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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

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Guest deleted2159825



I need to come clean with everyone.


A few months ago, I ceased working on this mod due to both professional and personal demands. Since then, I've been out of sight and out of mind in regards to both the community and team members. Considering the amount of promotion I poured into this project, that's unfair to you all. I apologize for misleading everyone, particularly my teammates.


Abruptly disappearing and then recrudescing is nothing new for me - it's actually a staple insofar as modding is concerned. As I've said before, I'm a mercurial maniac who operates in creative sprints, with sporadic fits of isolation to collect my wits. It can lead to interesting creations born from rapid development cycles (New Vegas Bounties, The Inheritance), but also unfinished fiascos (Bloodlines: The Order - a few of you might remember it). For a few days, I've been lurking at the Nexus, surveying recent work, and I'm displeased with it, to say the least. My well-intended but haphazard updates to NVB may end up doing more harm than good, and Russell remains a clusterf*#@ for some users.


Truth is, I have zero desire to deal with this engine anymore. With the run-up to Fallout 4 (likely out late next year), I might have an epiphany/moment of clarity and clean up some of the wrecks I've left, perhaps over the summer. I just don't know.


Releasing substandard, buggy betas while promoting mods that will never see the light of day (Sinners and Slaves) is just shitty, no way around it. I know, I know - promoting incomplete or proposed content is pretty much a mainstay of the modding community, but I feel I took it further, with interviews, developer diaries (such f*#@ing bullshit in retrospect), and glib posts on mere ideas, not substance. I can do better than that.


As strange as it may sound, I sometimes hate NVBI. A hasty, three-week production culminated in a small mod that continues to eclipse all my other releases. The design was linear, the dialogue sometimes clumsy, the references obvious, and the voice acting... abysmal (Randall notwithstanding). In focusing on these flaws, I suppose I lost sight of its strengths: stability, simplicity, and a tight, easily digestible narrative. The timing of its release was also a key factor. I only bring this up because recent introspection has spurred me to re-evaluate how I mod from here on out.


Here's what I'll say about future work:

- No more diaries, interviews, or teasers.

- Finished releases only. No alphas, betas, or "It's all done except voice acting"

- I won't work on a mod that I can't get to beta in under three months. Every mod I've worked on beyond that scope has failed.

- I'll work alone (excepting voice actors or occasional art work). This is not a dig at teammates - far from it. I feel that my changeable, hyper-introverted personality undermines communication and cooperation. If you're talented, get with a team where you can flourish. Working with me is more often than not a dead end.


I've been going over some of the probable questions relating to this mod, as well as other projects, so here is an attempt at FAQ's:

Q: So, is The Siege of Firebase Zulu dead?

A: Yes, at least for the foreseeable future.


Q: Are you really finished modding for Fallout: New Vegas?

A: Yes.


Q: What about New Vegas Bounties III?

A: The characters and narrative from NVBIII will be adapated for FO4, or possibly FO:NV 2 (if it gets made). Depending on the time period (all signs point to 2299 now). If not, I'll conclude it in other means (holotapes, notes, etc.) in later mods. All my Fallout mods will remain interconnected on some level.


Q: Does this mean you'll work on Skyrim now?

A: Maybe. Maybe not. I will make familiarization with Papyrus a priority until FO4 ships. Whether or not anything comes to fruition out of it remains to be seen. I'm sitting on a half-finished vampire-hunting questline, but it's absolute s#*!. The player runs around with a self-loathing, skooma-addled dhampir killing asshole bloodsuckers in each town. It's an on-rails, fedex killing spree. No deeper themes or moral ambiguity, just slaying faceless asshats. In other words, s#*!.


Q: Will you patch up NVBII and Russell?

A: I have zero interest in it right now. Maybe later.


Q: Will you ever answer PM's again? At the least, why not delete some old PM's so your mailbox isn't full?

A: I don't know.


Q: Are you drunk?

A: When I wrote this on word last night, yes. I decided to post it (unedited) while sober.


I had half a mind to just vanish without any explanation, but that was just too chickenshit for me. I will be gone for a bit, so please refrain from excessive groaning or gnashing of teeth if I fail to respond. This is my hobby, and I can't fake it when the motivation isn't there. The next time you hear from me, I'll have something real. Perhaps another mindless orgy of violence set amidst the high fantasy bullshittery of Skyrim. Whatever it is, it will be bloody, and it will have balls. If that goes against the grain of immersive bodices or whatever, so be it. That's just how express myself, and I can't fake it.


Lastly, I appreciate the ongoing support from the community. Even when I f*#@ up or go in hiding from the modding world, the encouragement never ceases. It has a funny way of inducing both guilt and renewed passion in the inactive modder. Remorse usually stems from the fact that players continue to rally around a mod that is effectively dead as disco, often encouraged by the modder's past predictions of grandiose content and exciting features. However, it can also pump life into the creative sinews, reminding modders that some people still enjoy their work, and thus future projects will have an audience. With that in mind, thank you. It's been a phenomenal run in Fallout: New Vegas, and I look forward to future work in the Nexus... eventually.

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I need to come clean with everyone.

No judgments here, man. Everything you've delivered has been beyond the proverbial "you get what you pay for" standard, so any complaints don't have a leg to stand on. The only mistake to be made from any of this is regretting any of it for even a second. If you enjoyed it, that's all there is to it. It's been a privilege and a pleasure to stand at your side or in your shadow for all of your projects I've been involved in with acting or testing and there's always a spot for you here if you want to come back.


Thank you, sir, for the mods you've delivered in any state. I've enjoyed them immensely as they've added to my game. Mrs. 231 also asks that I thank you again for the all the fun she had giving voice to Miss Kat; the voice acting she's done lately has allowed us to talk about Fallout with many productive conversations we would not have otherwise had so we're grateful to you for that also.


I know that you don't often frequent the imageshare, so you'll just have to take my word for it that NVB I and II have featured in many stories and fanfictions. Many folks confuse them with vanilla material because of how smoothly and seemlessly they fit into the game. You've given A LOT to the game and to this community. Wherever, whatever is next for you, I look forward to it. Thanks again!

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Ahh man.... You can't leave us hanging with NVBIII. :sad: Especially when all signs point towards that FO4 trademark being fake. This news is coming at the worst time for me right now. :sad:


I tried to send you a message but it won't go through, so I hope you don't mind if I put it here:

"Hey man, I read that you were going to stop modding FNV. I'm sorry to hear that but I was wondering if you like to maybe wrap up the NVB story I would be happy to help. I have a lot of free time and nothing going on and I can use the distraction(A lot of s*** hit the fan for me this week and a distraction would be really good). I know how to make a world space(just finishing up a world space for a friend right now), work with regions, import custom content and everything else and the mod can be something small and not huge in order to wrap up the NVB story and not leave everyone hanging. If your interested please connect me and I'll get to work on it ASAP(I'm sure I can scourge up a couple of others on the Nexus to help me), if not then I understand perfectly."

Edited by RangerBoo
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You made FONV better with each mod you created. I will miss your work. Thank you for all you have contributed. I hope you find your muse again, but if it ain't in you we will understand. Once again thank you for the gift of all your work. This dude will always be a fan.

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I can't lie, this is a bummer. I played through (and loved) NVB, The Inheritance and just finished NVBII (loved that too). I was very excited for more but a man has got to do what a man has got to do. Thanks a whole heap for the great content you provided and for extending the life of FONV. I wish you all the best and I'm looking forward to seeing you back in the (modding) game.



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I totally understand those "high-low" moments on inspiration and will to work, and it's very hard to force yourself to produce while on a low motivation period so I feel you on that man. Thank you for all the stuff you've done until today. Enjoy your life and I'm sure eventually we'll see more stuff coming your way in Fallout 4 or whereever. Cheers!


PS: I'm gonna craft myself a custom marko just to shoot him in the face xD

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dude please, please finish the siege of firebase zulu, i dont care if it take another year, i support you 100% but dont leave a mod with such great potential in the dark, alot of people including myself have been itching to play this. you're a great modder and you make peoples gaming experience in fallout new vegas great, just please finish FBZ we all were looking foward to a great military mod and still hope that you finish it, peace bro :)
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dude please, please finish the siege of firebase zulu, i dont care if it take another year, i support you 100% but dont leave a mod with such great potential in the dark, alot of people including myself have been itching to play this. you're a great modder and you make peoples gaming experience in fallout new vegas great, just please finish FBZ we all were looking foward to a great military mod and still hope that you finish it, peace bro :). P.S i have never modded anything before because i have found it to hard but peolpe like yourself are talented to do this stuff and thats why people love your mods
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