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Laser rifle recoil


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But it causes an impact which means there is a physical side to it

That would imply that there's a force going through the beam and coming back to the user. That's not the case with a laser, because it doesn't have weight. It doesn't push. At least not in the traditional sense. The fact that light hits something has no impact in the way you describe, otherwise a flashlight would also be pushed out of my hands due to the force it would give. There is no force.

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Are we talking about realistically, or game mechanics?

Or are we talking about realistically VS game mechanics?


If we're talking about realism, sadly enough, most of us will not have any kind of actual experience or knowledge of how a [Weaponised] laser actually really works, aside from a laser scalpel. Which really, doesn't fall into the weapon category.


Which, for the most part is pretty much just like utilizing a laser pointer. Other than it has to be kept close to the target area.


Generally speaking IRL recoil is produced by 3 things. The sonic boom at the end of the barrel, throwing the barrel either up and back, or sideways and back. (I'm counting diagonally there as well). The impact of the round going off in the chamber. And the travel of mechanical parts that extract the spent round.


Other than that I'm gonna hold back on further comment until I know which mechanic we're talking about.

A good read so far tho :smile:

Edited by StormWolf01
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Short answer to pretty much any "why <weapon> <ability>" question: Because video games.



- Why is my noodle-armed PC able to wield Smough's hammer in Dark Souls? Answer: Because video games.

- Why are legendary effects like Deadeye and Twoshot a thing. See above.


Fallout 4 is the first BGS game where they somewhat tried to balance stuff at least a little bit (in Survival Mode that is). If you ask "why recoil?" the next logical question would be "why no constant or at least longer duration beam? Just burn through those BOS soldiers in their heavy Power Armor like they are made out of butter."


There might be better ideas to do this, like overheating, but... you know... players will always find something to b&amp;@*&#036; about.

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