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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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Ignore all the negative comments saying the design is worse than the old one. I used the beta the entire time it was out and now that the final release has dropped I definitely think the new design is much better and nicer than the old one ever was. It's much more slick and smooth than the old one could've ever hoped to be and the overall navigation and design is way better. Some people just have a hard time adapting to change so they choose to bash on what is obviously a huge improvement over the previous look. I really appreciate what the team has done here and love the new design through and through but sadly at the end of the day there will always be people that are super negative about it cus they just don't like change. I look forward to the future updates you guys have mentioned you'll be testing through the beta version of the site in the future :) I can't wait to try them out ^w^ Keep up the great work :D Edited by Guest
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In response to post #73625003. #73625633, #73625983, #73626358, #73627278 are all replies on the same post.

SkiaMK wrote: For the most part I like it so far but there is one thing already driving me bat s*** crazy... I liked being able to click on the "NexusMods" button to go back to the game page for the game I am currently looking at; having it take me to the main Nexus home page is of no use to me. I would really like to see that either reverted or an additional button added in up there so I don't have to constantly click on the "Games" drop down and mouse over to the game I currently want to see mods for.
Zaldiir wrote: Click on the game name right next to the NexusMods button. Takes you to the front page of that game.
Hoamaii wrote: Fully agreed with SkiaMK. The game page we could reach in one click, now requires 2+ clicks: 1 click + hovering over a whole series of games (and with luck, "Skyrim", the one most modded game of the Nexus, is at the very end of the list on the right hand side - and "The Witcher" even further!) + then click again. Not overwhelmingly eregonomical, honestly... :(

I'd bet most of us are not browsing all Nexus games at the same time, we mostly focus on one or two games, essentially the games we're playing or modding right now. So having to scroll through all games we've bookmarked to reach the main page of the one game we're already logged in can quickly get truly annoying after a few pages...
Spasticon1 wrote: Hoamaii, you can still go back to the game page with one click. Instead of using the favorite games drop down you can just click on the game name itself. (or on the home icon right next to it, it doesn't really matter as it takes you back to the game's home page either way.)
Pickysaurus wrote: There's an image in the new posts that shows this :)

Oh, right... I missed that. Guess I'll have to explore a bit further then...;)
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Admittedly, I ignored the heck out of the layout's beta test phase. My knee-jerk reaction to this new layout was pretty negative.


Having browsed around a bit, it's actually not so bad! It feels a good bit like the past layout but with a fancy new coat of paint! I'm willing to give it an earnest try.

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The new design is much easier to navigate and it's much snappier as well. I like it. I still don't like how if I click on New Today, or New This Week, that I have to click "See More". Just load as many as there are. It's a completely unnecessary button press. Other than that I like it. It would be nice if we had more options to customize our profiles to keep in touch with each other and the goings on in Nexusland without having to go to other social media, like that cesspool Twitter.
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In response to post #73625933. #73626013, #73626803, #73627268 are all replies on the same post.

rick0307 wrote: No more ability to search for mod authors? Without the author subcategory, your searches are small and random. Try "sleepy," for example.

I found your cleverly hidden updates, BTW. Na Na na na na.
Hoamaii wrote: Well, apparently "authors" have become "users"...
FastBlackCat wrote: Lovely. Searching by author was something I used fairly frequently.
Pickysaurus wrote: It works in exactly the same way, we aim to add the ability to search all users at some point in the future. For now it's only been renamed.

Not to be a drag, Pickysaurus, 'cause I really don't care that authors are now considered users, 'cause we are also that, but your new wording is still confusing.
Searching through "users" only gives you... "authors" for results. Any user who has never published a mod still never turns up in the results - which is still very unfair for all the "users" who publish a lot of content like screenshots and videos, even though they never uploaded a mod.
If we are offered to search for "users", it'd be only fair that we can then find ALL users, or at least all content-creators, not just mod authors.

Also, it'd be much more efficient to lend on the said-user's profile like we used to, instead of just a mods list like what we get now.
I use the search tool a LOT, and I know that we can find a profile by right-clicking on some user's name in the comment or media section - but what I'm most interested in is the full profile, with all types of contents, not just the mods, when I'm doing a search. Edited by Hoamaii
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