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Coronavirus - Is there a silver lining?


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Ha! Go check the CDC website and compare the death toll for regular annual flu and deaths 'from' the COVID19 virus. They're almost exactly the same. It looks more and more like governments have found a new 'terror' to spook the folk and pass legislations that otherwise would get heavy duty protest...


There is a bit of timeframe difference though Jimmy ... flu is for an entire year (we haven't had quite that long with this newest craze).


Sure, but flu is seasonal and never lasts an entire year. Or it does, when you consider that Fall and Winter fall in different months in the Western and Eastern hemispheres. Summer in Europe is Winter in Australia and so on.


Then there's the fact that all over the world, doctors can put 'Corona Virus' on the dearh certificate when there's even but a hint of a suspicion someone showed 'symptoms' of the virus before dying. That's why in Belgium, for instance, in homes for the elderly there's so 'many' deaths attributed to Corona. People who in normal circumstances would have died of 'natural causes' now all of a sudden died from Corona because they coughed a few times before dying.

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Ha! Go check the CDC website and compare the death toll for regular annual flu and deaths 'from' the COVID19 virus. They're almost exactly the same. It looks more and more like governments have found a new 'terror' to spook the folk and pass legislations that otherwise would get heavy duty protest...


There is a bit of timeframe difference though Jimmy ... flu is for an entire year (we haven't had quite that long with this newest craze).


Sure, but flu is seasonal and never lasts an entire year. Or it does, when you consider that Fall and Winter fall in different months in the Western and Eastern hemispheres. Summer in Europe is Winter in Australia and so on.


Then there's the fact that all over the world, doctors can put 'Corona Virus' on the dearh certificate when there's even but a hint of a suspicion someone showed 'symptoms' of the virus before dying. That's why in Belgium, for instance, in homes for the elderly there's so 'many' deaths attributed to Corona. People who in normal circumstances would have died of 'natural causes' now all of a sudden died from Corona because they coughed a few times before dying.


That would be Northern, and Southern Hemispheres. :)


The pandemic has not yet run its course, so, we don't have solid data on how the two disease compare yet. We likely won't until some time next year. Same thing for mortality rate. The biggest difference between the flu, and covid, is we have a vaccine for the the flu......

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Ha! Go check the CDC website and compare the death toll for regular annual flu and deaths 'from' the COVID19 virus. They're almost exactly the same. It looks more and more like governments have found a new 'terror' to spook the folk and pass legislations that otherwise would get heavy duty protest...


There is a bit of timeframe difference though Jimmy ... flu is for an entire year (we haven't had quite that long with this newest craze).


Sure, but flu is seasonal and never lasts an entire year. Or it does, when you consider that Fall and Winter fall in different months in the Western and Eastern hemispheres. Summer in Europe is Winter in Australia and so on.


Then there's the fact that all over the world, doctors can put 'Corona Virus' on the dearh certificate when there's even but a hint of a suspicion someone showed 'symptoms' of the virus before dying. That's why in Belgium, for instance, in homes for the elderly there's so 'many' deaths attributed to Corona. People who in normal circumstances would have died of 'natural causes' now all of a sudden died from Corona because they coughed a few times before dying.



I agree that we have no reliable statistics to go by for gauging any aspect of COVID 19.


In Ontario (the Canadian province I live in) we have had the capability to do 13,000 tests per day since about Apr 2nd (before that there wasn't sufficient testing available for reasons of lack of testing equipment or supplies so we had a backlog of tests). Since Apr 2nd it isn't until Apr 23rd that we have come even close to utilising the 13,000 testing capacity (12,295 tests run on Apr 23). From Apr 2nd to Apr 23rd we have completed about 137,000 tests out of a possible 260,000 tests ... that's about 123,000 data points that we could have gathered that we didn't (yup, nearly half gone forever unless you can time travel back and collect them). They were turning people with symptoms away because they didn't meet "the required criteria" for testing.


If we had data maybe the experts could come close to knowing where we are at ... instead we are all in the same leaky boat no matter our level of education.

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Yeah! The politicians are beginning to see someone's livelihood joining the jobless who forgot to save enough to support their huge families Sheppard flock, ranchers cow herd, or Farmers croplands.


The mess was building a real big reminder just how the way Obama handled the last pandemic might have been the better way.


They just now sent me an eMail telling me the place where the money is, isn't following the Governors orders for awhile. At least, until they feel their new interior redecorating is done. Now I know where part of my money is being spent. :laugh:

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Belgium has the highest death rate of all countries. Not a surprise as they appear to be pretty dumb there regarding the virus. Might have to do with their close relationship with communist China. I guess if you lay with a dog you should expect fleas.

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Belgium has the highest death rate of all countries. Not a surprise as they appear to be pretty dumb there regarding the virus. Might have to do with their close relationship with communist China. I guess if you lay with a dog you should expect fleas.

Do yoursel a favour Jose and read what's been written. It might prevent you from sticking a whole regiment's worth of feet in that mouth of yours. It sure is big enough and must take-up so much space in your head there's little room left for a brain, it seems.

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I can't believe another guy fell for that old routine.

MrJoseCuervo must of hit his head. He clearly is acting as though he is afraid. LIke the time Sun Tzu thought he was going to lose his job. The Emperor told him he could keep his job if he could make the Emperor's concubines into a fighting force.

If you haven't read that part of Sun Tzu's memoirs you won't be able to understand why MrJoseCuervo is playing words like he is.

He's afraid if things don't go his way, in the business world, he'll be back picking peas for a living.

Won't it be great?! Weapons Dealers suffering for a change, war planes, tanks, and you name it will be backed up in the factories rusting. OH my (what being your pray to here)! They'll be wearing their own camo's soon to hide from the poor whose lives war always ruins.

The weapons dealers are hurting so much they got MrJoseCuervo trying to fan the fires of War so the weapons dealers can get back in business.

I'll bet he's heard someone say to him, Bless your Pea Pickin Heart and it reminded him of every time he heard Ernie Ford singing 16 tons what'll you get. Another day older and deeper in debt.

Only he thinks he'll be going back to the farm empty handed and have to go back to growing peas. The thought that; after all these wonderful years of selling people on War, he's finally going back to the place Saddam did, where they caught him.

Hiding in a fancy garden storage box.

I 'll bet it just grinds on his mind and makes his tongue itch thinking that someone will find out he's just the gardeners helper.

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I'm not sure how this thread turned into being about me, but I have been making more money than ever since the virus hit. It's the nature of the work I do. Sadly it has killed my travel though.


But none of this changes the fact that Belgium, the globalist China loving nation that it is, has completely failed to protect it's people.

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I'm not sure how this thread turned into being about me, but I have been making more money than ever since the virus hit. It's the nature of the work I do. Sadly it has killed my travel though.


But none of this changes the fact that Belgium, the globalist China loving nation that it is, has completely failed to protect it's people.


Oh! I see. I understand. You're innocent of the fact you're in a foreign country and playing the part of a salesman selling them seeds. Seeds of dissension.


I don't take offense to your act. I am familiar with selling food in packages of seeds. Corn, squash, cucumbers, and even flowers before the people in the United States of America started putting up signs on their doors. NO SOLICITORS ALLOWED.


So what are you earning money doing? Which of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse are you a minion of? Or do you even know or care? Just as long as you get paid. Rite?! The platoon commander made it very clear he was our god while we were in boot camp. I'm a Marine.


Who is your God?


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