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Obsidian commit to mod support and the Nexus for Project Eternity


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Too much time and too much effort for no tangible figures that can be put on to an accountant’s spreadsheet.


bull crap


If not for the Nexus and modding capability of Oblivion, any accountant or person with half a brain cell can tell you Skyrim wouldn't have net the sales figures they did. Come on



How do you write that down as a line on an end of year account? "Sales due to release of toolkit". You can't. There's no tangible way they can get a concrete figure on how many sales they've achieved through the release of the toolkit alone. That's all the accountant cares about. That's all the shareholders care about. Stats and figures.

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bull crap


If not for the Nexus and modding capability of Oblivion, any accountant or person with half a brain cell can tell you Skyrim wouldn't have net the sales figures they did. Come on


Well, the marketing *did* tell people that arguably the biggest fantasy cliche, dragons, and the chosen one in generic viking armor is the best thing since sliced bread, so it *did* the job.


Also, maybe on PC it's true, but majority of console gamers have no idea about the concept of modding.


Isometric? Like on PS2? In 2013? RidDICulous! OutRAGEous! Totally gamepad driven and diablo fanbased [via say goodbye to Alpha Protocol thang]. This sucks, that's what I mean... I expected more like TES VI or something. The future of all modern RPG genre is in serious danger with those guys!


Yeah, and Plato sucks too, and endangered philosophy, because his books have no pictures. :)


I think this is a revival of the classic, REAL RPG experience. I've always believed that the isometric RPG era (P:T is my favorite game, also BG, ID, ToEE etc) was the golden age of gaming industry. Rock on, Obsidian!
Edited by GeeZee
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1. kickstarter assures the developers to make MUCH more money than they would get if they had a fixed contract from a gaming company. that may not be true for small level projects, but in this case I am pretty sure of it. look at how overarchieved there money limit is. and look at how they keep adding small things every 100k they get. developing costs seem payed. the rest will wander into their pockets.


and 2. @Robin Scott: will they pay you for the mod support? up to now I understand your nexus is company money-free. will it stay that way?

Edited by berlinsmiles
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will they pay you for the mod support? up to now I understand your nexus is company money-free. will it stay that way?


Of course they won't pay me. I neither want or expect it.

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what made you think they could make a AAA game with a measly 1-3 million! they intended to build an old school RPG with some modern standards. you might be shocked to know that this game won't even be fully voiced!


they want to spend money on gameplay and world design rather than voiceovers, i know madness right!

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I love the idea of Project Eternity, already pledged $160 ($140 plus $20 shipping)!


Have you ever had a game make you laugh in hysterics or cry or feel something other than pure adrenalin? Have you ever played a game where it felt like in-game characters had a personality of their own? Lastly, have you ever played a game which lets you make decisions with tremendous consequences that drastically changes the story? Games like The Witcher (1 & 2), Dragon Age: Origins (NOT 2!), Never Winter Nights as well as the Baldurs Gate series are examples of this kind of game.


I believe these qualities are what make a real rpg and have too often been thrown by the wayside by publishers in favour of games which take less effort to develop, can be revamped and resold every 6months to a year and appeal to a population who favour thoughtless instant gratification.


This project is brave and I think they deserve support. I can only hope that other companies would have the guts to do the same!


@hector530, did you play Dragon Age: Origins? I would have been sceptical about the game 'not being fully voiced' to, but it really isn't so bad. If done properly, your imagination can add in all the details it needs, sometimes it is even better than having a voiceover.

Edited by ccg08
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Baldur's Gate I & II, Dragon Age Origins, and Neverwinter Nights 1 were made by BIOWARE, not Obsidian... stop giving Obsidian credit for games that they contributed nothing to. Neverwinter Nights 2 is still unstable and buggy to this day... also it was crap compared to the first one.. Please for the love of God people... stop mixing up these games. Bioware created; Baldur's Gate, Planescape, Neverwinter Nights (Not 2), and Dragon Age Origins.

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Baldur's Gate I & II, Dragon Age Origins, and Neverwinter Nights 1 were made by BIOWARE, not Obsidian... stop giving Obsidian credit for games that they contributed nothing to. Neverwinter Nights 2 is still unstable and buggy to this day... also it was crap compared to the first one.. Please for the love of God people... stop mixing up these games. Bioware created; Baldur's Gate, Planescape, Neverwinter Nights (Not 2), and Dragon Age Origins.


I can't see where ccg08 said or even implied that those games were made by Obsidian. Am I being blind?

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It seems like it's implied that hes donating due to those games making him cry or laugh when Obsidian didn't create them. Edited by Pixeldust
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It seems like it's implied that hes donating due to those games making him cry or laugh when Obsidian didn't create them.


I sense a lack of reading comprehension on your part. If you note his opening sentence, it says it all: "I love the idea of Project Eternity". Those games gave the OP great pleasure, and no games publisher today will ever make anything similar. But Project Eternity has set about doing just that. Never was it said or implied that Obsidion made any of the games named, or that he/she was donating because of that fact.

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