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Oblivion Modding BOSS vs. Vortex - Fight!


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Actually, that is exactly the issue. Everyone responding here is missing the point. I don't want Vortex to communicate with BOSS. Seems to me that if auto sort is turned off, then Vortex shouldn't communicate with ANY version of plugins.txt. It shouldn't touch load order at all.


edit: after some digging, it appears that despite Vortex displaying its version of plugins.txt as the actual load order, as long as auto sort is turned off, the true load order remained what BOSS set it too. This was proved by sorting using Vortex/LOOT. I verified (by checking the dates) in the Data file (Oblivion handles load order by file date)

I shut down Vortex


I then sorted with BOSS. I verified (by checking the dates) in the Data file.


I opened Vortex (with auto sort turned off) and it was still showing what was in the Vortex/LOOT version of plugins.txt. Closed Vortex, checked the Data folder and it was still showing the BOSS dated/sort.


So now my question is, shouldn't Vortex be able to correctly read the actual sort order?

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I'm curious, is there a good reason why the community refused to adopt LOOT wholesale?


Because a couple of updates ago LOOT was still trying to push it's masterlist down our throats with all their grouping and irrational load orders. Very hard to make adjustments to the load order.
But it's getting better now since they dumped the grouping thing.


It's easier now to make adjustments to the general LOOT load order and that suits me better.


I'm happy now :happy:


Thanks for asking



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Vortex uses the loadorder.txt/plugins.txt file (depending on the game) to store the load order, even for Oblivion. It then also updates the file times accordingly, but it never _reads_ the file times to figure out the load order.

So yes, in oblivion, if you disable auto sorting, the plugin screen will show the incorrect order.

You are welcome to report this as a bug through the feedback system or on github but I'm going to be honest: I don't consider this particularly high priority.

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One quick addition to above. If you DEPLOY, the load order will revert to the Vortex order in plugins.txt. I suppose disable auto-sort means it won't resort, but it will use plugins.txt as part of the deployment. So, if you use BOSS, it will need to be rerun after you deployed.

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