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Skyrim Dragonborn


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Spears, Stalhrim armor, a return to a Morrowind location (Solstheim was one of my favorite parts of TES III); this seems like it's going to be awesome. Even the plotline seems decent; I like the idea of possibly fighting another dragonborn/dovahkiin Highlander style (there can be only one!). I'm definitely looking forward to this, and I personally think it's worth the possible 30 day wait for the PC release. We'll most likely get more modding opportunities as well. Edited by DeathWarrior
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Here is some small things I noticed:


0:05- Top right corner of the screen is a red banner. It appears to have some sort of animal on it, possible a bear or wolf?

0:18- Some sort of magic ritual at what appears to be Shaak.

0:22-look towards to right at the main island. Their is what looks like a storm over there. You can see a flash. Maybe more dynamic weather is coming?

0:27-Morrowind Netch

1:00 Some cool looking armor and a spear

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PC has to wight 30 days just like the last 2 DLCs *sigh* I just hope it has all the things that where in the trailer and it's main quest is longer then the Vanilla one.


Microsoft only had 30 day exclusive rights to only TWO of Skyrim's DLC's. Both Dawnguard and Hearthfire were 30 day exclusive, so Dragonborn should not be. If it is then we were lied to. So PC just might get the Dec 4th release date like 360. However, Playstation 3 players haven't gotten a single piece of DLC because none of them are running properly on the system. Dawnguard causes massive slowdowns and Skyrim itself experienced major issues on release date with the system as well. So, we shouldn't complain to much. Plus, I've started to get used to 360 players being our beta testers lol.


Anyway, all should be fine. Maybe they only advertised for the 360 due to the massive amount of players that play on that system, who knows; we'll just have to wait and see.




To be perfectly honest, even though I don't want to have to wait for this because A, I'm very excited for this DLC in particular, but more importantly B, we were lied to, I'd actually feel somewhat better if Bethesda fixed the PS3 issues and we and Xbox had to wait 30 days for them. I mean, I'd rather no wait for any of us, but if anyone deservers better treatment at this point, it's PS3 players.


Well, I do agree with you on those points. While we PC players and the 360 players are going to be able to experience our DLC's, it's already apparent that PS3 people might just get left out in the cold. Bethesda admitted that Dawnguards performance on PS3 is unsatisfactory. Here is a link with what they had to day about the performance: http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/08/02/bethesda-not-yet-satisfied-with-dawnguards-performance-on-the-ps3


Here is a snippet of the news one of the Devs had to say:


"It's been a few weeks, and we wanted to make sure everyone knows where we're at with Dawnguard. Skyrim is a massive and dynamic game that requires a lot of resources, and things get much more complex when you're talking about sizable content like Dawnguard. We have tried a number of things, but none of them solve the issue enough to make Dawnguard good for everyone. The PS3 is a powerful system, and we're working hard to deliver the content you guys want. Dawnguard is obviously not the only DLC we’ve been working on either, so the issues of adding content get even more complicated. This is not a problem we’re positive we can solve, but we are working together with Sony to try to bring you this content.


“We wish we had a more definitive answer right now. We understand the frustration when the same content is not available on all platforms. When we have an update, we will certainly let you know. We deeply appreciate all the time and support you have given us, and we’ll keep doing our best to return that.”


So according to what they said above, if nothing can be done, then there may never be DLC for PS3. They've been at it for almost a year; I mean, how long can one possibly keep going until it gets to the point where you're basically beating a dead horse, y'know? Plus, just take into account that if just Dawnguard is causing problems, then imagine what a massive DLC like Dragonborn will do alone; now combine the two....yeah, doesn't seem very pretty.

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I think we will get more Shouts and a Shout that makes you jump 30 feet in the air.



then i'll be able to jump up and swat the dragons that refuse to land before i get the Dragonrend shout.


that will be awesome :thumbsup:

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Okay, I'll repost here what I think:



Well, not spoilers, just some more theories, propaganda and notifications I made.


As said on video, this Dragon Priest is not normal man like rest of the dragon priests once were, as this Dragon Priest is Dragonborn, and thus can absorb souls of slain Dragons.


The dark and greeny area shown on video is definitely Apycrypha, The plane of oblivion which belongs to Hermaeus Mora.

You can notice in fullscreen view of the video that there is tons of books around everywhere on that dark area.


Somehow it sounds to me like the Dragon Priest is stuck in this plain of oblivion. "But he seeks to return"


On 00:48, you can see the orange aura/glow around character.

Do you think it looks a bit like Alduin? Is Alduin somehow related to this? At least the horns are a bit similiar and the spikes on back.


00:57, he has dragonbone arrows. Nothing too big, just that those shouldn't be shown as those are part of "Dawnguard", not this DLC.

1:00, irony bear helmet, hooray!


Okay, now this gets weird.

1:04, Ash zombies? Minions of Dagoth Ur?

1:06, is that riekling.. Throwing spears? Throwable spears?! *Evil laugh*

1:07, Nice mask you got there. Also, armor looks like some sort of "lesser dragon priest" armor, possibly minion?

1:09, flying Dragon, and High Hrotgar on the backround, so you can fly in Skyrim too? Just wondering what they did to cities so you can't fly inside "empty" city.


1:18, evil dragon-like voice. Scary.

1:24, yes yes, you were first. But you seem to be stuck in Apocrypha. Shame on you.

Mind the Mask and armor. Nice isn't it?


About release date, Hearthfire had timed exclusivity. unless Microsoft is really trying to ruin Skyrim, I guess Dragonborn is coming out soon after the Xbox version, though Bethesda might not say this.

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