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WTH Nexus?


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Just an observation, but there is a section of the site where you could address this more directly if you really wanted to. Without fear of reprisal etc.

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Dear lord all this drama just because a mod was flagged as adult at some point. Does that flagging happen inconsistently? Sure, it's impossible to review the tens/hundreds of thousands of mods by a small team. And on the flip side, people don't bother to read/understand the TOS and guidelines.


Y'all could build a neural net to dig through textures and screenshots to flag stuff for review by a human, but even that would be a massive undertaking with many false positives. Would be an interesting project though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Thuggysmurf feels that he's been singled out unfairly and maybe that's the underlying issue here. Singled out, yes...but unfairly? ...hmmm, maybe not. I really like the mod, I'm in the middle of my second play-through of it as a matter of fact and it's going to stay in my regular mod load. I was a little taken aback when I laid eyes on the photos in question for the first time; not offended mind you, just surprised. Well, this certainly adds a new flavor to the world of Skyrim, thought I. Let's be realistic; a series of racy photos depicting bondage and torture, even if it's only implied torture, fall into the category of adult subject matter and would probably earn an R rating from the motion picture industry in a heartbeat ...and I'm Ok with that. I'm also Ok with Nexus flagging the mod as adult content. Having seen the evidence myself I think it was appropriate. What would have NOT been Ok is if Nexus had simply censored the mod and pulled it down; which they didn't do. No, Thuggy you pulled your mod down and censored yourself which has a lot of us scratching our heads. Clearly you feel you've been wronged, but honestly the rest of us are struggling to see how exactly. Just because I don't understand your reasons doesn't mean they aren't are valid of course. I'm simply hoping that a valued member of the modding community and the powers that be here at Nexus can find a way to pass the peace pipe so gamers can get back to enjoying your mods.

Edited by Mudbass10187
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The point I think thuggysmurf is trying to make is...

His mod was edited by a mod for "Adult Content" inside the archive, while the "new files" and certain mod pages are plastered with Naked Women, some with their legs spread, and Naked Women with Butts and Boobs so large their head and body is just a parasitical appendage of that mass.

There was even a "Enhanced "Cum" texture mod on the New Files page for Fallout 4 for a while, you can buy bowls of noodles with 'cum' in them for fallout 4


On any given day, you can look at the "New Files" page of any Bethesda game, and see naked Woman in it, which apparently is "OK", but needs moderator intervention when a NSFW pic is INSIDE a mod Archive.

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The point I think thuggysmurf is trying to make is...


His mod was edited by a mod for "Adult Content" inside the archive, while the "new files" and certain mod pages are plastered with Naked Women, some with their legs spread, and Naked Women with Butts and Boobs so large their head and body is just a parasitical appendage of that mass.

There was even a "Enhanced "Cum" texture mod on the New Files page for Fallout 4 for a while, you can buy bowls of noodles with 'cum' in them for fallout 4


On any given day, you can look at the "New Files" page of any Bethesda game, and see naked Woman in it, which apparently is "OK", but needs moderator intervention when a NSFW pic is INSIDE a mod Archive.


Which would be an issue if they weren't marked for nudity and/or skimpy, like we had to do for his mod. But they are...

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@Mudbass10187. No, that's not it. The problem is explained on Discord- it's a lengthy read, not a soundbite thing. I extended an offer to the Nexus moderators to discuss on a neutral platform where there's no fear of reprisal for saying the wrong thing, and the offer remains open. I very much enjoy Nexus Mods, it's a wonderful platform.

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Except the platform you invited them to is hardly what anyone would call neutral territory.


The mod is adult content, that's the simple fact of it. They flagged it when you would not. I don't see where the problem is.

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