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Go Theta! I'm just barely over 100 but someday I'll overtake you all... BWAH-HAH-HAH! :)


I don't know about bringing refreshments, but I'm more than willing to consume them if someone provides them ;)


Anyway... the point is... congratulations, Theta :-D

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*Dark0ne delves graciously into his pocket to reveal a large piece of lint, which he'd been saving for quite some time now..


Here, Theta - you've earnt every bit of it!


*Dark0ne is sad to see it go





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Wow - I'm quite overwhelmed by this act of unexpected generosity :o



*clears throat*


Thank you, thank you. This is such a wonderful moment, that I will treasure for many years to come.


*insert emotional speech here*






As for refreshments - who's got the key to the forum fridge? :lol:

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Fine, fine, I admit it, I've got the keys.... but there's no alcohol in it. Just some five year old leftovers that are starting to grow a mind of their own.


*takes a drink from his private stash*


Nope, no alcohol here. All of it's at Malchik's party.



Anyway, celebrating someone else's 3000th post would require me to concede that they have less of a life and more dedication to the forum than me. Such a thing would be against every law of Peregrinism. Therefore...




There is no 3000th post. There is no Comrade Theta Orionis. There is no forum fridge. Such things are capitalist propaganda, evil lies to lure good Comrades away from the Revolution. Ignore their treason, and return to your lives. Remember, Peregrine and the Party are your friends!

-People's Information Minister Peregrine, 4/24/04

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Hey, I don't remember anyone making a thread for my 3000th post :(


Heheh, congratulations Theta :D well done. ^^


Fridge?? There's a fridge!? Why was I not informed? :P

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