comfortable?



See! The Emperor's Clothes!


I got here just in time! Waiting for HeyYou to tell us the tale of the Emperor's Clothes.. The winner is the Head that wants to be the one to tell it, even if they don't tell it like it is, they want to tell it their way. And they'll cheat if they can get away with it just to be the one that gets in front of the audience.


Okay! Boys and Girls! :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: Get ready for, It's HeyYou's story time! :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub: :woot: :wub:


And here he is. The one with the mostest! The Man of the Hour! The one with the only quarter, of an hour, fifteen minutes of story time that will keep your attention offering you toys and places to go for 45 minutes of advertisements between storyline breaths. :tongue: :laugh:


:teehee: IT'S HeyYou! :turned:




LOL ... Paga wins ... oops, wrong thread!!


- Edit - Just curious Paga ... did you notice my "Paga still wins" edit a while back in the Last Poster thread?

Edited by Striker879
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