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unlockedsettlementobjects.esm missing


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I'm trying to download a high resolution texture pack but the unlockedsettlementobjects.esm plugin is missing


This does not appear to be a Vortex problem. You would best be served by posting this on a Fallout 4 support forum.


By the way, what does the missing ESM have to do with the high resolution texture pack?

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I'm trying to download a high resolution texture pack but the unlockedsettlementobjects.esm plugin is missing


Well, either the texture mod requires "Unlocked Settlement Objects" or the Mod Author accidentally made "Unlocked Settlement Objects" a master.


I don't see anybody complaining about it, so I assume you have to have Unlocked Settlement Objects installed in order for the texture pack to work.

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I'm trying to download a high resolution texture pack but the unlockedsettlementobjects.esm plugin is missing


Well, either the texture mod requires "Unlocked Settlement Objects" or the Mod Author accidentally made "Unlocked Settlement Objects" a master.


I don't see anybody complaining about it, so I assume you have to have Unlocked Settlement Objects installed in order for the texture pack to work.



The mod in question does not have any requirements other than the Fallout 4 vanilla assets. I have it installed in my game, and Vortex does not warn of missing masters. As for unlockedsettlementobjects.esm, I don't know what mod it belongs to. It does not belong to "Settlement Objects Unlocked." It may belong to "Unlocked Settlement Objects," but that mod is an .exe file which utilizes Cheat Engine. I did not download it and look at it. Anyway, I have no such ESM in my load order.


Once again, OP's problem is not a Vortex problem.

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