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[WIP] The Siege of Firebase Zulu

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This is very, truly sad news indeed, you were one of the best modders on nexus there were, your stories really moving, like NVBII with the dead ranger i wish there had been a way to prevent most of the events that occurred during a lot of your mods:

-Bradley's Death

-Randall's Death

-The Sand Wolves Massacre

And they were things you could speculate over once they had happened, which is why they were realistic. I know a lot of people want Siege of Firebase Zulu as a modders resource, but i would not want you to feel pressured into that as with the lack of skilled modders currently available, it would be painful for you, I and many others to see your ideas poorly executed, and those who have skill do not see things the way you do, those who do see things have lack of modding knowledge. If you aren't going to finish it yourself keep it dead. I mean this in no offense or selfish way, I only feel this way the same way others felt about not having Al as a voice actor, it would lack the feel all your mods made that we have grown to love.


Best of luck in the future, and in all your endeavors. Crimson.


Put some f*#@ing spoilers in.


OT: I have only played a portion of your content and am currently doing The Inheritence and have previously completed NVB1 and have started NVB2. The content you have created on your own (I think) has inspired me to take up modding for FNV. I always thought that 1 man projects would be terrible pieces of rubbish that ruined the Fallout experienced but you changed my mind on that. It's a shame to hear about the problems that you had and I hope everything works out for you. Thank you for the enjoyment of playing your mods and the inspiration you gave me!

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:thumbsup: Thank you for sharing your works with us. I've very much enjoyed your mods. The bounties were fun, and the Russel quests were a blast, literally. Russell's one of my favorite companions. And just to chime in on this, I was able to play the Legion assault quest at the end of Russel's questline without crashing. It was awesome. I haven't done the Inheritence quests yet, but I'm sure I'll enjoy them.


You might have dissapointed yourself. We all do sometimes. But I don't think you disappointed anyone else here. I don't think you've done anything but make our lives a little better. Thank you for that.



This sums it up for me.


THE Gold standard.


Thank you!


And see you in Boston.

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Thank you SomeGuy for all the amazing content, effort and passion you've put in to both the community and this game! Your mods have been an absolute joy to play even when I was being blown sky high by legion suicide bombers. Russell has become by far my favourite companion and I was dying to find out what happens in the conclusion of NVBIII. I'll cling to the hope that one day either inspiration hits you like a freight train or sanity will leave you long enough to come back for another round. :P

Best of luck in all your future endeavors and thanks once again!

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I have a feeling someguy is trying to pull a fast one to kill the hype for the series, and through the confusion.... releases everything on CHRISTMAS


Mate you cannot believe how much I wish this was true... Seriously I really do sympathise with your train of thought there, but I've learnt one thing in my short time on this planet. Life isn't always fair.



I respect your desicion, lord knows I appreciate how difficult it can be to get your mojo for modding back when you loose it. I won't deny, I was absolutely gutted when I read your message about this, I always knew it would end (sooner rather than later too); but I had really hoped that you would have made it through to Firebase Zulu before this situation come about. To me, Firebase zulu would've been the perfect swan song for the someguys series, so I'm truely gutted to not see it reach that level.


I'll always question why (as I'm sure many will) and from a purely selfish POV I'll always think "Why couldn't he have finished this last mod", but it is your choice at the end of the day; no-one has the right to make you change your mind, it's just a shame we've lost our best story orientated modder to burn out.


As many would and will I wish you the best, hoping that one day you come back (preferably to finish FBZ, although if you decide to work on FO4 I'm sure it'll be awesome all the same).

Best of luck with everything man, hope you can at least come back here one day to clear the air for all of us die hards that little bit more.

See you around brother, this life or the next.


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I just wanted to say thanks for answering all my annoying PMs in the past and allowing me to contribute to your mods in any obscure way i might have. I can understand not wanting to work on a project, i've had countless ideas for projects and most of them never even reach a testable stage, i've only completed one mod and even then i had to cut out 1/3 of the content due to my lack of ability. Even if you never return to modding, you should take pride in all the mods that you have created, especially Russell, even though to this day i can't get it to work without using Console Commands i've had more fun playing that mod than 99% of Vanilla FNV and that's something to be proud of, best of luck man.

If you ever return to Modding and are in need of beta testers, don't hesitate to ask :)

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Someguy, you broke my heart...

["Godfather" end music]


I really hope one day you find the time to revisit this mod and have it see the light of day. Until then, vaya con Dios.

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Sad news, but 110% understandable. I recently had to cancel an image series, so I know that feel of aborting your brainchild.
That came out wrong.
I know what it's like to feel as if you've let everyone down. You've released amazing content, I've only released some images, so you must feel even worse. Just know that you're not letting any of us down. As Bernt told me, life always has the right of way.

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I'll always question why (as I'm sure many will) and from a purely selfish POV I'll always think "Why couldn't he have finished this last mod", but it is your choice at the end of the day; no-one has the right to make you change your mind, it's just a shame we've lost our best story orientated modder to burn out.


As many would and will I wish you the best, hoping that one day you come back (preferably to finish FBZ, although if you decide to work on FO4 I'm sure it'll be awesome all the same).

Best of luck with everything man, hope you can at least come back here one day to clear the air for all of us die hards that little bit more.

See you around brother, this life or the next.





You know I have been downloading Bethesda mods from nexus for many years, since Oblivion anyway. And one thing I always avoided was the quests because none of them where ever any good, they were always poor and not much thought was put into it. Plus they were also so buggy which didn't help.


Then about a year ago I got back into the Fallout series, completed New Vegas again and thought I would shot some mods on, then I saw that Bounties was one of the most endorsed mods, I thought I would try it out and my oh my. What a game, really impressive. The mod itself was better than most of the game, it was so entertaining and I liked the whole wild western style concept it had going on. It really was a work of art when you look at it from that perspective. The best mod I've ever downloaded from nexus, and I've downloaded about a thousand over the years surely. But what made it so good was the fact that no one was ever able to do anything like this. I used to download every mod for Oblivion, Fallout 3 even Morrowind. Mods like just a new NPC who roams around doing nothing, I liked the atmosphere of a bigger game, but not once would I bother myself with the quest ones because they were just so disappointing. However Bounties is really quite something isnt it.


Hats off to someguy, great modder and I wish him all the best, I'm just really grateful for the experience I had with his mods.

Edited by MichaelEssien
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