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Ban for Fun


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I ban Drakefell01 for not knowing that the letters s / he suggests a compliment of both male and female structure.  No reference to gender except maybe in the woke society.  All it s/he is suggesting is that females and males can have similar intellectual structures mentally.

Sadly you are missing the PUN.  Since I do not have time to explain the fun PUN without starting at the beginning when Woke people began not waking up enough from being focused by intellectual parents who would have kept them from becoming so disorientated they are walking dictionaries and encyclopedias with no guidebook to engage them in our structural reality;  Real life. 

They live in a fog clouded with definitions of meanings and encyclopedic knowledge with no guidelines. 

No guidebooks to help them align with their body, mind, and soul.  You've made so many threads in Games for Fun that have absolutely no game theme or theory.  Thus that is to me suggesting you are not awake, just Woke.

Do like my Mom taught me when I showed signs of being woke but not Awake.  Go run around the block until you are fully awake.  If that is not possible there are lots of weeds growing all around.  You must have some near where you live.  Mom would suggest I attack the Tall grass, pointing out plants she didn't like, and some shrub that needs my expertise of lopping off, slashing down, and stabbing with your sword.  She would do that so I got familiar with all the real worlds flora.  Go make neat a part of your parent's overgrown forest land.  Make it neat in arrangements like a uniformed hedge around your yard.

If you can't exercise any part of your body because you are seriously like one of us cripples then I recommend...

Get some high powered coffee and play in the area you mod until you have a finished tested model that has no bugs anyone downloading it will have to complain about!  You don't really want to be like Bethesda getting people to do mods so they can see our ideas and make a better mod to sell us we think we like for some reason.  Then they sell us it.  HAVE FUN!


Start getting in touch with the real you.  Be yourself, everybody else's personality is already taken.

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