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BLOG PIECE: Nexus development and expansion philosophy


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i understand what hes thinking, but theres no doubt that he probly had gta in mind while typing this. i guess a gta nexus site wil never happen. the developers have no tools and probly no intrest for modding, there community has compleatly diffrent rules with mods (using models from other games), and lastly it would be mean to make a gta nexus site (stepping on toes). anyways its good to see that the nexus sites arent beeing run by a money hungry maniac who dosent care about anybody but himself. the dark one has a really good heart.
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You definitly have to add Dishonored to your "should play list".


It's a great game for gamers, who like to sneak around, with a good story. And a good example, how you can change the surrounding based on your actions. If you kill all things you see, the city gets dark.


It has some problems with the "super-powers", some are too strong compared to others, but it is fun. That is my measurement for a good game.



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@mkess - no dishonored was terrible...


@Raedon420 -I f the developers are not actively supporting modding maybe they shouldn't be supported?


@Zaldiir - I'm not saying it is a competition. I just mean that with steam coming to consoles, the workshop is going to bring modding to consoles as well. With that, is Nexus going to basically be a massive split in the community, rather than a place bringing it all together.


I guess what I am getting at is that I think for the longevity of the site and also just cause it would be awesome.. it would be great if as well as the showcase type stuff, nexus built a portal specifically for the moder themselves. I know you have tutorials here.. but I mean beyond that.


This way nexus will always have something that is truly unique and lasting that workshop will nvr have.

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@jyujinkai: True, but I guess it comes back to the stepping on toes problem. The best way to make Nexus "the" portal for modders would be to have all the available resources available here, like tutorials, wikis, etc. But this is something other sites already cover (very well), like TES Alliance, Construction Set Wiki, Creation Kit Wiki and Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages for the Elder Scrolls games. What we still have to offer that the Workshop doesn't have to the same degree is a forum with a lot of skilled modders who aid the new modders, and well... a community. Edited by Zaldiir
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It's about offering a choice as well. Not everyone likes Steam Workshop, not everyone likes Nexus...and not everyone likes either Steam Workshop or the Nexus. One of my biggest issues with Steam Workshop is that it "DRMify's" modding. You can only download and install mods via Steam Workshop if you bought the game via Steam. That's not good. You then have the potential issue of game developers only allowing modding via Steam Workshop as it's a proven way to prevent pirates from modding the game. Preventing pirates from modding the game is obviously not a bad thing at all, but preventing people from having a choice of where to distribute or download mods is a problem. Modding should be free, modding should be open. Modding is, after all, all about choice. You start taking away the choices and you stifle the community.


However, that flaw in Steam Workshop's design is also a bonus for other communities. Games can only use Steam Workshop if the game is a Steam Works game. Plenty of games are not Steam Works games and I know there are lots of developers looking to move away from the Steam platform due to the costs (which are apparently 30% of all game profits sold via Steam...blow me down, that's a lot). Indie gaming and games being developed using pledged money from Kickstarter et al are particularly uninterested in Steam as a distribution platform.


But, to tl;dr this. Modding should be about choice. And Steam Workshop is a choice. It should not be the ONLY choice. And that's what we're here for.

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If any game devs only allow modding via Steam Workshop then as far as I am concerned, they can shove their game where the sun doesn't shine. Steam has been such a pain in the proverbial lately, and judging by some of the comments I've seen it isn't just me, (though I still haven't forgiven them for making me download Skyrim TWICE when I got my rebuilt rig back cuz they gave me a corrupted download the first time.)


Seriously, only allowing modding via Steam Workshop would kill the modding scene. I would not countenance anything I make (er yes, I do and have made something and part deux is in the works...) going up there now, and as previously stated would not buy anything in the future that was Steam Workshop only. And I doubt I'd be the only one.


Good job a lot of games are not Steam Works ones.


Will have to lie down now. Mention of the Steaming Pile only makes me CROSS.

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Ohhh You should do a Total War Nexus series.


There are a lot of great Total War mods and finding them is often a great pain that requires combing through forums, visiting websites, ect. Imagine what good it would do for some of the mods if they were tied into the Nexus Community, especially some of the more obscure but all the same wonderful mods for games like Medieval 2 Total War which still has an active player base and an active mod community, and Rome 2 is coming out and promising to deeply disappoint fans of the original so people may want to mod that (if they don't decide to punish modders again)

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