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Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"


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A previous post of mine in this thread has a condensed and updated version available on the CK wiki... which I'll quote here (with formatting modifications) because you have to have an account on the CK wiki in order to view it.




There are at least two methods of obtaining ESP records from third-party mods. The papyrus method using GetFormFromFile_-_Game and fooling the Creation Kit by using false-flagged ESP files. This tutorial describes the false-flagged ESP method. For more information regarding the papyrus method, visit GetFormFromFile_-_Game

Required utilitiesSetup

The following needs to be performed only once.

Create a new blank text file in the main Skyrim directory where TESV.exe is located. Rename it to SkyrimEditorCustom.ini and add the following

SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa

bAllowMultipleEditors= -- A value of 1 allows opening more than one instance of the Creation Kit. Not necessary but has uses.

bAllowMultipleMasterLoads= -- A value of 1 allows loading the DLC ESM files with Skyrim.esm and Update.esm. It is also necessary for loading the false flagged ESP files created with this tutorial.

SResourceArchiveList2= -- The Creation Kit cannot access DLC content without having the respective BSA files listed here.

Note: Mod BSA files may be added to this entry as well. There appears to be no harm in having them listed provided the mod file(s) exist within the Skyrim\Data folder.

Alternatively, SkyrimEditor.ini may be edited to modify or add any of the above entries as needed. However, any updates to the Creation Kit or verification of files by Steam will revert any modifications made. Therefore, the use of SkyrimEditorCustom.ini is recommended.



  1. Launch Wrye Bash
  2. Locate the ESP file(s) in question
  3. Right click on each, select "esmify"
  4. Launch Creation Kit
  5. Select the ESP file(s) in question
    • Note: If this was done correctly, ESP files should be listed as master files instead of plugin files
  6. Make the desired edits
  7. Save the plugin
  8. Return to Wrye Bash
  9. Right click on each "esmified" plugin, select "espify"
    • Alternatively, right click on the dependent plugin (the one saved in step 7) and select "espify masters"
  10. Re-sort load order, if necessary.
  11. Test any changes in game.



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I want edit (just cut the corner off them) RifRmSmSingleCorInR01 & RifRmSmSingleCorInWin01.

Is that something a total noob should be able to achieve?

I assume I have to extract the meshes & textures from the bsa's and edit them with some external program, then apply them to a duplicate of the originals.

What sort of really basic tutorial should I be looking for?

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I want edit (just cut the corner off them) RifRmSmSingleCorInR01 & RifRmSmSingleCorInWin01.Is that something a total noob should be able to achieve?I assume I have to extract the meshes & textures from the bsa's and edit them with some external program, then apply them to a duplicate of the originals.What sort of really basic tutorial should I be looking for?

It depends on the model of the two things. If they're connected when you open up the file in nifSkope, then you'll have to actually remodel them a bit in blender, which I don't know how to do. However, if you open the .nif file in nifSkope and, through the left-hand side menu, can select just part of the model, then you should be able to right click and delete that part of the model.

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No, I can only select all my timber beams, as in the screen shot, or none.


Then you'll probably have to go into Blender, which I won't be able to help you with, since I don't have any experience with that. Sorry.

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Ok, I made a thread for this already, but this seems like the more appropriate place to post this question.


Simply put, how do I make it so the game overwrite things with identical editor IDs? Based on this post by IsharaMeradin, it sounds like that should be the default behavior, but when I make a mod that adds a recipe or spell with the same editor ID as another esp, the game doesn't overwrite it with my spell or recipe, instead it makes a duplicate. The editor ID is identical, and my mod is loaded after, so why doesn't it overwrite the first mod?

Why would anyone want to do this you ask
it is because of as I like to call it "the nature of the plugins" meaning that when two or more plugins modify the same editor ids the last one installed gets its data and the other is left out in the cold. By making one the master or parent, the other can incorporate its' data into the first, thus allowing both the ability to function as planned. Here is an example: One plugin renames arrows to sort them. Another plugin modifies the damage, value and other aspects of the stock arrows. Whichever one of the two was placed last, gets its data. By making one a master and using its data as the base then the two plugins will work together so long as the one that was built upon is loaded first.

Edited by EliteKhajiit
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Ok, I made a thread for this already, but this seems like the more appropriate place to post this question.


Simply put, how do I make it so the game overwrite things with identical editor IDs? Based on this post by IsharaMeradin, it sounds like that should be the default behavior, but when I make a mod that adds a recipe or spell with the same editor ID as another esp, the game doesn't overwrite it with my spell or recipe, instead it makes a duplicate. The editor ID is identical, and my mod is loaded after, so why doesn't it overwrite the first mod?


Why would anyone want to do this you ask

it is because of as I like to call it "the nature of the plugins" meaning that when two or more plugins modify the same editor ids the last one installed gets its data and the other is left out in the cold. By making one the master or parent, the other can incorporate its' data into the first, thus allowing both the ability to function as planned. Here is an example: One plugin renames arrows to sort them. Another plugin modifies the damage, value and other aspects of the stock arrows. Whichever one of the two was placed last, gets its data. By making one a master and using its data as the base then the two plugins will work together so long as the one that was built upon is loaded first.


Your recipe and the other mods recipe doesen't share the same ID in game. Upon launch, all active plugins are given a hex prefix, based on load order, ranging from 01 to FF, or 1-255 in decimal form. The workaround is to set the other mod as a masterfile for your mod.

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Creating Dragon Priest Busts

It is assumed that the reader has basic understanding of how the creation kit works.


Dragon Mask Busts are different from Dragon Claws. While dragon claws are either enabled/disabled, the mask busts themselves has two different animation-states. What this means is that the busts either displays an empty bust or a bust with a mask attached, depending on which animation-state they are currently in. As such, you don't need to place any fake masks like you did with the dragon claws.


Adding Dragon Priest Mask Busts is a lot more simple than Dragon Claws; all you really need to do is copy-paste them and modify the script properties.


- In the Cell View Window, open up LabyrinthianPriestSanctuary.


- Make sure markers are turned on; Highlight the render window and press 'M'. This will toogle markers on/off, so if things appear you just enabled markers. If stuff disappears, press 'M' again.


- To make the copying process easier, we're gonna hide a bunch of stuff in the cell. This is done by selecting object(s) in the render window and double-tapping '1'. You want to hide pretty much everything but the nine busts and their corresponding trigger box (eight red boxes and one orange). Once you feel like you've hidden enough continue to the next step.


- Select every bust and their trigger box, either by dragging your mouse while holding down the left mouse button, or by holding down the Ctrl-key and clicking each object once. Once the 18 objects are selected, press Ctrl+C.


- Change cell to your house. Move to where you want your busts and press Ctrl+V. A copy of everything you copied should appear. Move the busts to a desired position, make it look nice. Don't forget to move the trigger box as well!


- To prevent potential bugs, we must first modify the script properties of the red trigger boxes (i.e all the ones but Konariks). Double click the trigger boxes in the render window, then navigate to the scripts tab. There should be a script called "dunLabyrinthianMaskBustSCRIPT" in the list. Right click and select edit properties. Find the myIndex-variable in the list and change its value to -1. Press OK. Press OK. Do this for all the red boxes.


- Double click the orange trigger box (Konariks bust trigger). Again, navigate to the scripts tab. Right click the script in the list and select edit properties. Click the myBustActivator in the list. Press the "Select Reference in Render window"-button. Your mouse cursor is now transformed into a cross. Double-click the Bust of Konariks mask. Press OK. Press OK.


- Save.


Thats it! You should now have working busts.

Just to confirm, this is no longer working?

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