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A sad, sad day...


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I am??? :P


You're just trying to change the subject, and divert attention away from the measly celebrations.... at least on the old forums you offered adding requested smilies to mark milestone postcounts (which of course isn't to say that you actually ever got round to adding those smilies.... :rolleyes: )


*and btw... there's nothing wrong with my memory...for instance I know precisely where I put certain IRC logs...and what I'd find in them were I to look....* :whistling:

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Welcome, Malchik, to our sad band of lifeless losers. :P


Bah, I'd be at 4000 by now if I was still the posting demon I used to be... sigh. I must be getting old ;P

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yes, hurray for you. i have a long way to go till i reach even 500. ahh, blast. when i started here i posted like crazy, now i can't find the time. oh well, EVENTUALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



congrats Malchik. i give a toast in your honor.

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