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Will someone please finish the LGNPC mod? Anyone?


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I agree completely! There are so many "first gen" mods that need to be finished or updated/fixed. I'm specifically thinking of Nevena's TLSH mod, which I'm currently trying to play. It would be awesome if some of the more talented current generation of Morrowind modders would take it upon themselves to finish/polish some of these old gems.

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I agree completely! There are so many "first gen" mods that need to be finished or updated/fixed. I'm specifically thinking of Nevena's TLSH mod, which I'm currently trying to play. It would be awesome if some of the more talented current generation of Morrowind modders would take it upon themselves to finish/polish some of these old gems.



First off, everybody is abbreviating the Mod names, so nobody knows what mods this thread is talking about. , What is TLSH and LGNPC?

Second, you have to have permission from the original mod author to edit/finish and upload someone else's work, and unfortunately, especially for Morrowind, some of those modders are long gone.





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  • 4 weeks later...


First off, everybody is abbreviating the Mod names, so nobody knows what mods this thread is talking about. , What is TLSH and LGNPC?



Agreed many times over! I sometimes despair for anyone new who gets more abbreviations than that thrown at them. Maybe original posters (OPs) could get into the habit of writing the thing in full with the abbreviation in brackets so that everyone afterwards can use the abbreviation without having to worry about all those people who haven't got the slightest notion what it's all about... :smile:


LGNPC = Less Generic Non-Player Characters

TLSH = Twin Lamps and Slave Hunters

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It is such a great mod...but never was finished.

You might find it easier to accept the speed of releases by keeping in mind that LGNPC is a collaborative effort that started over a decade ago and think of it as a group of mods rather than one single mod. They have their own plans and are active. As pointed out by others, their web site is active, and cyrano the spokesperson can be contacted directly.

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