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When you toggle a plugin's ESP / ESM status, it will change its location in the load order.  This in turn will change your loadorder.txt and plugins.txt.  There is nothing nefarious going on.  This will happen despite the tool used (Wrye Bash or xEdit).

To toggle an ESP into an ESM for purposes of using it as a parent master:

xEdit directions:

  1. Load the intended parent master ESP in xEdit
  2. Expand the plugin and access the File Header section
  3. In the Record Header (on the right side), right click on Record Flags
  4. Choose ESM
  5. Close xEdit and save the changes.

At this point you can now use that plugin as a parent master with the Creation Kit.  Repeat with any other plugins as necessary.  When finished or when testing, reverse the record flag setting on all toggled plugins and correct your load order as necessary.  If at any point a patch is loaded in the CK without a parent master being toggled as ESM, those associated changes will be lost or turned into new records should the plugin be saved in the CK.

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11 hours ago, Shadeybladey said:

Also, the Nexus page for Wrye Bash says it's an old page and has been moved to a new page, "See Description For Link!"

It moved to here in the .../site/ section, alongside a lot of other multi-game modding tools. 

And yah, it's linked at the bottom of the old pages' description pages.  Though on the Skyrim LE page, the link's shade of blue is unfortunately close to the shade used for the text around it.



Edited by AaronOfMpls
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On 5/27/2024 at 1:51 PM, IsharaMeradin said:

When you toggle a plugin's ESP / ESM status, it will change its location in the load order.  This in turn will change your loadorder.txt and plugins.txt.  There is nothing nefarious going on.

Yes there is, the damn thing did something I did not want it to do and which I did not tell it to do and deleted SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp

On 5/27/2024 at 1:51 PM, IsharaMeradin said:

This will happen despite the tool used (Wrye Bash or xEdit).

Nah, it should not happen at all.


On 5/27/2024 at 1:51 PM, IsharaMeradin said:

To toggle an ESP into an ESM for purposes of using it as a parent master:

xEdit directions:

Is that the same as TES5Edit?



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On 5/27/2024 at 5:07 PM, AaronOfMpls said:

It moved to here in the .../site/ section, alongside a lot of other multi-game modding tools. 

And yah, it's linked at the bottom of the old pages' description pages.  Though on the Skyrim LE page, the link's shade of blue is unfortunately close to the shade used for the text around it.



I clicked all over that and missed the link every time! Thanks for the new link


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xEdit is the overall name used for the singular program also known as TES5Edit, SSEEdit, FO4Edt, etc.. It is not to be confused with a completely unrelated program called XEdit.


And yes, the load order will change when you modify the header flag of a plugin.  Why?  You are telling the game and the Creation Kit that the plugin is an ESM rather than an ESP.  This means that it will load in the ESM space rather than the ESP space.  And when you revert the flag for testing, the ESP will go back to the ESP space but its position won't suddenly be where it was, instead it will shift down to the top of the ESP space.

Backup your load order related text files if you wish so that you can restore them after reverting any ESP parent masters back into ESP flagged plugins.

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2 minutes ago, IsharaMeradin said:

And yes, the load order will change when you modify the header flag of a plugin.

You seem to misunderstand - I did not tell it to do ANYTHING and I had done NOTHING.

All I did was launch it and it deleted SkyTEST and scrambled my load order. That's as far as I got before exiting and wondering why my game had missing plugins, and then spent some considerable time working out what it had done, restoring my load order AND restoring the SkyTEST esp to the DATA directory. I never got as far as esm-fying anything. All I did was launch the thing.

I forget the message it gave when it deleted SkyTEST, but I doubt I will ever use it again unless I back up the entire Skyrim directory first.

But I shouldn't have to...

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Your quote is in reference to my statement that the load order will change when toggling a plugin's status.  It was not in relation to whatever Wrye Bash may or may not do when launched.

Not once in either of my posts in this thread have I touched on whatever Wrye Bash may have done to your load order.  I am just as clueless as you in that regard.  All I have stated is what will happen when you toggle an ESP's header flag.



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10 hours ago, IsharaMeradin said:

Your quote is in reference to my statement that the load order will change when toggling a plugin's status.  It was not in relation to whatever Wrye Bash may or may not do when launched.

But I never said that I toggled anything, so you are referring to something that never happened and to something I never said as if it explained what I DID talk about.

I said ONLY that I launched the thing, it deleted (or moved) the SkyTEST esp from DATA and scrambled my load order.

For this, and this reason alone, I will never use Wrye Bash again unless this automated behaviour is stopped. So no Bashed Patch for me. I did use it many years ago, just to make a Bashed Patch for vendors and so on, and it did not do this. But, generally, I never use Mod Mangers as I prefer to learn to know what I am doing. I certainly will never use something that has automatic execution of stuff I don't want.

I've been here longer than Skyrim, and you are usually very helpful. But referring to things I never said is not really very helpful at all. NO third party utility should EVER do what Wrye Bash did to my game, without me even clicking on anything. I hate that. It's like teaching University algebra to a 7th grader and leaving out most of the steps, because "it's obvious to a college student".

Why, for example, did it remove the SkyTEST esp from DATA automatically on launching and then change my load order without me asking it to? I'm sure you don't know, but maybe the creator might.  I spent over an hour with Excel with copies of the changed PlugIns and some older PlugIns.txt saved in it to work out what was missing and restore SkyTEST and my Load Order. By then, I was too tired to risk messing with TES5Edit.

This dedrater nonsense started with Losedoze 95, and it's only got worse over time. Now they want to take screen shots of all your financial transactions! Oh, for the days of Win 3.11 and DOS 6.22, when a PC knew it was nothing but a tool and only did what I told it to do!  🤣

If only I could find a good on-line crash course for Linux!

Thanks, anyway, for trying to help.  😃


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