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Ban for Fun


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I've been banned for fun so much my fun cells, in the gray matter area, are over joyed so I am numb from it all.


I ban the...um...forum thread for...um...so much...TOO Much...um...FUN!


Yeah! Tat's wat Im tying to sya! :turned: And you are all banned for...forum? For...Fun and having a great bunch of pix for it too! :laugh:

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I thought I banned the forum thread "ban for fun"? I have an excuse, "I was sleepy when I was typing".


I guess if I did not ban anyone I better ban someone, i.e., if not anyone?




Here goes:


I ban anyone for fun because anyone is not banning anyone for fun and anyone can if anyone wants to ban anyone for fun.


And I ban brokenergy for pepe jeolousy! (You have to be signed in to see the pepe she's talking about.)


(snicker) :laugh:

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I ban all the npcs on gta v for being racist - they all hate franklin for no reason, last night a helicopter pilot was on his phone looked up at me and said "im so sick of this s#*!", I approached a beach party where everyone shot me a filthy look then all walked away, and security chased me out of some big posh resort for no reason and gave me a 2 star wanted level...didnt see one brother in there (I heard shooting outside beforehand maybe another black guy tried to get in).


So yeah they're all banned from my game, I expect them to be cleared out when I return.

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