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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73621248. #73621338, #73621418, #73621538, #73621693, #73621713, #73621758, #73621768, #73621843, #73621863, #73621913, #73622073, #73622223, #73622273, #73622493, #73623048 are all replies on the same post.

allmightybrii wrote: It is obvious I am not the only one missing the top navigation bar since several people responded to my last comment with same issue. My colors updated to green but I still can't navigate the site. Any suggestions on how we can resolve this issue and get on with our game?
*color reverted back to yellow, ?
BigBizkit wrote: Hey there,

This would be because you are at the tablet breakpoint. Clicking the three bars (the "hamburger") will bring up a navigation menu.
allmightybrii wrote: No....that just takes me to "games", NO navigation bar, no way to find "my" anything
And if I click on anything in the dropdown like "mods" it just takes me back to main mod page.
allmightybrii wrote: Ok, I found the "Menu" but still cant find my tracked mods there, and why do I not have a navigation bar? this "hamburger" way of doing things is slower and so very annoying
kestrelhawk wrote: Sorry BigBizkit, but I am seeing, or not seeing, the same as allmightbrii. My avatar doesn't even show. I am on my desktop pc.

Edit: Thanks, that helped me as well, but still no avatar, no tracked mods, and though I can find my images, there is no 'upload' button on the top bar of the main page as it shows in the article. I can add from going to the separate areas, but unless I am mistaken, I thought there was supposed to be one on the main page/bar.
BigBizkit wrote: Are you browsing the site in full screen mode? What is your resolution?

It might be because you are too zoomed in which is giving you the tablet navigation and not the one envisioned for desktops.
BigBizkit wrote: @kestrelhawk

Can you show me a screenshot, please? What browser are you using? Anything unusual about your setup?
allmightybrii wrote: Same here. I have a VERY good gaming setup. My PC is devoted almost entirely to Skyrim. I am nowhere near my 'breaking point'. As with any new roll-out there are going to be bugs. My question is, how can we fix this and get to playing?
allmightybrii wrote: full screen
allmightybrii wrote: same here, no upload here either
allmightybrii wrote: On a positive note, I am loving Vortex. But, can I just delete the old NMM without having any issues? It is useless and just sitting there to annoy me when trying to upload files.
kestrelhawk wrote: Ok, this is weird, a screenshot shows as describe in the article. (can't get it to save and post though) I use Google Chrome, and resolution is 1920 x 1080. Nothing unusual about my setup.
allmightybrii wrote: same here, this is soooo annoying
allmightybrii wrote: my top bar shows the........... 3 bars nexus logo search icon generic avatar
that is all I get
kestrelhawk wrote: Alright, I got away from full screen using ctrl and 'minus'....now it all shows. My problem with this is my vision isn't the greatest, hence why I was using the full screen. I use my big screen tv as a monitor, but it doesn't help with text size on websites unless I use full screen. This now officially sucks.

BigBizkit, thanks for your help regardless! I just wish everything could be seen in full screen.
Zaldiir wrote: At 1920x1080; as long as you don't zoom in beyond 150% you should be getting all the options on the navbar ("Upload" turns into an upload icon at 130%, but functions the same). This is the same both in fullscreen and not in fullscreen.

Thank you Zaldiir The info on full screen vs. less might be good info for a sticky post. I'm sure we won't be the only ones to mention this issue, or wonder why everything can't be seen as intended.
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It appears that the top bar menu doesn't resize accordingly with the screen.


Past the shock of the novelty -- yes, cleaner -- I could NOT see the Search-Upload-User displayed off-screen with no horizontal scroll bar to indicate the "surplus" I missed; the  window needs to be enlarged so much it's wasting too much screen real estate for its purpose/convenience.

Had to use LastPass to login since I couldn't "see"...


Furthermore, Upload-User pull-down menu characters overlap-garble because of their (apparently) large and/or fixed size... un-zooming makes them tiny-unreadable, say, on a high resolution large monitor.

Win10-Firefox not blocking java or what-not (grin)

My 2¢.


Maybe I missed something, I've been known to be wrong.

Maybe I set FF to not "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above", but that's it, and I do not think it should be a requirement.

Good work, though.

Edited by jfjb2005
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In response to post #73622378.

Tazcada wrote:

So, the new design had an ad that repeatedly popped up on every page on the bottom right of my screen and annoyed me to the point that I installed an ad-blocker to get rid of it. Noticed that you had an opt-out fee. Went to pay for it, and it's asking for a bunch of information (some of which is already on my profile, and some of which I don't care to share) before I can get to checkout.


For the record, my profile hasn't changed in years. I log on with a user name and password, and all you should need to take a payment is that and a valid method of payment (such as paypal) What you don't need (unless you have plans of creating a database to sell or other nefarious activities) is my full name, address, country of origin, age or sexual preference (not that you asked for that).


I get the need for ad revenue, I do. But at the same time, any ad that becomes hugely annoying is guaranteed to insure either an ad blocker or navigation away from the page.


Incidentally, search on the "new design" is still broken. When I can find mods on your site faster by googling it than using the search button, that's not a good indicator for your search algorithms. Nor does the "hamburger" navigation tool at the top thrill me. Hated it in windows 8, hate it now.

If you are paying via credit card you will be required to give your full name and address, as with any other place online that processes credit card payments.

If you are paying via PayPal you will only be needed to provide your name and address, which we will then get from them as part of PayPals standard procedure for payments.

The ad you are referring to has been in place for months now and has nothing to do with the new site navigation.
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For some reason I don't seem to have quite the same menu bar you're describing - the upload button is still just an arrow, and I don't have 'Mods of the Month' when clicking on the 'Mods' drop-down. Do I need to clear cache or something? Seems I am stuck on a prior 'version' ?? This is on Windows 7 FF FWIW.


EDIT: is there a way to center-bottom justify the names of your favorited games within their tiles? They all get cut off.

Edited by spaven
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In response to post #73623143. #73623308 is also a reply to the same post.

BlasterMasterCaster wrote: Am I the only one getting this?



Everything looks out of place and on top of everything. :/
Pickysaurus wrote: Looking at your selection of addons, are you blocking things the page needs to load? Icons/Fonts/Javascript?

Hi Pickysaurus,

I took some minutes to try several things including disabling all my addons:


and I still have this problem. I checked and apparently my Javascript is enabled. I have no clue what's going on.
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I do not usually pop in here to comment but I just wanted to say that I like the new look, it is pretty sharp. The one thing I am missing is an 'upload mod' button under 'mods' to keep it consistent with the 'media' dropdown menu. Thank you for hosting the mods I and many others created.
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Not a fan of the new design. The old notification tab was much better. The design itself looks very out of place. You can see that it was changed as it doesn't match the style of the website.




The counter on the bell is not colorized with the theme. (intended?)



Something good:

Mods of the Month is now more visible.

Mod Rewards is now easier to find.




Recently mods visited/clicked.

Fix the changelog. It's horrible. Make it a free text without those auto convert to points. I always have to trick the system to make a proper changelog.

Bring back images for the notification tab.

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