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The shaming of non-premium users needs to stop!

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Unless the non paying members are posting from a free internet access café, I always find it hard to understand how people claim they "can't afford" to pay for a membership, have no problem paying for the internet service that allows the same people to complain how the can't afford a membership.


paying for current bills you've already laid out a buget for is one thing. adding furthur expenses on top of that regardless of how big or small they may be can make a big difference in being able to afford other things. so someone able to afford paying for thier internet but not a membership is entirely understandable. no offence ment in saying this but you seem to simply lack the perspective to see that and understand it.


I enjoy using this site but there is a difference between advertising a subscription option and plastering a billboard in peoples faces every time they are on the site. right now it feels more like a billboard than an advert. that said I don't sub to this site and I don't plan to either. people are free to say that "free users cry loudest" but really thats just bull.

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Unless the non paying members are posting from a free internet access café, I always find it hard to understand how people claim they "can't afford" to pay for a membership, have no problem paying for the internet service that allows the same people to complain how the can't afford a membership.


paying for current bills you've already laid out a buget for is one thing. adding furthur expenses on top of that regardless of how big or small they may be can make a big difference in being able to afford other things. so someone able to afford paying for thier internet but not a membership is entirely understandable. no offence ment in saying this but you seem to simply lack the perspective to see that and understand it.


I enjoy using this site but there is a difference between advertising a subscription option and plastering a billboard in peoples faces every time they are on the site. right now it feels more like a billboard than an advert. that said I don't sub to this site and I don't plan to either. people are free to say that "free users cry loudest" but really thats just bull.




A one time payment of $2 gets rid of the ads forever.

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people are free to say that "free users cry loudest" but really thats just bull.

It's actually not "just bull" even if all you consider are responses from free users right here in this very thread. They're the only ones complaining, yet doing nothing to help themselves with the problem.


And before you repeat your story of being unable to afford to pay for stuff above and beyond your internet, if $2 is too big a financial burden to ever consider it, you don't belong on the internet at all because you have obviously got more important things to spend your monthly ISP costs on.

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Method of payment might be a bigger deal to some people than the actual amount. I myself delayed going premium for a couple of years because of not wanting to use my card online again. It's not that I don't do online payments, but it isn't something I do casually and I didn't think a membership was a necessity considering it was already free. If I could have mailed in a check I would have been a member a few years earlier.


I know that may sound really stupid to anyone who grew up in this era, but I grew up in a different era.

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Method of payment might be a bigger deal to some people than the actual amount. I myself delayed going premium for a couple of years because of not wanting to use my card online again. It's not that I don't do online payments, but it isn't something I do casually and I didn't think a membership was a necessity considering it was already free. If I could have mailed in a check I would have been a member a few years earlier.


I know that may sound really stupid to anyone who grew up in this era, but I grew up in a different era.


I'm with you RG ... I'd even go as far as paying extra to get a money order or cashier's cheque if I could (in Euro or pounds).

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A one time payment of $2 gets rid of ads forever.

I did that years ago, and I still use adblock just out of habit. Regardless some update changed downloading just a few minutes ago for me. Not sure if this is some rate limit or not. But they changed the download screen to push premium harder. Earlier I could download mods, but now Vortex is not registering when I tell it to do the slow download. Even vomited out an error of unrecognized download.

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A one time payment of $2 gets rid of ads forever.

I did that years ago, and I still use adblock just out of habit. Regardless some update changed downloading just a few minutes ago for me. Not sure if this is some rate limit or not. But they changed the download screen to push premium harder. Earlier I could download mods, but now Vortex is not registering when I tell it to do the slow download. Even vomited out an error of unrecognized download.


Same here, the site won't seem to even let me download files at all

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