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API Key Code won't paste


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Am having same problem. I've been clicking the folder icon next to my api code to copy it and then using ctrl + v in the copy api key window, and hitting save. I never see the authorize click bar. I do read "failure to log in" warning, but I also see my user name as logged in. Very confusing. I have to do this every time I access the site. I mean, I'm using the site now. Maybe this always happens because I use a VPN: which sends a different computer IP address each time?

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Am having same problem. I've been clicking the folder icon next to my api code to copy it and then using ctrl + v in the copy api key window, and hitting save. I never see the authorize click bar. I do read "failure to log in" warning, but I also see my user name as logged in. Very confusing. I have to do this every time I access the site. I mean, I'm using the site now. Maybe this always happens because I use a VPN: which sends a different computer IP address each time?



That's EXACTLY why it happens

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