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Design Update - Our New Navigation is here


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In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788, #73900288, #73900358, #73900928, #73908723 are all replies on the same post.

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Makes no difference if you like it or not. Today your opinion doesn't matter anymore. Corporations like Microsoft and Valve push through their POV and systems, and everyone jumped on the same train. You will get the new UI and you have no say in it. Complaining a thousand times will probably only get you banned. It's easier for them to ignore you then taking notice.

It is either sink or swim. Use the website or do not use it. I already gave up trying to persuade people or corporations. Criticism is not welcomed anymore and will just be "overlooked".
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Hurry back. It still has problems carried over from the last UI overhaul, but there are several solid improvements and no real downside I've seen so far. That said, the original UI still did some things better. Isn't there some way I can read the entire mod title and short description in the hotfiles without having to click through to the mod page. Rollover text or something? Please?


Edited by Keleigh3000
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In response to post #73912438.

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I have to agree on this one.
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In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788, #73900288, #73900358, #73900928, #73908723, #73911858 are all replies on the same post.

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Yeah, pretty much. I learned to stop voicing my concerns a long time ago, because all it does is attract the peanut gallery who defend the site's actions no matter what. It isn't new, I was on the BioWare Forums too back in the day. They're all cut from the same cloth of yes-men and fanboys.

I was actually thinking my browser had bugged out and started loading the mobile version of the site for some reason, only for it to revert back yesterday. I was happy to have a semi-usable interface again, only to see this thread and learn it was temporary. Us PC users just get left more and more behind, even on a site *supposedly* for PC games.

Whatever. I'll figure out how to navigate this ungodly mess of a UI, just like I did the last site redesign.
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Please just make a decision on the UI design. I was getting used to the new and now the old one is back. Was it pulled to be revised/fix bugs ?

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In response to post #73897103. #73899578, #73899788, #73900288, #73900358, #73900928, #73908723, #73911858, #73915853 are all replies on the same post.

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I agree with Clanggedin . Why fix what was not broken??? I was overjoyed to see the old ui back. Was able to get to everything in half the clicks. At least give us a toggle on what ui to use versus shoving the unwanted changes down our throats.

That is what irks the most. We have no choice. We are welcome to support the site but have no say in what ui we end up using.
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For the love of Talos, stop fixing what is not broken. Or at least allow a toggle to give us a choice on what to use as the user interface. Change for the sake of change is not progress.
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