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Save - Revert or newest file? Skyrim se Old timer needs help


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I cannot figure this out. I install a mod and get a pop up telling me to " save -- Revert--- or use newest file" I get the same thing when I remove a mod. I have spent hours reading the forums and can't find any guidance. I just wanted to install "A quality world map" If i save it says I will delete 4 files.........

If I remove a mod why would I save files????

Any way to sort this out, it would seem to me if I remove a mod I would revert and to install I would save. The use the newer file seems like that should not even be an option. There must be a simpler way for me to look at it to make the correct choice.

Please help and Thank you


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In what cases would you use "Revert or Save?" Oddly "use newest" is one I have not used, so should uninstall the few mods that I already installed using save and reinstall them? I know that there are many players that look at that Vortex group of choices and find it easy to decipher the correct answer but for me I keep trying to figure out a rule set that I can follow to get my mods working. Any help would be appreciated!



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I looked back 51 pages hoping someone asked this question with no result. I think that is what messed up the skyrim se game i was playing, I tried to revert a graphics mod then opened the game and it was unplayable. So I started a new profile and wanted to not guess when installing my mods. I appreciate you trying to help, I noticed that you have spent much of your time helping folks with Vortex, perhaps one of the moderators will jump in and be able to set framework for each option.

Thank you


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