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Coronavirus - Is there a silver lining?


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Yeah! Some of us old codgers will live longer now!


Because the young aren't spreading their germs from family activities they brought to work.


The ones who were determined to keep their jobs and that they come in sick will be wearing masks.


And those who didn't care won't be sneezing all over the shelves as they are stocking groceries and putting fresh vegetables in the produce section. On and on, because they didn't think the sniffles was a sign of serious health issues because they skip health class in junior and high school because their family had owned a local business so they were set for life owning Ghost to Ghost across the nation and around the world.


Like Walker's Pneumonia or one of the other Flu like Lung Congesting diseases.

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The only solution to most of our problems is fewer people.

This has actually been well and truly debunked using facts and logic but you seem to be rather timid about honestly seeking out and engaging with the best arguments against your own cherished opinions so I'm not surprised that you still think that it's true.


But even if it were true, the solution would be fewer people being born, not people dying earlier.


Here's a solution to a problem that you can actively contribute to: stop spreading bullsh!t on the internet.

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The only solution to most of our problems is fewer people.

This has actually been well and truly debunked using facts and logic but you seem to be rather timid about honestly seeking out and engaging with the best arguments against your own cherished opinions so I'm not surprised that you still think that it's true.


But even if it were true, the solution would be fewer people being born, not people dying earlier.


Here's a solution to a problem that you can actively contribute to: stop spreading bullsh!t on the internet.


It has? Really? When?? I must have missed that.


Population (overpopulation..) IS a problem. Just ask the folks in China, or India......

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The only solution to most of our problems is fewer people.

This has actually been well and truly debunked using facts and logic but you seem to be rather timid about honestly seeking out and engaging with the best arguments against your own cherished opinions so I'm not surprised that you still think that it's true.


But even if it were true, the solution would be fewer people being born, not people dying earlier.


Here's a solution to a problem that you can actively contribute to: stop spreading bullsh!t on the internet.


It has? Really? When?? I must have missed that.


Population (overpopulation..) IS a problem. Just ask the folks in China, or India......




Overpopulation is not the problem. Proper dissemination of resources is the problem. Americans eat more per year than most other countries combined. Americans also throw away more perfectly usable food than the nutritional requirements of most of the rest of the world combined. And to be clear, Australia isn't much better, though obviously our lower population means the numbers are lower, the actual percentages are in some instances higher than America.


Of course one solution would be to halve the worlds population, but the question then becomes who gets picked? Are you volunteering? Should we ask Thanos to step in and help?

It's a fallacy perpetuated by idiots and narcissists who live by the mantra "Rules for thee, but not for me".

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It has? Really? When?? I must have missed that.



Population (overpopulation..) IS a problem. Just ask the folks in China, or India......


Regional overpopulation is a problem but MrJoseCuervo was talking about global overpopulation, specifically with regard to anthropogenic climate change.


It has? Really? When?? I must have missed that.

You could have typed roughly the equivalent amount of characters into Google in the form of a relevant query and now not be missing it.

Edited by gnarly1
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So which would be easier: Moving resources to where the people need them, or having the people move to where the resources are? Or, maybe, just maybe..... not over-populating an area beyond what its local resources can support??? Wouldn't that be novel?

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