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Entire Site is slow, mod page tabs hanging for minutes


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South East Coast, America

The website takes a long time to load, on a refresh, on switching pages, looking at new forum threads, switching forums, everywhere

On a Mod page, switching from ANY tab to any other tab, (description, images, files etc) will leave me sitting there staring at a spinning gear for 2 - 3 minutes, even though the half screen VORTEX screen will say "Page served in 0.341 seconds"


Posting this topic took around a minute for it to post, and clicking on EDIT to add this took 30+ seconds (yea, I know, that doesn't seem a lot, but it does when everything is normally instantaneous)

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Northern Utah, same thing, site's been sluggish for the last couple of days. I thought it was just my local internet but apparently not.

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Looks ok right now, no more sluggishness except for a few random mod images delaying when the image window comes up.

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  • 1 year later...

South East Coast, America


The website takes a long time to load, on a refresh, on switching pages, looking at new forum threads, switching forums, everywhere


On a Mod page, switching from ANY tab to any other tab, (description, images, files etc) will leave me sitting there staring at a spinning gear for 2 - 3 minutes, even though the half screen VORTEX screen will say "Page served in 0.341 seconds"


Posting this topic took around a minute for it to post, and clicking on EDIT to add this took 30+ seconds (yea, I know, that doesn't seem a lot, but it does when everything is normally instantaneous)

I have some of those issues aswell, since 2-3days. It was good middays, now the site is loading slow in general, picture even slower. Downloads are ok it seems, when I load with the browser, but with MO2 its very slow and instable (goes way down under 10kb).


Im from europe and did change the premium servrers several times. Did a MO2 update aswell.

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