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Additional scrap cars! - Decorative


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WOW! That thing is EPIC!

Now to be fair, I doubt a direct replication would work... At all... But it doe make me wonder about that all so American tradition of the 'Motorhome' - the big bus-based kind, with the pop-outs and full bathrooms and crazy stuff like that. This thing could serve as an inspiration for something along those line I think.


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WOW! That thing is EPIC!


Now to be fair, I doubt a direct replication would work... At all... But it doe make me wonder about that all so American tradition of the 'Motorhome' - the big bus-based kind, with the pop-outs and full bathrooms and crazy stuff like that. This thing could serve as an inspiration for something along those line I think.



hmmm,motorhome? Im found something.


link to see:https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/1246934/pub_5c3ee8f9bb0fd300a92f5d95_5c3ee900ef136b00a923db74/scale_1200



and in fallout 4 art book vanilla trucks have logo ''brave''.(just fact for new trucks)


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Oh! This is a shot in the dark but I have to ask...


Have you heard or read about Fallout London? Seeing your jaw dropping car designs, I can easily imagine you coming up with a gorgeous London black cab for that mod. Just sayin' :smile:


I like your current mod progress and cant wait for me to do a full clean install and pop it in the data folder.


Its late here, too much coffee, going to bed.

Interesting you bring up this point about Fallout London.

I recently joined the development team. Soon you will be able to see my unique creations that I make for the game!


@Zopwerrty - That concept is stunning to look at, although unfortunately I cannot see anywhere in the game this may actually 'Fit' for lack of a better word without severe landscape modification.

- Edge

Edited by EdgeUK90
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Oh! This is a shot in the dark but I have to ask...


Have you heard or read about Fallout London? Seeing your jaw dropping car designs, I can easily imagine you coming up with a gorgeous London black cab for that mod. Just sayin' :smile:


I like your current mod progress and cant wait for me to do a full clean install and pop it in the data folder.


Its late here, too much coffee, going to bed.

Interesting you bring up this point about Fallout London.

I recently joined the development team. Soon you will be able to see my unique creations that I make for the game!


@Zopwerrty - That concept is stunning to look at, although unfortunately I cannot see anywhere in the game this may actually 'Fit' for lack of a better word without severe landscape modification.

- Edge


Maybe it will be on the railway and not on the monorail, then maybe it can be added.The interior can be designed in the fallout style.


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Yes, that is a possibility - I shall ponder on this thought as most of the land based rail tracks in Fallout 4 are all for industry rather than passenger commute.


Todays progress - 90% there.. May have this one ingame soon!


Fo4-Missile-Truck-20.jpg Fo4-Missile-Truck-21.jpg


More soon.


- Edge

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Yes, that is a possibility - I shall ponder on this thought as most of the land based rail tracks in Fallout 4 are all for industry rather than passenger commute.

Todays progress - 90% there.. May have this one ingame soon!

Fo4-Missile-Truck-20.jpg Fo4-Missile-Truck-21.jpg

More soon.

- Edge

That's awesome. :D


Friend of mine wants a version with a box/bed on the back, instead of missiles, so he can use it as his 'home away from home'. :D

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Oh! This is a shot in the dark but I have to ask...


Have you heard or read about Fallout London? Seeing your jaw dropping car designs, I can easily imagine you coming up with a gorgeous London black cab for that mod. Just sayin' :smile:


I like your current mod progress and cant wait for me to do a full clean install and pop it in the data folder.


Its late here, too much coffee, going to bed.

Interesting you bring up this point about Fallout London.

I recently joined the development team. Soon you will be able to see my unique creations that I make for the game!


- Edge


This is good news, good news indeed! I am intrigued by FOLON and its content. I was a fan of Doctor Who and Torchwood for the longuest time... I am eager to take a walk on London wild side...along with some of your contribution!

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Oh! This is a shot in the dark but I have to ask...


Have you heard or read about Fallout London? Seeing your jaw dropping car designs, I can easily imagine you coming up with a gorgeous London black cab for that mod. Just sayin' :smile:


I like your current mod progress and cant wait for me to do a full clean install and pop it in the data folder.


Its late here, too much coffee, going to bed.

Interesting you bring up this point about Fallout London.

I recently joined the development team. Soon you will be able to see my unique creations that I make for the game!


- Edge


This is good news, good news indeed! I am intrigued by FOLON and its content. I was a fan of Doctor Who and Torchwood for the longuest time... I am eager to take a walk on London wild side...along with some of your contribution!


Thanks dude, It intrigues me too - especially being a British Fallout fan :laugh: + I also used to live in London! I should have my first creation for them previewing in the following week :thumbsup:


Todays progress, Nearly finished now! Top-side done. Once I finish the underbody we will be looking at ingame shots :ohmy:


Fo4-Missile-Truck-24.jpg Fo4-Missile-Truck-25.jpg



More soon.


- Edge

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