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Why is the author of SmartCast refusing to port to SSE?


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Guest deleted34304850

there is an easy resolution to this, stop cry-arsing and write your own version that does the same thing. sweat bullets over it, then post it up for free, and expect nothing but entitled users to moan and complain about it at every opportunity.


the floor is yours. the quicker you start, the quicker you'll complete it and make the world a happier place.


p.s. stop being wrong about copyright. it's not like you can't look up what it means.

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there is an easy resolution to this, stop cry-arsing and write your own version that does the same thing. sweat bullets over it, then post it up for free, and expect nothing but entitled users to moan and complain about it at every opportunity.


the floor is yours. the quicker you start, the quicker you'll complete it and make the world a happier place.


p.s. stop being wrong about copyright. it's not like you can't look up what it means.


So you can swiftly report it I assume?

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there is an easy resolution to this, stop cry-arsing and write your own version that does the same thing. sweat bullets over it, then post it up for free, and expect nothing but entitled users to moan and complain about it at every opportunity.


the floor is yours. the quicker you start, the quicker you'll complete it and make the world a happier place.


p.s. stop being wrong about copyright. it's not like you can't look up what it means.


So you can swiftly report it I assume?

We don't want to waste the moderators time with false reports so no

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SmartCast is easily one of my most anticipated mods for an SSE release, yet whenever I see it, it's gone within the hour. From what I can tell the Author hasn't even updated it since he originally made it for the Legacy edition. Now we can never have a version made for SSE because this guy has some kind of "copyright" on mods that do a similar thing despite having never even updating his original mod.

Hate to say it so bluntly, but it's kinda selfish and shows the flaws of the Nexus with it.



I'm using SKyrim LE SmartCast in my Skyrim SE game.


I did it by reading the comment section where someone explains how to port it for your own personal use.

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SmartCast is easily one of my most anticipated mods for an SSE release, yet whenever I see it, it's gone within the hour. From what I can tell the Author hasn't even updated it since he originally made it for the Legacy edition. Now we can never have a version made for SSE because this guy has some kind of "copyright" on mods that do a similar thing despite having never even updating his original mod.

Hate to say it so bluntly, but it's kinda selfish and shows the flaws of the Nexus with it.



I'm using SKyrim LE SmartCast in my Skyrim SE game.


I did it by reading the comment section where someone explains how to port it for your own personal use.



Thank you for informing me of this, I will try their method.

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Guest deleted34304850


there is an easy resolution to this, stop cry-arsing and write your own version that does the same thing. sweat bullets over it, then post it up for free, and expect nothing but entitled users to moan and complain about it at every opportunity.


the floor is yours. the quicker you start, the quicker you'll complete it and make the world a happier place.


p.s. stop being wrong about copyright. it's not like you can't look up what it means.


So you can swiftly report it I assume?


well no. if you made your own version, that would be yours and yours alone to do with what you want. i would assume you'd write it from scratch, and develop it away from the mod you want to base it on. if that's the case, then that would be yours, just as the mod you think you have a divine right to, belongs to its author.

again, go and read up on copyright rules, it's obviously an area you need to work on.

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But it's not even their copyright, it's Bethesdas.

Wrong. The CK EULA even specifically says copyright belongs to the mod author.


Locking down an entire system is completely selfish.

No it's not. Only entitlement syndrome would cause someone to claim this.


In the real world there is a limit to how long you own a copyright until you have to verify it again, if this mod author has been gone for 7 years I think it's safe to assume the mod author doesn't care, or might even be dead.

Nope. Copyright lasts 95 years beyond the death of the author. So we'll all be dead and gone by the time this mod you're so worked up over actually falls into the Public Domain. If this angers you, seek redress in Congress. That's what they exist for. I just hope you have the billions that will be needed to fight off Disney's lobbyists.


Nexus needs a system like that, and I think a 5 year minimum is perfectly reasonable. But if you want to behave like Creation Club, well, that's your own decision.

No. Nexus needs to follow the law, which is what they're currently doing.


Also the Creation Club has absolutely nothing to do with any of this, but obviously you couldn't resist the chance to take a poke at it anyway for no good reason.

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Guest deleted34304850

I'm actually a supporter of Creation Club but w/e, I just don't think it's handled correctly.

what you mean is its not handled in a way that benefits you.


so, you have two choices.


1. as i put in a previous post - write your own version of the mod.

2. suck it up, buttercup.

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I'm actually a supporter of Creation Club but w/e, I just don't think it's handled correctly.



You could've converted the mod, and be using it already in the time you've spent in this thread.


It took me about 10 minutes tops, from start to finish following slowly along with the instructions

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