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Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"


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I just started messing about with modding. The mod I've created applies the texture to every character, and I'd like to figure out how to make it unique to the PC. I have been looking for days now on a tutorial that will show me how to do this but havent found one yet. Part of the problem (I think) is that I use a mod for body meshes. UNP. I *think* I've figured out how to do it using the Skyrim default meshes but compared to UNP, they leave a lot to be desired. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.
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  On 12/3/2012 at 1:37 AM, Vargre said:

I just started messing about with modding. The mod I've created applies the texture to every character, and I'd like to figure out how to make it unique to the PC. I have been looking for days now on a tutorial that will show me how to do this but havent found one yet. Part of the problem (I think) is that I use a mod for body meshes. UNP. I *think* I've figured out how to do it using the Skyrim default meshes but compared to UNP, they leave a lot to be desired. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Can you be a little more specific on what you are trying to accomplish? There are several ways to go about making a body texture specific to the player character without touching any of the other NPCs. The typical is making the playable races into "custom" races but that causes issues with quests and dialog that is race specific. A more time consuming approach is to do what Realistc Body System is doing. That mod reassigns all the NPCs to different races (about 30 per main race) and gives each a different shape. Thus leaving the playable races alone.



UNP like most other body mods is just a replacer. It goes into the loose data files in the same spot that the original stock file would go in if it were loose. It then takes precedence over the BSA files where the stock data is located. The Creation Kit will use UNP as if it were stock.

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Ok if you want it to be selectable on the sliders so that the player can make their own choices...


I know this works with scars for the face but you do have to be very careful as if you use an existing # that is in a DLC you will cause your game to crash.


Lets say you want to add more scars as options:

Locate the current scar set of DDS files for the race & gender that you want to add to.

Edit/rename the forms BUT keep the exact same naming scheme only change the # and maybe text to the right of the number <-- if you don't follow the naming scheme they won't show up at all

Assign whatever texture to the form etc.

Save the plugin. Test in game.

If everything went well it should show up.


I know that's not very indepth but I'm going from memory.



For the body, the only thing you really can do is create up to 11 different Texture sets and assign them to a swap file (form list) and assign that swap file to the Skin Texture Swap list on the appropriate Naked armor addon forms. Doing this allows the body texture to change via the weight slider. However it also changes the texture of any NPC that uses that weight setting.


You could use something like my Unique Races mod to further the customization and give different sets of textures to each race. But anything you do that affects the playable character will also affect NPCs unless you separate the playable character from the NPC races in some way.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/11/2012 at 8:54 PM, Biohazard186 said:

Is there no good tutorial for creating an exterior cell that can be linked in the first post (I say this assuming any tutorial linked has to have certain qualities to be considered)?

The OP has to be made aware of any tutorials that should be linked on the first page. Only criteria that I know of is that it should be able to be followed and used without relying on videos. Personally, I know nothing of making exterior cells.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any tutorial for making followers with custom textures and meshes separate from rest of NPCs??


I tried this by applying a texture set to a custom race, and it shows kinda, but I have no idea how to give the NPC a custom body mesh.

Edited by powerofthree
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  On 12/20/2012 at 7:11 PM, powerofthree said:

Any tutorial for making followers with custom textures and meshes separate from rest of NPCs??


I tried this by applying a texture set to a custom race, and it shows kinda, but I have no idea how to give the NPC a custom body mesh.

You could try this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23972

I haven't used it personally, but many people have.

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